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Betty's Voiceover
Previously on Riverdale:
In Coopers house,living room
Charles says to Betty "I'm Charles, your brother."
At the arcade
Archie says to Dodger "Hey, your days
of exploiting kids to do your dirty work
ends tonight."
Archie hits Dodger with his bat
In the Gym
Archie punching the small punching bag
Munroe walks in
Munroe says to Archie "Didn't we say we were gonna turn this place into a community center, Red?"
In Stonewall Prep,Dorm room
Moose walks in
Moose says to Jughead "Jughead?"
Jughead says to Moose "Are you my roommate?"
In school hallway
Jughead sees a poster
In the dorm room
Moose says to Jughead "So much for a new start."
At the cooper house
Doorbell rings
Jughead looks in the bag and there was a tape inside the bag
In the episode
In the coopers house
Tape Whirring
Alice says to everyone "What...? What is this?"
Charles says to everyone "Fast-forward."
Alice fast forward the tape
Betty says to everyone "It's literally six hours of our house."
Alice says to everyone "Why would somebody do that?Film it, and then leave the evidence on the front doorstep?"
Charles says to everyone "To unsettle you,let you know you're being watched."
Jughead says to everyone "Yeah, but why a videotape?Why something so anachronistic?"
Fp says to everyone "Maybe it's just a prank."
Jughead's voiceover
If it was,it was an elaborate one.Over the next few days,then weeks,more and more
citizens of Riverdale received copies of similar tapes.Footage of their houses...being watched
from across the street.For hours...upon hours.
No messages were included with the videos...
which somehow made the whole thing even more disturbing,
Day before Halloween
Jughead's Voiceover
so that by Halloween,the entire town was on edge.Who would get the next tape?What do they mean?
Betty walks downstairs to the kitchen
Jughead's Voiceover
Were they a warning?A test?
Fp says to person"Another one?Keep me updated."
Fp ends the call
Fp says to Alice "The Muggses also got a tape."
Alice says to Fp "Ooh! I'll get over there and get an interview with him for tonight's broadcast.
That's the fringe benefit of living with the Sheriff."
Fp walks over to Alice
Alice says to Fp "I get the inside scoop
before any other reporter."
Fp says to Alice "Mmm-hmm."
Alice says to Fp "Mmm-hmm."
Alice giggles
Betty eating toast
Fp says to Betty "Hey, Betty, is Jug still
coming home for Halloween?"
Betty says to Fp "Yeah, that's the plan.
Mr. Jones.We're going to hand out candy and watch scary movies."
Alice says to Betty "Oh.Why don't you invite
your brother?"
Betty says to Alice "Half-brother."
Alice says to Betty "Charles doesn't know
anybody in town."
Betty says to Alice "Okay, well, why is he
still in town?"
Fp says to Betty "He's helping me with the tapes
and a couple of other cases."
Alice says to Fp "It's the one good thing that
came out of this nightmare.It brought the entire
family together."
JB says to Alice "Except for Jughead,who's at Stonewall Prep."
Betty says to JB "And Polly, who's in a facility being deprogrammed."
In Thistlehouse,kitchen
Cheryl carving
Toni says to Cheryl "I think,it's time, Cheryl."
Cheryl says to Toni "Time? Time for what?"
Toni says to Cheryl "To say goodbye to Jason. You've been promising me for weeks."
Cheryl says to Toni "I know.And I'm going to.
But I can't do it before Halloween.It's our favorite holiday."
Toni says to Cheryl "Babe, then you're going to say the same thing about Thanksgiving,and then Christmas."
Cheryl says to Toni "You're not going to let this go, are you?Okay, fine.We'll rebury him on the Blossom family plot on the grounds of Thornhill.
But I'm warning you,he's not going to like this."
Toni says to Cheryl "I'll get the shovels."
Toni stands up and walks out
In Stonewall Prep,dorm room
Jughead packing his stuff
Jughead picks up a booklet of Army Life
Jughead says to Moose "Moose, why do you have this?"
Jughead shows Moose the booklet of Army Life
Moose sits up
Loose says to Jughead "Oh.Just thinking maybe
I'm done with high school.I mean, I'm 18.The army doesn't care who you are or where you're from."
Jughead says to Moose "Dude, what Bret did, spreading that article about you,was a real scumbag move.But you can't let him win.He wants you to leave.Hell, he wants both of us to leave.Let's not give him that satisfaction, okay?"
Moose says to Jughead "It's easy for you to say, Jug.They're not calling you Gargoyle Boy."
Moose lays down on the bed
In school hallway
Students chattering
Betty sees people dress up as the Black Hood and The Gargoyle King
Betty gets scared
Holden says to people "Hey.You and you
I made it very clear that there will be no costumes on school property.Now take off the masks. Come on.Hand it over.Class."
In the students lounge
Veronica says to Betty "B,you okay?"
Betty says to the gang  "Um, I'm not going to lie,
I'm a little on edge this Halloween.I mean, people are dressed up like the Black Hood and the Gargoyle King.And there are those damn videotapes."
Veronica says to Betty "I'm with you, girl.Ever since my dad broke into the Pembrooke,I've been looking over my shoulder.And if the town's got
a voyeur now..."
Reggie walks in
Reggie says to the gang "What's up, guys? Who wants to TP Mr. Honey's office with me tomorrow night?"
Veronica smiles
Betty says to Reggie "Reggie, It's senior year. We're seniors."
Reggie says to the gang "Exactly.It's senior year.
This is our last Halloween at Riverdale High."
Kevin says to Reggie "I'm in, Reggie."
Reggie says to Kevin "Huh?"
Betty says to Kevin "What? Kev.Why?"
Kevin says to Betty "Honey gave me a week's detention for going to the bathroom without a hall pass."
Reggie says to Kevin "That's what I'm talking about.
Kevin says to Reggie "Mm-hm."
Reggie high fived Kevin
Munroe walks in
Munroe says to Archie "Yo, Red.I just got
some distressing news.You remember that crew that was working out of the arcade? Dodger and his boys?He's still pissed that he got beat up and jumped by...that, uh, vigilante."
Munroe sighs
Munroe says to Archie "They're planning on wilding Halloween night.Looking to bust some heads."
Archie says to Munroe "Damn it. The kids in the
neighborhood will be sitting ducks.We got to do something."
Munroe says to Archie "Yeah, I was thinking
the same thing.Maybe keeping the centre open later than usual."
Veronica says to Archie and Munroe "Why don't you guys host a Halloween party at the community center?That'll keep the kids off the
streets and out of harm's way.And don't worry about costumes.One of my gal pals in New York, Katy Keen,she goes to the High School
of the Performing Arts and is an amazing designer.Let me see what she can whip up for you two."
Archie says to Veronica "Yeah, sounds great."
In Stonewall Prep,classroom
Rupert says to Jughead "What about you, Jughead? Which of your favourite horror writers
did you bring in to share?"
Jughead says to everyone "I brought the collected works of HP Lovecraft."
Bret chuckles
Bret says to Jughead "There is nothing scary
about Lovecraft."
Jughead says to Bret "Says the guy
that brought in The Raven?"
Bret says to Jughead "My favorite Poe story
is The Cask of Amontillado.That's the one where the guy is sealed behind a wall,behind bricks,and then is never seen or heard from again.Now, that would be a horrible way to go, don't you think, Forsythe? To just vanish?"
Joan says to Bret "Like the Stonewall Four,
you mean?"
Bret says to everyone "I'm betting Forsythe could
make it the Stonewall Five.We're overdue for a vanishing."
In the office
Jughead says to Rupert "Who or what
are the Stonewall Four?"
Rupert says to Jughead "Four students,all of whom went to this school,all of whom...disappeared without a trace."
Jughead says to Rupert "All at the same time?"
Rupert says to Jughead "No.Uh, over 30 years or so.And they didn't really go missing.They dropped out."
Jughead says to Rupert "So what're you saying?"
Rupert says to Jughead "Stonewall Four is an urban legend.Jughead,it's campus lore.That's all."
In Thistlehouse,living room
Toni says to Cheryl "I'm so proud of you, babe. You're the strongest person that I know."
Cheryl says to Toni "Well, it's not the first time
I've had to bury my brother,but hopefully it's the last."
Toni says to Cheryl "Well, it was the right thing to do.Cheryl, what's that?"
Cheryl says to herself "Oh, no."
Cheryl says to Toni "I was afraid of this."
Toni says to Cheryl "Of what?"
Cheryl says to Toni "Jason's ghost.I think he's mad at us for what you made me do."
Toni says to Cheryl "I know exactly where this is going.The trash."
Toni walks out with Julian
In Stonewall Prep,library
Donna says to Jughead "What are you reading, Jones?"
Jughead sighs
Jughead says to Donna "The Stonewall Sentinel."
Donna says to Jughead "Coffee?It's fresh brewed."
Jughead says to Donna "Yeah, thanks."
Jughead takes the coffee from Donna
Jughead drinking the coffee
Donna says to Jughead "Searching for something
in particular? Like...articles about the Stonewall Four, perhaps?"
Jughead says to Donna "How'd you guess?"
Donna says to Jughead "You love a good mystery,
don't you?"
Jughead says to Donna "I've already searched
through years of articles,and so far,there's nothing about disappearing students.My next stop is the town newspaper office and the police station."
Donna says to Jughead "Jones, are you okay?"
Jughead says to Donna "Yeah.Uh...I think I...I think I need some air."
Jughead stands up
Donna says to Jughead "No."
Jughead falls on the floor
Donna says to Jughead "You need to lie down."
Jughead's heart beating
Bret says to Jughead "Say hello to the Stonewall Four for us."

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