Chapter 18: Evil Enrichments

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Like many nerds before him, Carlos liked school.

"Welcome to the nerd club Carlos."said Doug, his cousin Hannah Klein , Rose Radcliffe , Edward Charming, and his grandfather Anthony. Just to named of few nerds.

What? Just because he was a lord didn't mean that he the tech's his father Richard and his mother Elizabeth taught him.

He wasn't ashamed to admit it—

All of the nerds nodded in approval.

While James, Daphne, their kids, Couch, Rodger, Anita and their daughters smiled, proud at him for not hiding that like he was forced to hided everything about him not just only from his birth griver, but from also the people that would have hurt him.

he would have told as much to anyone who bothered to ask. Since no one did, however, he reviewed the argument himself.

Hephaestus held back a sign he didn't like that nobody was interested in what his great grandson insisted, even though nobody knew that his grandson is Carlos father.

He wants to believe that it's because he used the 'Scissors of Untether meant' on his then newborn daughter.

After his then wife Aphrodite daughter Eurydice that she had with Helios have died and there was no immortal on her, she become angry at his stepbrother (since his stepfather is Zeus) Apollo son Orpheus didn't get her back.

And him being in love with Aphrodite then and he would do anything for her.

So he created the scissors so that any child he have wouldn't be part of the god family but also protect them from falling prey to the family tree. Along with their descendants.

But when his daughter was just born Luna stole the scissors and made the  scissors  to kill Lady Aurora before being bashed to the moon but when eclipse happened when Hercules was 18, she escaped never to been seen again.

But luckily he made extra and gave them to Poseidon and Hades, but never his step father.

But on the other hand glad no one argued with him on that.

He liked the structure and the rules of school.

"Which is the opposite of Auradon."said Joyce.

He liked the work, too—answering the kinds of questions that had answers, and exploring the ones that didn't.

Which is why Carlos is going to be a veterinarian school next year.

While there were parts of school that were torture, like when he was forced to run the length of the tombs in gym

Everyone who didn't like the part of gym nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile Beast growled at the reminder that Gaston is allowed to be near young kids. And because you know it's the guy who tried to kill him.

(why practice fleeing on foot when they lived on an island?)

"To surviving." Joyce muttered.

Or when he had to work with assigned partners

"I didn't really mind."muttered Doug, Jane, Emir and Macaria.

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