Chapter Thirty-Seven: Fortune and Men's Eyes

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Archie's voiceover
Previously on Riverdale...
In FP's trailer
Dilton says to Jughead "Ben and I,we thought it was just a game.But it's not.It's so much more. He's real.The Gargoyle King."
In the woods
JUGHEAD says to Dilton "Dilton?"
Ben having seizure
Jughead says to Ben "Ben! Hey."
In Pembrooke,Living Room/Dining Room
Veronica says to Hiram "Framing Archie for murder? Conspiring to keep him locked away? You don't have a daughter anymore. "
In Coopers house,Living Room
Polly says to Alice "We could start our own version of the Farm."
Betty says to Alice "You're actually buying this Farm crap that some huckster named Edgar Evernever is selling you?"
In the backyard
Betty having a seizure
ALICE says to Betty "Oh,my God.Betty."
At Sweetwood River Swimming hole
Archie says to Bughead and Veronica "I didn't kill anyone.But I could have."
In Court
Archie says to mary "I have to take responsibility for that.I can't put you and everyone else through this again."
Archie says to judge "I'll take the deal.Your Honor,I'm guilty."
In the episode
At Leopold and Loeb Juvenile Detention Center
JUGHEAD's voiceover
We've all felt it. On the first day of a new school year. Butterflies in the stomach. We've all looked around and wondered,where am I gonna fit in here? Who am I gonna sit with at lunch? Will I even make it till lunch?
At Leopold and Loeb Juvenile Detention Center
Police officer washes Archie with a hose pipe and flour
Jughead's voiceover
Multiply that by a thousand,and that's how Archie Andrews felt as he was being processed at the Leopold and Loeb Juvenile Detention Center.
In Leopold and Loeb Juvenile Detention Center
Archie walking
CAPTAIN GOLIGHTLY says to Archie "Andrews. Warden wants to see you.Let's go."
In a office
Archie walks in
Warden Norton says to Archie "It's Shakespeare. Do you know what it means?"
Archie says to Warden Norton "No,sir."
Warden Norton says to Archie "It means you're alone,and you have no one to blame but yourself. I read your file.Besides killing that boy at Shadow Lake,I'm told you have an affinity for music. We have a music room.No one uses it,but it's there. I keep an orderly house,Mr. Andrews. Respect that and we'll get on just fine.You understand?"
Archie says to Warden Norton "Yes,sir."
In Pops
Fred says to Tom and FP "I just got off the phone with the warden at juvenile hall.He says that Archie's been processed.He's okay."
Veronica pouring coffee
Veronica SIGHS
Veronica says to Fred "Thank God."
Fred says to Tom "Yeah.I got a line on those three thugs who gave false testimony against him."
Tom says to Fred "I'm friends with the sheriff over at Shadow County.They found the remains of a campfire in the deep woods."
Veronica says to Fred,Tom and FP "Archie's in jail,and these cretins are basically camping."
FP says to Tom and Fred "Not for long.We'll make damn sure of that."
Veronica says to Fred,FP and Tom "Meanwhile, I'll keep the home fires burning at Riverdale High,so everyone knows my Archiekins will be back in time for homecoming and everything will be just as he left it."
In Coopers house,Kitchen
Alice says to Polly "Dr. Patel kept Betty overnight for observation,but it was just a precaution."
Polly says to Alice "Well,did he say what caused the seizure?"
Alice says to Polly "They ran tests, but he suspects it's just good,old fashioned stress."
Polly says to Betty "Oh,Betty.I was up all night with the twins.We were so worried about you."
Betty says to Polly "You were worried about me?"
Polly says to Betty "Hmm?"
Betty says to Polly "What about Juniper and Dagwood? Are they all right?"
Alice says to Betty and Polly "Okay,here we go again."
Polly says to Betty "Juniper and Dagwood are napping. They're fine.Why wouldn't they be? "
Alice pours juice
Betty says to Polly "Um,because I saw you and Mom throw the twins into a giant bonfire last night." Alice says to Betty "All right,that's enough.The only thing burning last night was the hibachi in the backyard.We were making skewers with a few friends."
Betty says to Alice "From the Farm?"
Alice says to Betty "Yeah, as a matter of fact."
Polly says to Betty "You must have just had a hallucination while you had the seizure."
Betty glances at Alice
Betty looks at Polly
Betty says to Alice "It was so real."
Alice says to Betty "Sweetheart."
Betty's CELL PHONE BUZZING and it was Jughead Jones
Betty stands up and Betty walks out of the kitchen
In Newspaper Room
Betty says to Jughead "Oh,my God,Dilton is dead?"
Jughead says to Betty "Yeah.And Ben from the drive-in,he's barely hanging on.Doctors don't know when or if he's even gonna wake up.
Sheriff Minetta asked me to keep the whole thing hush-hush for the family's sake."
Jughead SIGHS
Jughead says to Betty "But,Betty,what I saw was..."
Betty says to Jughead "What,Jug?"
Jughead says to Betty "It was like a ritual site. Their lips were blue.There were these chalices that were filled with poison or something.Animal bones were in a circle.The tree had markings on it.There was a winged totem with a skull and branches."
Betty says to Jughead "So,was it a murder or a su1c1de-pact gone wrong?"
Jughead looks upset and unsettled
Jughead says to Betty "I have no idea.I saw Ben and Dilton.They were playing this weird game at Pop's.Dilton was raving about someone called the Gargoyle King.I was also thinking that maybe you and I could investigate this together,for old times sake."
Betty stands up
Jughead says to Betty "Or at least until we catch a new lead with Archie's case."
Betty touches Jughead's head
Betty says to Jughead "I like that idea.I'll try to see if Dr. Curdle can get us into the coroner's office." Jughead says to Betty "Have more romantic words ever been spoken?"
Betty says to Jughead "No."
In Leopold and Loeb Juvenile Detention Center
CAPTAIN GOLIGHTLY says to Archie "You're bunking with Mad Dog."
Archie walks in his cell and CAPTAIN GOLIGHTLY locks the cell
Archie says to Mad Dog "Hey."
Archie says to Mad Dog "I'm Archie.You're Mad Dog,right?"
Mad Dog exhaling sharply and Archie sits on a bed
Archie says to Mad Dog "How long you been in?"
Mad Dog stops working out
MUSIC STOPS and Mad Dog grabs a book and lays on his bed
Archie says to Mad Dog "Listen,bro,since we're gonna be cellmates..."
Mad Dog says to Archie "Nice shoes.I'd keep em tied real tight."
In Waldo's office
VERONICA says to Waldo "Mr. Weatherbee,as Archie's girlfriend and former running-mate,I just wanna let you know that I'll be stepping in as interim student body president."
Waldo says to Veronica "I'm sorry,Miss Lodge, but someone else has already petitioned to be president just this morning. "
Veronica says to Waldo "What? Who did?"
In Girls Locker Room
Veronica says to Cheryl "Cheryl,what the hell do you think you're doing,trying to steal Archie's presidency?"
Cheryl says to Veronica "Who would you have lead us through the super dark times of junior year? Ethel Muggs? I saw the poor girl earlier.She was fuguing about some winged creature that was after her."
Veronica says to Cheryl "Actually...I was thinking I'd keep Archie's seat warm."
Cheryl says to Veronica "Why? When JFK was shot,Jackie O didn't become president.Lyndon B. Johnson did."
Josie says to Veronica "And then he lead us into Vietnam."
Cheryl looks annoyed
Josie says to Cheryl "I'm just saying.Her man's in the big house,Cheryl.Give her a break."
Cheryl says to Josie "I get it."
Cheryl says to Veronica "And I sympathise,up to a point.But let's be reals,Veronica.I need this presidency for my college applications a lot more than Archie does."
At Leopold and Loeb Juvenile Detention Center Cafeteria
Archie walks over to the serpents
Archie says to the serpents "You guys mind if I sit?"
Archie shows his serpent tattoo and Archie sits with the serpents
Slash says to Archie "I'm Slash.Who gave you that ink? Looks fresh." Archie says to Slash "FP Jones did.His son,Jughead, made me a Serpent. Said I could hang out with you guys."
JOAQUIN says to Archie "You're no Serpent, Archie."
ARCHIE says to Joaquin "Joaquin? What the hell are you doing in juvie?"
Joaquin says to Archie "Didn't you hear? I came to town to help Fangs escape,stuck around,got hauled in during riot night.I know this guy,Slash. He's Mr. Clean-Cut All-American.You're Jughead's pal,not a Serpent.You have to earn our trust and protection with a test of loyalty.See that Ghoulie over there?  I want you to go up to him and shiv him.Don't worry about the guards.We pay them to turn a blind eye.Do that,and then we'll have your back,huh?"
Archie says to Joaquin "You're kidding,right?"
Archie says to Joaquin "Not gonna happen,bro.I don't need your protection that bad."
Archie stands up and Archie walks away from the serpents
INMATE says to Archie "Nice shoes."
In Corners office
Betty says to Dr Curdle Jr "Dr. Curdle? Oh, you're not..."
Dr Curdle Jr says to Betty "I'm his son.We spoke over the phone earlier.I took over after my father passed away."
Betty says to Dr Curdle Jr "Oh,I'm sorry."
Dr Curdle Jr says to Betty "Do you have the money?"
Betty gives Dr Curdle Jr the money
Dr Curdle Jr says to Bughead "The toxicology report revealed lethal levels of cyanide in Mr. Doiley's blood.I surmise the surviving boy didn't drink enough to finish the job."
Betty says to Dr Curdle Jr "Dr. Curdle,if you had to guess,murder or suicide?"
Dr Curdle Jr says to Bughead "Well,the body did show signs of stress."
Dr Curdle peels down the sheet
Dr Curdle Jr says to Bughead "Three symbols carved out on his back.Runic,I'd say."
Jughead says to Dr Curdle Jr "Would you mind if I got a shot of those?"
Betty says to Dr Curdle Jr "What caused,uh...the blue lips?"
Dr Curdle Jr says to Betty "The cyanide was mixed into a sugary drink called Fresh-Aid."
Dr Curdle Jr says to Betty "Blueberry flavored. There's something dimly familiar about this.But you asked me before if I thought this was murder or suicide.I'm not sure what it is,but whatever it is,it's darker than what happened to Jason Blossom,or what the Black Hood did.No,what we're looking at here,I believe,is the true face of evil."

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