Chapter Fifteen: Nighthawks

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Jughead's voiceover
Previously on Riverdale...
In Pops
The Black Hood shots Fred
Pop Tate says to Jughead "This man,his goal was something else.It was like the angel of death had come to Riverdale."
In Mrs Grundy's house
Geraldine gasping
In Town Hall Hallway
Jughead says to Dilton "Hello,Dilton."
Dilton says to Jughead "Somebody has to teach them to stand their ground."
In Andrews House
Janet says to Jughead "Your father's facing serious jail time."
At FP's trailer
Tall Boy says to Jughead "Serpents take care of their own.We got your back."
In Pembrooke,Hallway
Veronica says to Smithers "Smithers,would you describe my father as a good man?"
Smithers says to Veronica "I'd rather not say, miss."
In Paul's office
Paul says to Veronica "I told your father you were conflicted about helping him."
Veronica reads to Paul "If you do not testify,your mother might be drawn into this mess."
In Fred's Hospital Room
Archie says to Fred "Whether Sheriff Keller finds the person who did this or not,you don't have to worry.I'm gonna protect you,I swear it."
Jughead's voiceover
Behold,Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe.For decades,the heart of Riverdale."
Outside of Pops
Jughead says to himself "What the hell?"
Jughead's voiceover
Now the latest casualty in the town's ongoing battle against darkness.
In Pops
Jughead walks into Pops and Pop looks annoyed
Jughead says to Pop Tate "Pop?"
Pop Tate says to Jughead "Did you see? Did you see what they wrote on my Chock'lit Shoppe?"
In Andrews house,Kitchen
Archie says to himself "No,no,no."
Archie gets the burned toast out of the toaster and Fred walks into the kitchen in his pyjamas
Fred says to Archie "Ahem.We need a fire extinguisher?"
Archie says to Fred "What are you doing up? I was gonna bring you breakfast."
Fred says to Archie "I appreciate it son,but I gotta get to moving around sometime."
Archie drinking beer in one go
Fred says to Archie "Little early for that,isn't it?"
Archie says to Fred "No,I'm good.The only thing you need to worry about is getting better."
Archie's phone ringing
Archie says to Fred "Crap.I gotta take this.I gotta go.Bye."
Archie heads out of the kitchen and walks half of the stairs
Archie says to deputy "Hi,Sheriff Keller? No.No, deputy,I've been leaving messages for the sheriff.
I need him to call me back about my dad's case."
Archie sighs and ends the call
In Pembrooke,Hallway
Veronica says to Smithers "TTFN,Smithers."
Smithers says to Veronica "Wait,Miss Veronica.You might wanna take the side exit."
Veronica says to Smithers "Why?"
Hiram walks into the Pembroke
Hiram says to Smithers "Yeah,why,Smithers?Because she might bump into me coming in from an early run?"
Veronica says to Hiram "Good morning,Father."
Hiram says to Veronica "Mija, you leave before breakfast,you come home after your mother and I have had dinner.I can't remember the last time we had a meal together as a family." Veronica says to Hiram "I can.It was at the Dakota.The day you got arrested."
Hiram says to Veronica "Well,perhaps we should talk about that tonight,at dinner.The three of us."
Veronica says to Hiram "Unfortunately,I have plans.To quote that New Yorker cartoon How about never,Dad? Is never good for you?"
Veronica walks out
On the football field
Jughead says to Varchie and Betty "It's another win for the bad guys.No one was there.His entire staff quit.He's not sure how long he'll be able to keep the doors open.Maybe not even a week."
Archie says to Bughead and Veronica "It's because of what happened to my dad.People are freaking out.I gotta be honest.I don't see myself going back soon."
Betty says to Varchie and Jughead "Wait,I'm sorry.Am I hearing acceptance? I'm not letting one psychopath with a gun dictate what happens to our place."
Betty says to Jughead "Jug,you went crazy trying to save the drive-in."
Jughead says to Varchie and Betty "I can't take on any more social issues right now.My hands are full."
Betty says to Jughead "With your dad, of course.And he should be your priority."
Jughead sighs
Betty says to Varchie and Jughead "I'll take point on helping Pop Tate." Veronica says to Betty "I'll help too Betty.Anything to get me away from my parents,I'm in."
Jughead says to Varchie and Betty "Another B and V team-up? They should make a video game about you guys.I gotta jet.I'm off to meet my dad's court-appointed joke of a lawyer at the sheriff's station."
Archie says to Jughead "Let me come Jug.I gotta drop some flyers off for Sheriff Keller."
Betty says to Jughead "Bye."
Betty kisses Jughead's cheek
In Police Station
Archie sitting down with Flyers in his hand and Tom walks out of his office and Archie stands up and Archie gives the flyers to Tom and follows Tom
Tom says to Archie "Thanks."
Archie says to Tom "Sheriff Keller."
Tom says to Archie "Archie,how's your dad holding up?"
Archie says to Tom "Honestly he'd be a lot better if you caught the guy who shot him."
Tom says to Archie "We're doing everything we can." 
Archie says to Tom "Yeah.Me, too.I'm out here handing out flyers,talking to neighbors,tracking my dad's credit cards.His wallet is still missing.Which means this guy
has all of our information,including where we live.And we were witnesses.If your guys are out patrolling,let me go with them.I can help."
Tom says to Archie "Well..."
woman over radio
Police Woman says to Tom (over radio) "Code 2,incident 5106.RD-6 took it."
Tom says to woman (Over radio) "In Greendale? All right,copy that.Give me a sec."
Tom says to Archie "Let us do our job.You take care."
Tom walks away
In a Room
FP says to man "Let's talk about the damn deal."
man says to FP "First,to review the charges you're facing,arson,destruction of evidence, making a false confession,obstructing justice,not to mention this whole nasty mess of dumping a dead kid in the river."
FP says to man "I know what I did.What's the deal? What are they offering?"
Man says to FP "You're gonna wanna take it."
Man slides a file to FP
Man says to FP "I've been doing this a long time. It's a strong deal." 
Jughead says to man "How many...damn...years?"
In Andrews House,Hallway
Archie sitting down with a bat
boards rattling and Archie walking with a bat and Archie nearly hits Jughead with a bat
Jughead says to Archie "Whoa,whoa.Whoa."
Archie says to Jughead "Jughead.Are you insane?"
Jughead says to Archie "You're the one that looks like a Dream Warrior from Nightmare on Elm Street 3." Archie says to Jughead "What did the lawyer say?"
Jughead says to Archie  (Tearing Up) "I've been walking around trying to wrap my head around how bad it is.It's bad.My dad is facing 20 years, Archie."
Archie says to Jughead "Crap,Jughead. I'm sorry.That sucks."
Jughead says to Archie "The lawyer thinks he should take the deal.If he doesn't and the case goes to trial,he could be facing 40 years.I'm just really,really scared."
Archie says to Jughead "Yeah,me,too."
Jughead says to Archie "About what?"
Archie imagining the Black Hood gunshot

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