Seventy-One: "How to Get Away with Murder"

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Jughead's Voiceover
Well, it finally happened,the moment we've all been waiting for. A fire in the woods. Three friends in their underwear,covered in blood.
In the Woods
Archie and zzzm throws Jughead's beanie in the fire
Jughead's Voiceover
My iconic beanie up in smoke. Driving back to Riverdale,they didn't say one word to each other.
They should've. They should've gotten their stories straight."
In Pembroke,living room/Dining room
Veronica walks in her underwear
Veronica closes the door and locks it
Hiram speaking in Spanish
Hiram says to Veronica "Mija? Que paso?"
Hermione says to Veronica "And where are your clothes?"
Veronica says to Hermione "Oh. Um... I got coaxed into an intense game of strip poker at that stupid Stonewall Prep party. Lost my shirt, as they say. Oh, well."
Veronica speaks in French
Veronica says to Hiram and Hermione "C'est la vie."
In Andrews house,hallway
Archie walks in his boxers
Archie closes the door
Mary says to Archie "Archie,what are you doing?
It's almost three o'clock in the morning. Why are you in your boxers?"
Archie looks down
Archie says to Mary "Everything's okay, Mom.
I was just at a, uh...a...A...A  Stonewall party.
We all went skinny-dipping. Some preppies stole
our clothes as a prank."
Mary says to Archie "Oh."
Archie says to Mary "What are you doing up?"
Mary says to Archie "I had insomnia. Are you okay? You look..."
Archie says to Mary "Yeah. No, everything's fine.
I'm sorry it's so late. I'm gonna go up to bed."
Archie walks upstairs
In the coopers house,hallway
Betty walks in
Betty shuts the door
Alice turns the light on
Alice says to Betty "Elizabeth,you better have a good explanation for keeping me up till all hours of the night."
Alice walks downstairs
Alice says to Betty "And why are you in your underwear?"
Betty says to Alice "I..."
Alice says to Betty "Is that blood on your bra?"
Betty says to Alice "No. Relax, it's red wine."
Alice says to Betty "Underage drinking in the
middle of the night, half-naked..."
Betty says to Alice "No, I wasn't even drinking.
I went to a stupid Stonewall party that turned out to be toga-themed. Bret spilled a whole bottle of wine all over me and I couldn't stand the smell."
Alice says to Betty "Okay, but I don't understand.
Where are your clothes?"
Betty says to Alice "I put a sink to soak off. And when I was leaving,I couldn't find them."
Alice says to Betty "Okay, that makes no sense. So, Jughead couldn't just lend you one of his grungy flannels?"
Betty says to Alice "I'm tired, I need to wash up,
and go to bed, okay? I'm sorry."
Betty walks upstairs
Alice says to Betty "What...? Be... Betty."
In Betty's bedroom
Betty shuts her door
Betty whimpering
Jughead's Voiceover
That's the thing about murder,you've gotta have
the stomach for it.
Betty retching
Jughead's Voiceover
Especially if all signs point to you having committed it.
In Pop's
Betty says to Varchie "Toga party, strip poker,
and skinny-dipping. Those are three wildly different activities.If our parents compare notes,
we could be in deep, deep trouble."
Archie says to Betty "I panicked, Betty. I blurted out the first thing that came to mind."
Veronica says to Betty "Me too."
Betty says to Varchie "Me, three. But this is exactly the kind of mistake we can't afford to make.  Charles made that abundantly clear."
Archie says to Betty "I keep thinking we should've called someone other than Charles."
Betty says to Archie "No, Charles was the right call to make.He's had experience dealing with..."
Veronica says to Betty "Bodies.Dead bodies."
Betty says to Veronica "As a matter of fact, yeah. He's an expert. Without him, we would all be in jail right now."
Veronica says to Betty "For what? We didn't
do anything, did we? Did we, Betty? When Archie and I found you and Jughead..."
Betty says to Veronica "I had just found Jughead, too."
Veronica says to Betty "You were holding the rock."
Betty says to Veronica "Yes, I... I picked up the rock. That was a stupid mistake. I played right into their trap. Those psychotic preppies are
trying to frame us for murder."
Veronica says to Betty  "Why us? They barely know us."
Betty says to Veronica and Archie "Me, then. They're trying to frame me for Jughead's murder. That has to have been their plan. They wanted me to be caught red-handed standing over Jughead's body,with my DNA smeared all over everything. It's the only thing that makes sense. Okay. Okay, we have to be smart about this. We have to take them down.We cannot let them get away with this,with what they've done."
Veronica says to Betty "Betty, why would they
want to murder Jughead?"
Betty says to Veronica "Maybe Jughead got closer to the truth about Chipping's death than they liked. Or maybe..."
Archie says to Betty "Maybe what?"
Betty says to Varchie "Maybe this is just a game to them. This whole thing is a game or an
experiment to commit the perfect murder."
Veronica says to Betty "If it's a game,then it's a sick one."
Kevin walks over to Varchie and Barchie
Kevin says to Varchie and Barchie "Hey, guys. What's up? Can I join you?"
Archie says to Kevin "Actually, Kev, we're kind of in the middle of something right now. Catch you later?"
Kevin says to Archie "Uh, yeah,of course."
Kevin walks off
Betty says to Archie "Archie, that was exactly
the wrong thing to do. We have to pretend to be
normal. Everything is normal."
Betty says to Kevin "Kev! Come back. Archie's just kidding."
Kevin walks back
Betty says to Archie "Right, Arch?"
Archie says to Kevin "Yeah. Sorry, Kev,my bad."
Kevin says to Archie "All good."
Kevin sits down
Kevin says to Varchie and Barchie "What are you guys talking about? Seems intense."
Betty says to Kevin "No. Nope,nothing. How's everything going with the musical,have you decided what you're doing?"
Kevin says to Betty "Yeah."
In Andrews house,hallway
Archie walks in
Archie shuts the door
In the kitchen
Archie walks in the kitchen
Mary says to Archie "Oh, good. Archie, you're home.Remember my friend from Sarah Florence,
Brooke Rivers?"
Archie says to Brooke "And from the Naval Academy, right?"
Brooke nods her head
Archie says to Brooke "Nice to see you again, Counselor Rivers."
Brooke says to Archie "Yeah."
Brooke and Archie shakes hands
Mary says to Archie "So, Brooke was just in town for a visit,and we were catching up.And of course, I told her about your situation."
Archie looks shocked
Archie says to Mary "What situation?"
Mary says to Archie "Oh, with school and colleges. And she thought...Well, we thought
that we might have an idea."
Brooke says to Archie "Archie, I was talking
with your mom,and I was telling her how impressed I was with you when we met last year."
Archie says to Brooke "Really? Even though I passed out and fell flat on my face before the exhibition match?"
Brooke says to Archie "People can be taught
to know their limits. They can't be taught
gumption and fortitude.That's what I see in you.
That's why I'd be willing to recommend you to the Commandant for the Naval Academy.If you're interested."
Archie says to Brooke "The Naval Academy?"
Mary says to Archie "It's a long shot,but it could be a path forward. Assuming you'd want it, Archie."
Archie says to Mary "Sure, Mom.Yeah, that sounds great."
Archie says to Brooke "Thank you, Counselor Rivers."
Mary says to Archie "Would you like to join us?"
Archie says to Mary "Uh, I think I'm gonna go
for a run, actually."
Archie says to Brooke "Thanks again."
Archie walks out
In Pembroke,Living Room/Dining Room
Veronica walks in
Veronica shuts the door
Hermosa speaks in Spanish
Hermosa says to Veronica "Hermanita.You're just in time."
Hermosa sits down
Veronica says to Hermosa "No offense, Hermosa,
but I am not in the mood to pretend like I can stomach your antics."
Hiram says to Veronica "Veronica.Honey,why don't you take a seat. We've got something
important to discuss."
Veronica says to Hermione "Okay."
Veronica puts her bag down
Veronica sits down
Hiram says to Veronica "Mija,I've decided to update my will."
Veronica says to Hiram "Your will? And, let me guess...this was Hermosa's idea?"
Hermosa says to Veronica "Me? And why would you think that?"
Veronica says to Hermosa "Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you always seem to show up when it suits you."
Hermosa says to Veronica "And you're so much better? Changing your name,deliberately undermining Papi's rum business."
Veronica says to Hermosa "As usual, you have no idea what the hell you're talking about,so why don't you sink back to  whatever Florida swamp you crawled..."
Hiram speaks in Spanish
Hiram says to Veronica "Enough! I'm the one who wanted this. As a precaution. Just in case.
It's a normal thing,people do this."
Veronica says to Hiram "Normal? Are we really going to play this game? Are you seriously going to pretend like this is normal?"
Hermione says to Veronica "Veronica..."
Veronica stands up
Veronica says to Hermione "No, Mom, I'm sorry,
but I can't take this. There's only so much pretending I can do."
Veronica sighs
Veronica says to Hiram "You really want me to
sign off on your will, Daddy? Don't you think you should've been honest with me first? About what everyone in this room knows is happening,even if they're too scared to talk about it."
Veronica rips the will
Veronica throws the will on the table
Veronica says to Hiram "There,that's what I think
about your will."
Veronica walks off
In Betty's bedroom
Betty exhales
Line ringing
Betty says to Fp "Mr. Jones? Hey, it's Betty.
Um...I'm sorry to bother you,but I haven't heard from Jug all morning,and I'm starting to get
a little worried. Have you talked to him? Just at the party last night.The only thing I can think of is that he went somewhere to write.I know he had to finish a draft of his novel. No. You know what, I can go to Stonewall Prep and see if he's there.
I have to pick up some stuff I left in his room anyway. Thanks, Mr. Jones. I'll do the same.
I'll let you know if I hear anything."
Betty ends the call
Betty says to Charles "How was that?"
Charles says to Betty "Very convincing. You did exactly what you'd do if you hadn't heard from Jughead for a few hours. Are you ready to go into the lion's den?"
Betty says to Charles "I think so."
Charles says to Betty "Okay. In that case, here's the bug."
Charles gives Betty a bug
Betty takes the bug
Charles says to Betty "And remember,besides planting it, our goal is to..."
Betty says to Charles "Find out what they know,
what they think happened and what they thought was going to happen."
In Stonewall,dorm room
Betty knocks on the door
Bret speaks indistinctly
Betty opens the door
Bret says to Betty "Oh,hey, Ponytail, what's up?"
Betty says to Bret and Donna "Hi. I haven't heard
from Jughead today.I wanted to know if you guys had seen him."
Bret says to Betty "No. Not since the party."
Donna says to Betty "Not since the two of you walked off into the woods together."
Betty says to Donna "We didn't do that.You and I went into the woods together, Donna."
Donna says to Betty "Did we? All I remember is,
you met up with Jughead and peeled off together, hand in hand."
Betty says to Donna "That... didn't happen."
Donna says to Betty "It did."
Betty says to Donna "Hmm."
Donna says to Betty "Maybe you don't remember were pretty drunk.I'm surprised
you didn't black out. Or did you black out?"
Betty puts her hands in firsts
Betty says to Donna "No,I was fully conscious
the entire time."
Donna says to Betty "Are you sure about that?
Because your friend Evelyn Evernever said you have a history of blacking out...and doing terrible things."
Betty says to Bret "Bret, how about you? Did you and Jug have any interesting chats at the party?"
Bret says to Betty "Oh, no.Not really. Forsythe was in a mood,more than usual. He had a bunny mask on."
Bret stands up
Bret says to Betty "Last thing I remember was him saying that he was gonna meet up with you in the woods,which I assume happened."
Betty says to Bret "It didn't.He did say he wanted though."
Donna says to Betty "So, Betty, are you saying you and Jughead didn't meet up in the woods?"
Betty says to Donna "Yeah, that's exactly
what I'm saying. I'm saying you and I went into the woods together."
Donna says to Betty "And then what happened?
Don't you remember? If you're that worried about Jughead,maybe you should call the police."
Betty says to Donna "Oh, I already told his father,
the Sheriff. So he's aware."
Bret says to Jughead "Interesting."
Donna says to Bret "Shut up, Bret."
Donna says to Betty "Well, I'm sure he'll turn up,
but let us know if you hear anything."
Betty says to Donna "Will do."
Betty is walking out
Donna says to Betty "Oh, and, Betty,let us know if you remember whatever happened when you blacked out."
Betty walks out
Betty bumps into Joan
Joan says to Betty "Watch where you're going."
Betty says to Joan "Yeah, back at ya."
Betty walks up the Steps
In La Bonne Nuit
Veronica pours a drink of Rum
Veronica says to Archie "My dad made out a will, and he still refuses to admit that he's sick."
Veronica drinking
Archie says to Veronica "My mom wants to ship me off to the Navy."
Veronica says to Archie "What?"
Archie says to Veronica "And I don't even care. Ronnie,all I can think about is..."
Veronica says to Archie "I know. Betty. Me too.
That's kind of why I texted you, Archie. Why was Betty holding the rock?"
Archie says to Veronica "Because she picked it up."
Veronica says to Archie "Why? Why would she do that?  She knows about fingerprints and DNA."
Archie says to Veronica "What do you think happened?"
Veronica says to Archie "I don't know,maybe...
she had an episode."
Archie says to Veronica "Ronnie, come on."
Veronica says to Archie "Archie, you didn't see her sophomore year with Chuck Clayton in the hot tub. She went full Sybil. She thought she was Polly and Chuck was Jason.And, I swear,for a minute there...I thought she was going to drown him. It was terrifying.  And even more terrifying was that the next day,she didn't even remember it. It was like she blacked out."
Archie says to Veronica "That was Chuck Clayton,
this is Jughead. She... She would never."
Veronica says to Archie "What if she didn't know
she was doing it? We saw her, Archie. With the rock. Covered in blood."
In prison
Betty says to Evelyn "Hello, Evelyn."
Evelyn says to Betty "It's nice to see you again, Betty. So, tell me, what can I do for you this time?"

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