Chapter Fifty-Two: The Raid

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Jughead's Voiceover
Previously on Riverdale...
Outside of the coopers house
Betty says to Jughead "Your mom can't start dealing drսg without a lab to make them in."
In Pembroke,living room/Dining room
Hiram says to Veronica "Your mother and I are separating."
In Five seasons,Hiram's room
Veronica says to Hiram "You always say, Family is the most important thing."
Hiram says to Veronica "There is no family anymore."
Hiram stands up
In the classroom
Fp says to the Serpents "Today, the Serpents start a new chapter. You're no longer outlaws, you're law keepers."
In a house
Jughead says to Kurtz "Are you Kurtz?"
Kurtz says to Jughead "You're all wanted for making and dealing Fizzle Rocks. Only the worthy will ascend."
In the Bunker
Archie says to Bughead "Mr. Lodge gave me a list of the places his dealers used to go to, where G&G players congregate."
In the Coopers house,living room
Polly says to Alice "I have someone who can help you. A friend of mine from the Farm."
In the music room
Betty says to Josie "Groups like the Farm prey on emotionally vulnerable people."
In the Coopers house,living room
Betty says to Alice "You're actually buying this Farm crap that some huckster named Edgar Evernever is selling you?"
Alice says to Betty "You don't just meet Edgar."
In the Auditorium
People with white tops clapping rhythmically
Evelyn says to everyone "I knew my dad would like it."
Cult members clapping rhythmically
In the episode
In the school
Radio static
Jughead says to Sweet Pea "Perimeter's clear.
Moving in."
Jughead says to the serpents "Go,go."
All the serpents walking around the school
Jughead says to Sweet Pea "Sweet Pea, duck."
Tom says to Sweet Pea and Jughead "Bang, bang! You're both dead. Always check your six, Deputies."
Fp says to Sweet Pea and Jughead "It's a deadly mistake."
Tom says to Sweet Pea and Jughead "This is just a simulation, but you don't get any do-overs on the street."
Fp says to the serpents "Which makes it all the more obvious that you boys aren't ready for them. You wanna stop the rogue Gargoyles?
Work as a team. Until you've proven you can do that, I'm not letting you out there. Do it again."
Fp says to Jughead "Let's go, Jug."
The Serpents follows Fp and Tom out of the school
Jughead Sighs
In Pops
Betty says to Veronica "Is there any way that maybe you can see this divorce as a good thing?"
Veronica says to Betty "I'm trying to find a lining of even tarnished silver, but... my parents raised me to believe that family is the most important thing in the world."
Betty says to Veronica "I'm so sorry, Vee."
Evelyn opens the door
Evelyn says to Veronica "Veronica, hi. Do you mind if I hang some fliers? The Farm's having an open house tomorrow."
Betty says to Evelyn "An open house?"
Evelyn says to Beronica "Yes, we are opening our doors to visitors. Everyone is welcome to tour our renovated premises, meet with Farm elders,and learn about our values and practices."
Veronica says to Evelyn "Go ahead, Evelyn."Evelyn says to Veronica "Thank you."
Betty Slurping
Veronica says to Betty "Of course,I'll go with you."
Gladys says to Jughead and Jellybean "It's all good."
Fp walks in
Gladys says to Fp "Hey, hon. Why the long face?"
Fp says to Gladys "One of my deputies found our old trailer... or what was left of it. It was burned to a crisp. They found drսg cooking material inside."
Gladys says to Fp "Oh, my. In our trailer?"
Jughead says to Fp "Our little town can't seem to catch a break. Remove one cancer, another one takes its place."
Jellybean says to Fp "Come on, Dad, we're missing the Saturday morning cartoons."
Fp says to Jellybean "All right."
Fp and Jellybean walks out
Gladys says to Jughead "Did you really think that blowing up that decrepit trailer would change anything?"
Jughead says to Gladys "Oh, I'm not gonna stop, until you are out of Riverdale."
Gladys says to Jughead "Well, you better buckle up then, 'cause I ain't going anywhere. And here's a tip. Don't cross me again."
Gladys kisses Jughead on the cheek
In the hallway of the Farm
Kevin says to everyone "If you cross over this way, here you will find two of our more artistic members,expressing themselves."
Kevin says to Megan "Hi, Megan."
Kevin says to Garrett "Hi, Garrett."
Megan says to Kevin "Hi."
Kevin says to everyone "At the Farm, we like to nurture everyone's unique talents."
Veronica says to Betty "It's like Hockney meets Heaven's Gate."
Kevin says to everyone "Now, would anyone like to guess what this room's used for?"
Betty Softly
Betty says to Kevin "Ritualistic drownings."
Kevin says to Betty "Sorry, Betty. I didn't hear you."
Betty says to Kevin "Hey, what's behind there?"
Kevin says to Betty "That is just the janitor's closet."
Kevin says to everyone "Now, if everyone will follow me, I'll show you the garden."
Alice says to Betty "Betty."
Betty says to Alice "Mom."
Betty says to Veronica "Go ahead, Vee. I'll catch up with you in a bit."
Veronica walks away
Alice says to Betty "I didn't think you would come."
Betty says to Alice "Well, everyone's welcome, so..."
Alice Sighs
Alice says to Betty "Well, enjoy the rest of your tour."
Alice walking away
Betty says to Alice "Yeah,but wait. That's it? We haven't talked in forever, and that's all I get? Enjoy the rest of your tour?"
Alice says to Betty "You forsook me, Betty, not the other way around. So if you'll excuse me."
Alice walks away
Man says to Betty "Hi. Would you be interested in one of our quick and easy interviews?"
Betty says to Man "Uh, yeah. Sounds great."
Man says to Betty "If you'll follow me then."
In the room
Evelyn says to Betty "Betty. These interviews are for people interested in joining the Farm."
Betty says to Evelyn "Well, let's say that I am."
Betty sits down
Evelyn says to Betty "Where's your dad, by the way?He's around."
Betty nods her head
Evelyn says to Betty "Well, let's get started, shall we? Name?"
Betty says to Evelyn "Betty Cooper."
Evelyn says to Betty "Occupation?"
Betty says to Evelyn "Student."
Evelyn says to Betty "Do you ever bite your fingernails?"
Betty says to Evelyn "Sometimes."
Evelyn says to Betty "Do you ever feel stressed?"
Betty says to Evelyn "Sure. Doesn't everyone?"
Betty chuckles
Evelyn says to Betty "Would you consider yourself a cold person?"
Betty says to Evelyn "No."
Evelyn says to Betty "Okay. Great. Thank you."
Betty says to Evelyn "Is that it? Aren't you going to ask me about my secrets?"
Evelyn says to Betty "No, that's all we need for now. Thanks. We'll call you."
In Pembroke,living room/Dining room
Hermione says to Hiram "No, I should be there, if only for appearances."
Veronica walks in
Hermione Speaking spanish
Hermione says to herself"Damn it, Hiram."
Hermione slams the phone down
Hermione walks off
Veronica says to Hermione "Mom."
Hermione says to Veronica "Your father is finally opening that damn prison of his. There's gonna be a ribbon-cutting ceremony with Governor Dooley in attendance. And he has very selfishly decided that I, the Mayor, am not invited."
Veronica says to Hermione "Well, you did try to kill him, twice. It's just a photo op, Mom. Don't spiral."
Hermione says to Veronica "No, Veronica, you don't understand. It's just a matter of time before our enemies find out about the divorce. Without Hiram's protection, my life could be in danger."
Veronica says to Hermione "Why would they go after you?"
Hermione says to Veronica "I've made moves. There are people with grudges. In our line of work, when a marriage unravels, the wife of a mafia boss often simply... just disappears."
In Andrews house,living room
Jughead says to Archie "One good thing about being your neighbor is I got two kitchens to raid for grub now."
Archie says to Jughead "Yeah, no worries, Jug. How's it going with your mom?"
Jughead says to Archie "It's cold war. I mean, the nuclear option is that I tell my dad everything, but that could spell mutually-assured destruction. So instead, the Serpents and I are just dismantling her drսg trade,piece by piece. Up next, we're gonna drive the Gargoyles out of town, and her cook Kurtz. I am gonna make Riverdale a very unwelcome place for Gladys Jones."
Archie says to Jughead "And if she does go, what happens to Jellybean?"
Jughead says to Archie "Still need to figure that out."
Telephone ringing
Archie says to Operator "Hello."
Operator says to Archie "Would you accept a collect call from the Leopold and Loeb Juvenile Detention Center?"
Archie says to Operator "Uh... sure."
Dial tone
Mad dog says to Archie "Archie, it's Mad Dog."
Archie says to Mad Dog "Mad Dog?Dude, what's up?"
Mad dog says to Archie "I need your help."
In the bunker
Jughead says to the serpents "The drսg trade has reared its ugly head in Riverdale yet again. Now, my dad doesn't think we're ready, but we're going to be Riverdale's unofficial DEA. That means we're gonna make life miserable for the Gargoyles,and run them out of our town.But first, we're gonna hit the hotspots. Make sure Gladys isn't using any of Hiram's old infrastructure."
In Leopold and Loeb Juvenile Detention Center
Prison door buzzing
Archie says to Mad dog "Mad Dog, what's happening?
Mad dog says to Archie "They're finally shutting down L&L."
Archie says to Mad dog "That's great. Because of what happened to Warden Norton?"
Mad dog says to Archie "That's what they're saying. But really, it's cause they're opening up that new prison on the Southside."
Archie says to Mad dog "Hiram Lodge's private prison. But that's not for juveniles."
Mad dog says to Archie "Apparently a wing of it is. We're all being transferred there, Red. And the L&L guards who made us fight here... they're all gonna work over there."
Archie says to Mad Dog "They're gonna start the fight club again."
Mad dog says to Archie "My parole hearing was canceled out of the blue. Baby Teeth, Thumper... theirs, too. They're doing whatever it takes to fill Lodge's cells come opening day. I tried to call my family...but no one's answering."
Archie says to Mad dog "Well, Mad Dog, listen to me. You risked your life to help me escape. Believe me when I say you will not step one foot in Hiram Lodge's prison."

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