Chapter 32: Sunshine Over Auradon

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While the band of four villain kids causing havoc in the streets of the Isle of the Lost,

"Yes," said the Tourney team said mins Ben.

Prince was looking out the window from his high vantage point in Beast Castle,

"Didn't you start doing that every time you visited home?" Chip asked Ben.

Ben nodded. "Yeah, but I started doing that more often, since fourteen to before the vks came."

lost in a few thoughts of his own.

"He does that a lot." Lonnie said.

It was true that Grumpy the dwarf had told him he'd make a good king, but privately, Ben wondered if he was right.

"He is right, exhibit a:" Chip said, making jazz hands in front of Ben, pulling them apart. Making it clear that he was introducing Ben to the crowd.

More to the point, he wondered if becoming a good king was even something he cared about at all.

Alex turned to Ben who is like a second big brother to her. "You didn't?"

"I was fourteen when I thought of this, I had a lot of time to think about it and yes while I wanted to become a good King.." Ben said, he was interrupted by Chip, Akiho and Emir.

"Which you are."

"Which I am, thank you." Ben said softly rolling his eyes, before turning back to Alex. "But I also want to do the best for the entire Kingdom."

Did it matter? What he cared about? What he wants?

Tripped, Ben thought, staring out over the vast expanse of the kingdom. That's what I am.

"You are more than your kingdom and where you came from."

He looked up at the sky, as if it held the answers. The blue wash was bright and clear as usual, and he could see all the way to the distant horizon, where Auradon itself dissolved into nothing but misty shoreline and azure water.

Genie thought of something. "You knoww I got thought of something and nobody bite my head off."

Then a dog came that looks like him and literally bite his head off, but it came back on as he asked his question.

"But that was mist looks entire not see through, some kids might not see the stop before falling to their deaths."

Most people jump in fear because of that and sad looks on Joyce, Jacob, Persephone and her kids faces, they knew that it was true.


Not nothing.

Ben thought of his dream of the island.

"Ohh, his thinking about his future wife." Brenden tease.

"You do know that I can tease you about Quinn, right?"

"Hey as long as you finally get to let go, then go heard and tease me about Quinn all you want."

"Mmm-hmm you do know that I can make you still run for 5 laps, right?"

"Touché, but do you remember that I actually liked that because it made stayed in shape." Brenden said. Plus Quinn encourage me, to do it because it makes me happy and feel good, and she started joining me and she loves it, and we started to have sex last week when she told me everything Hans said to her after she give birth to Junior, that bastard. And we had really really really hot sex.

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