Chapter Twelve: Anatomy of a Murder

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Archie's voiceover
Previously on Riverdale...
Jughead's voiceover
The story is about a town,once wholesome and innocent,now forever changed by the mysterious murder of Jason Blossom...
In FP's trailer
FP says to Joaquin "This is our insurance.In case everything goes to hell.Stash it.Keep it safe."
In Science classroom
Veronica says to Archie "I talked it over with Mrs. Cooper."
Archie says to Veronica "She's a part of this?"
Veronica says to Archie "She's gonna keep FP busy while we search his trailer to find anything that links FP to Jason.Or,more importantly,FP to my dad."
In School Hallway
Archie says to Jughead "We went to your dad's trailer..."
Jughead says to Varchie "Why would you guys do that?"
Veronica says to Jughead "We were wrong.We didn't find anything."
Jughead says to Archie "You went behind my back,Archie?" 
Archie says to Jughead "Jug..."
Kevin says to Jughead "My dad just told Mayor McCoy about your dad."
Jughead says to Kevin "What about my dad?"
Fred says to Jughead "He was just arrested.For the murder of Jason Blossom."
In the episode
In Pops
Archie says to Betty "Someone planted the gun, Jason's murder weapon,in a closet in FP's trailer.
It wasn't there when we searched for it.He's being framed,Betty. "
Betty says to Archie "Well, maybe you didn't see it."
Veronica says to Betty "We're not talking about the Vogue closet here,B."
Betty says to Veronica "Well,maybe you looked in the wrong one." Veronica says to Betty "It's a trailer with literally one closet.There was no lockbox.No gun.Whatever Sheriff Keller is saying he found,it wasn't there."
Archie says to Betty "Look,we need to tell Jughead his dad's innocent.Where is Jughead?"
Betty says to Archie "I don't know.I tried calling him.I left him messages.He's not answering his phone."
Veronica says to Betty and Archie "In the meantime..."
Betty says to Varchie "Should we talk to Sheriff Keller?"
Archie says to Betty "No. Not until we tell our parents."
Veronica says to Archie "That we broke into FP's trailer?"
Archie says to Beronica "My dad will know what to do."
In Andrews house,Living
Fred says to Archie "You did what?"
Archie says to the parents "We had to make sure FP wasn't involved in Jason's murder."
Alice says to Archie "And now we know the truth. He was."
Betty says to Alice "What? Mom,no.We just told you..."
Archie yells at Alice "The gun was planted."
Veronica says to Alice "By whoever killed Jason."
Hermione says to Veronica "Couldn't you have just missed it?"
Alice says to Hermione "Yeah, excuse me if I trust the detection skills of an officer of the law over three amateur sleuths."
Betty says to Alice "Mom,you're the one who asked Veronica to break in!"
Hermione yells at Alice "Excuse me?"
Mary yells at Alice "What!"
Fred says to Alice "Alice?"
Veronica says to the parents "Actually,I approached Mrs. Cooper.I had to know if FP was involved,and if he was connected to my dad."
Hermione stands up
Hermione says to Veronica "A gun was found.FP is the killer.Case closed.We're leaving."
Archie says to Hermione "There was no gun!"
Fred says to Archie "Son,this isn't petty theft or a bar fight we're talking about,Archie.This is murder."Archie says to Fred "Okay,fine.Then we'll go to the sheriff without you."
Mary says to Archie "Archie,you entered FP's residence illegally.So whatever you did or did not find there would be inadmissible in a court of law."
Archie says to his parents "I don't care what happens to me."
Fred says to Archie "I do care.FP may have ruined Jughead's life,I'm not gonna let him ruin yours."
In Betty's bedroom

Betty texting
Betty:Archie,I'm worried about Jughead
In Archie's bedroom
Archie:Me too.Let's go find him
Betty walks out leaving her phone on her bed
In a phone booth
Jughead says to Gladys (On the phone) "Hi, Mom.Hey,guess what? I got a bus ticket to Toledo.Yeah.I thought I'd come see you and Jellybean for a while.I could crash on the couch. Yeah.Mmm hmm.No.I...No,I understand.Look, uh...forget I said anything,okay? All right.Bye."
Jughead breaks down crying and Jughead sighs
At the bus station
Jughead says to the ticket woman "I changed my mind about Toledo.Can you just put me on whatever the next bus out of town is? I don't even care where it's going."
Ticket woman says to Jughead "Citrusville, Florida.Leaves tomorrow morning at 6:00."
Jughead says to ticket woman "Great."
Ticket woman says to Jughead "Lobby closes in fifteen minutes,reopens at 5:30."
In Hiram's office
Hermione looking through drawers
Veronica says to Hermione "Mom? What are you looking for?"
Hermione says to Veronica "Our passports." Veronica says to Hermione "Why?"
Hermione says to Veronica "Because Lord knows what FP is going to say,now that he's behind bars." Veronica says to Hermione "So,you do think Daddy hired him to kill Jason?"
Hermione walks towards Veronica
Hermione says to Veronica "Honey,I don't know. But,regardless of that,we are known associates of the man who killed Jason Blossom.Now,your father may have had something to do with that. Maybe not.But either way,we need to be ready."
Hermione walks away from Veronica
Veronica says to Hermione "Ready to do what? Run away? Like we ran away from New York? We're gonna look guilty."
Hermione says to Veronica "Baby,we are guilty!I'm guilty.I bribed the Mayor to get the drive-in land,forged your signature,paid off the Serpents.
If that comes out,just...pack a bag,okay? Just in case.Come on."
Veronica looks shocked
At a bus stop/Pembroke,Living/Dining Room
Archie tries to open it and doorknob rattling and Archie knocks the window and Betty looks through the window
Archie says to himself "Come on."
Archie says to Betty "From what he said in the hall,it seems like he wants to get to his mom in Ohio.Anything?" Betty says to Archie "No."
Archie says to Betty "Maybe his phone died."
Betty says to Archie "Or maybe,the only friends he has just completely betrayed him."
Archie's phone rings
Betty says to Archie "Is that him?"
Archie says to Betty "No,it's Veronica."
Archie answers his phone and Betty looks concerned
Archie says to Veronica (On the phone) "Hey. You okay?"
Veronica says to Archie (On the phone) "Not really.My mom's spiralling,and I'm on the verge.
I just wanted to talk.Where are you?"
Archie says to Veronica (On the phone) "I'm with Betty.We're looking for Jughead."
Veronica sits up
Veronica says to Archie "Wait.You and Betty went on a manhunt without me?"
Veronica stands up
Veronica says to Archie (On the phone) "I'll come meet you."
Veronica sits back down
Archie says to Veronica (On the phone) "We're at the bus station,but it's shut down for the night."
Veronica says to Archie "What's the one place in town that's open 24 hours? Hint,we were just there."
In Pops

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