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Jughead's Voiceover
Previously on Riverdale:
In Betty's car
Barchie kisses in Betty's car

In Coopers house,Kitchen
Alice says to Betty " Don't come any closer. Don't touch anything."
Betty says to Alice "It was self-defence,right?"
Alice says to Betty "Yes,course it was."
Betty says to Chic "You lied to us. That shady guy was a drug dealer. And what else is he lying about?"
In Sierra's office
Jughead says to Sierra "What do Sunnyside Trailer Park,Twilight Drive-in and Southside High all have in common? You control them. Now the trailer park is in jeopardy? Can't you just feel the invisible hand of Hiram Lodge all over this?"
In Fp's trailer
Fp says to Hiram "We got people scared they're gonna lose their home."
Hiram says to Fp "As a gesture of goodwill,I'd like to settle any back rent you or your neighbours owe the town."
Fp says to Hiram "It's a deal."
Fp and Hiram shake hands
Hiram says to Jughead "There's one thing. Mayor McCoy tells me there's some exposè you're working on,Jughead. I'd appreciate if you kept my name out of it."
Jughead says to Hiram "That sounds a lot like a bribe. No deal."Hiram says to himself "Heh."
Fp chuckles
Fp says to Hiram "See you in the Funny pages."
In the episode
Jughead's Voiceover
Picture a girl living in the house next door. Give her a ponytail and a secret. Day after day,she checks the headlines and watches the local news,waiting to be exposed.
In Coopers house,Dining Room Chic eating cereal
Betty sighs
In Betty's bedroom
Chic comes out of Betty's bathroom
Betty says to Chic "Chic,what's wrong with your bathroom?"
Chic says to Betty "You have better water pressure."
Betty says to Chic "Tough. Use your own."
Jughead's Voiceover
And bit by bit,the walls close in until what was once just a house becomes her own private purgatory.
In Thornhill,Living Room Cheryl says to Penelope "Still at it,Mother? I thought you'd be tried of taking filthy wads of cash from strangers by now."
Penelope says to Cheryl "You have no right to judge me. Not when you drove away the one chance I had at a better life."
Cheryl says to Penelope "You mean with Hal Cooper?"
Cheryl snickers
Cheryl says to Penelope "If that's your idea of love."
Penelope says to Cheryl "What would you know about it? You've never known love,Cheryl,except to rip it apart. Because you are a jealous,spite filled,starving,emotional anorexia. Have a nice day at school,dear."
In Pembroke,Living Room/Dining Room
Hiram says to Varchie "Ah,I'm glad i caught you both. Mrs.Lodge and I were headed up to the lake house,but we're gonna have to cancel due to some business. So,why don't you kids go instead? Make a romantic getaway."
Archie says to Hiram "Wow. Thank you,Mr.Lodge."
Veronica says to Hiram "That'd be amazing,daddy."
Hiram says to Varchie "Andre can drive you up,stay nearby in case you wanna go into town."
Veronica says to Hiram "No chaperones. Andre can drop us off. Pick us up on Sunday. We don't need your spy shadowing us."Hiram says to Veronica "Fine,Mija. Hey why don't you invite Betty and Jughead. Make a real weekend out of it."
Veronica says to Hiram "That'd be great."
Hiram says to Archie "Hey,before you head off,could I have a word in private?"
Archie says to Hiram "Yeah."
In Hiram's study
Hiram says to Archie "Hey,just an FBI. When you're at the lake,Mrs.Lodge and I will be hosting a meeting at The Pembroke with the major New York families."Archie says to Hiram "Is everything okay?"
Hiram says to Archie "Yeah,there's been some unrest since Poppa Poutine's death,and I'd prefer Veronica safety out of town. That cabin at Shadow Lake is a sort of safe house for us."
Archie says to Hiram "I'll make sure Veronica's protected,Mr.Lodge."Hiram says to Archie "I'm sure you will. But despite my daughter's wishes,Andre will be there,unseen but nearby. I hope I can trust you to keep that between us. You know,man to man."
In Fp's trailer
Fp says to Jughead "I was checking out a few places. There's that one building on Franklin and Sycamore."
Jughead says to Fp "Dad,there's living on the wrong side of the tracks,and there's living directly over the tracks."
Fp says to Jughead "I'm a soda jerk at Pop's,Jughead. We won't be moving into The Pembroke."Jughead says to Fp "We shouldn't have to move at all. No one should have to move. This is just Hiram Lodge's vendetta against us. Look,he is planning something,Dad. Something big and bad. I just have to figure out a different angle."
In School Hallway
Moose closes his locker
Kevin says to Moose "Hey,Moose. There's this new movie,Love Simon,playing at the Bijou. It's a John Hughes-ian coming-of-age,coming-out movie."
Moose says to Kevin "Yeah,I know,I'm already going with Midge. You can come with us. She wouldn't mind."
Kevin says to Moose "Really? Midge is that open-minded?"
Moose says to Kevin "Yeah,she knows all about us. I told her. She's cool with it."
Kevin says to Moose "Cool,right,yeah. I think I'm gonna pass. It's all a little too Big Love for me."
In the Students Lounge Veronica says to Bughead and Archie "Fair warning,our Shadow Lake chalet is rustic,but it has breathtaking views of the mountains,the water."
Betty says to Veronica "Oh,my God. That sounds heavenly,V."
Betty says to Jughead "What do you say,Jug? Can you bear it?"
Jughead says to Veronica "As long as it's cool with your dad."
Archie says to Jughead "Mr.Lodge suggested it."
Veronica says to Jughead "Yeah."Jughead says to Varchie "Well,then cue the dueling banjos. What? It'll be a good chance for me to work on my novel."
Veronica says to Bughead "Excellent. Remember,the point of this luxury weekend is to relax and unplug."
Cheryl walks into the students lounge
Cheryl says to Bughead and Varchie "Luxury and weekend. Two of my favourite words. So,where are we going and how extravagant a wardrobe should I pack?"
Veronica says to Cheryl "Sorry,Cheryl. It's kind of a romantic couples-only weekend."Cheryl says to Varchie and Bughead "I see. Of course. My mistake. Well,have fun with your romances."Cheryl walks out
In Newspaper Room
Jughead says to Betty "What's up?"Betty says to Don't get me wrong,I'm thrilled you're up for this weekend away,but why am I also slightly suspicious?"
Jughead says to Betty "Possibly because I need a new source of intel for my article on Hiram Lodge,and I was thinking that could be Veronica."
Betty scoffs
Jughead says to Betty "She's on the inside of her family business."
Betty says to Jughead "One,can you please not investigate my best friend when she's nice enough to invite us to her family's cabin? And two,ever since that night,it's like...Chic is everywhere. I need this weekend to be an escape."
Jughead says to Betty "All right. I solemnly promise I'll behave myself."
Betty says to herself "Hm."
Bughead kiss
In Coopers house,Hallway Betty says to Jughead "Be down in a second,Jug."
Jughead chuckles
Jughead says to Chic "You must be Chic."
Chic says to Jughead "You're Betty's boyfriend."
Jughead says to Chic "Guilty. Um...Yes. Nice shirt. You work at the Bijou?"
Chic says to Jughead "You know what happened here."
Jughead says to Chic "Don't worry. You can trust me."
Chic says to Jughead "If you tell'll be bad for Betty and Alice."
Jughead says to Chic "What?"Footsteps approaching
Betty says to Jughead "Ready. Let's go."
Betty says to Chic "See you,Chic."Jughead and Betty heads out At the Lake house
Andre opens the door and helps Veronica out
Veronica says to Archie "When I was younger,we used to come here every summer,whenever my dad could sneak away for a weekend."Jughead says to Betty "Veronica wasn't Kidding.It really was the last house on the left."
Andre says to Veronica "I'll help you with the bags."
Veronica says to Andre "No,we're got it. Archie?"
Archie walks over to Andre
Veronica says to Andre "TTFN,Andre. We'll see you Sunday night at 7pm. and not a second earlier."
Veronica says to Betty "Betty,wait till you see the inside."
Bughead and Veronica walks in
Andre says to Archie "I'm sure Mr.Lodge explained,if there's any trouble,I'm a phone call away."Andre taps Archie's shoulder and Archie see that Andre have a gun
Archie walking towards the lake house struggling with the bags
In the Lake house
Betty says to Veronica "Oh,my God."
Veronica chuckles
Veronica says to Bughead "Welcome to what I humbly like to call Lodge Lodge."
Betty chuckles
Jughead's cell phone ringing  and Jughead walks out and answers the phone
Outside of the lake house Jughead says to Cheryl "Hello?"Cheryl says to Jughead "How's the lake house? Are you all settled-in and spooning yet?"
Jughead says to Cheryl "Who is this?"
In Girls bathroom/Outside of the lake house
Cheryl says to Jughead "It's Cheryl,you welfare baby."
Jughead says to Cheryl "Is something wrong?"
Cheryl says to Jughead "Not yet. I just wanna make sure you know that Archie and Betty kissed in front of my house,and that it seemed pretty serious,with tongues serious. That's all. Enjoy your couples-only weekend. Kisses to all. Bye now."
Cheryl puts her phone down Outside the lake house
Betty says to Jughead "Jug? What happened? Are you okay?"
Jughead says to Betty "That was Cheryl. She said you and Archie kissed in front of her house."
Archie looks at Betty and Betty looks at Archie

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