Chapter Fifty-Three:Jawbreaker

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Cheryl's Voiceover
Previously on Riverdale:
In Pop's
Betty gives Cheryl a milkshake
Betty says to Cheryl "Thank you for agreeing to help me. If I could go undercover, I would."
In the farm/Blue & Gold newspaper
Edgar says to Cheryl "Have you ever experienced the loss of a loved one?"
Cheryl says to Edgar "My brother Jason."
Edgar says to Cheryl "Memories are often painful. But they don't have to be."
In school hallway
Cheryl says to Betty "Well, I'm done being your mole."
Betty says to Cheryl "Okay. Well, you should stop going to the Farm before Edgar catches on to you."
Cheryl says to Betty "I'm still going to go."
In Pops
Betty says to Alice "Is the reason you're so obsessed with the Farm because they let you talk to Charles?"
Alice says to Betty "Yes. I see my son."
Alice is tearing up
In the farm
Edgar says to Betty "Tell me. What do you want to know?"
Betty says to Edgar "Everything. Start from the beginning."
In the Andrews house,kitchen
Archie says to Ricky "Ricky, listen to me, you don't want to do this."
Ricky says to Archie "If I don't do this, the Gargoyles, they won't protect me."
In the hallway
Gargoyles in the hallway
In the Andrews house,kitchen
Archie says to Jughead "Jug, Mad Dog was right. I saw Gargoyles coming in and out like they own the place."
Jughead says to Archie "That must be where Kurtz is doing his cooking."
On the stairs
Kurtz says to Jughead "I'm ready to ascend. Are you?"
Jughead yells
In the gym office
Mad dog says to Archie "Elio hooked me up with a house on the Northside."
Archie says to Mad dog "So, what? You have to fight for him?"
Mad dog says to Archie "Come on, man. You saw that place."
In fox forest
FP says to Terry "Terry, I'm getting close to the clearing. I don't see any..."
Fp sees baby teeth
Fp sees symbols on Baby Teeth's back
Baby teeth's lips are blue
Fp looks shocked
In the episode
In Fox Forest
Jughead says to Fp "Poor Baby Teeth."
Fp says to Jughead "Brandon Morris was his real name. We ID'ed him from his prints. First glance, very similar to how you found Ben and Dilton. But I don't know. I need your help, son, please."Jughead says to Fp "Yeah, of course. These blue lips are the same. Markings on his back are the same, too."
Jughead takes photos
Camera clicks
Jughead says to Fp "But his missing teeth, that's the twist."
Jughead sighs
Jughead says to Fp "This might be a copycat killer. I mean, it could be the same guy that went after Ben and Dilton, but they were willing participants. Baby Teeth struggled. Maybe the brutality of his death was the message. Like a warning that he's back and he's angry."
Fp says to Jughead "The Gargoyle King?"
Jughead says to Fp "The real one."
In the Farm
Edgar says to Betty "You already know who I am, Betty."
Betty says to Edgar "No. I don't have a clue. I've done a deep dive on the Internet, and there's no record of anyone named Edgar Evernever."
Edgar says to Betty "Many years ago...I was a very different man. My life was in tatters, so I left it behind...and I walked in the desert to die. Until I stumbled upon a tree on a hill beside a farm. I was in Death's clutches. And somehow I stumbled to the door of that farm, and I knocked."
Edgar Chuckles softly
Edgar says to Betty "When I awoke, I was in a white room. I was being tended to by a kind, elderly farmer. And I said,How can I repay you?So she put me to work on her farm. I ploughed those fields, and I sowed them with seed, and I watched them grow into something beautiful. I felt reborn. After that, I made it my sacred duty to open my own farm...where I could welcome lost souls wandering in the darkness."
Betty says to Edgar "It's a nice story, but it doesn't explain how you've convinced my mom that she can see her dead son."
Edgar says to Betty "Here we strive to create a safe place,where wounded people can heal,and become the best versions of themselves. But first, they must open themselves to that process."
Betty says to Edgar "No, but really, how does my mom see her dead son? Do you have someone dress up like Charles?"
Edgar Chuckles
Edgar shakes his head
In the gym
Archie says to the boys "All right, boys, bring it in. Look, I know you're all pissed about Baby Teeth."
Boy says to Archie "Damn right."
Archie says to the boys "And his killer will be caught. I swear to you. But, in the meantime...we honor our fallen brother."
Boy says to Archie "How the hell do we do that?"
Mad dog walks in
Mad dog says to Archie "I'm dedicating my next match to Baby Teeth."
Boy says to Mad Dog "No one asked you, Mad Dog. Why are you even here?"
Mad dog says to the boys "Because Baby Teeth was my brother, too."
Archie says to Mad Dog "Wait, Mad Dog, what match? Did Elio already hook you up with one?"Mad dog says to Archie "There's a boxing tournament this weekend called the Gilded Gloves. I was gonna fight to win. But now, I'm gonna fight to win and honour Baby Teeth."
In the students lounge
Veronica says to Archie "How's your boxing career these days, Archie?"
Archie says to Veronica "Your pal Elio is organizing a boxing event called the Gilded Gloves."
Veronica says to Archie "Brawny young men, shirtless and in shorts, go on."
Archie says to Veronica "I was thinking, maybe you could help get the El Royale crew a spot in the tournament. The guys could use a win, or at least a boost,after what happened to Baby Teeth."Veronica says to Archie "Let me see what I can do."
In the Reception
Cheryl says to everyone "Good morning, my dear Riverdale High constituents and comrades. A lot of you have been asking about the Farm's Student Advocacy group. Well, here's the skinny."
In school hallway

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