Chapter 25: Tale as Old as Time

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"Oh I am excited about this one."Emir said, as he and Akiho ate their popcorn excitedly.

Their girlfriends just rolled their eyes, while their parents shook their heads fondly. But Ben...,

Ben just did both but sighed in exhausted. "You two are insane."

"Why thank you King Golden Boy."

Just be yourself, there are other ways to show strength than your father's. Ben's mother's words rang in Ben's ears as he sat down to meet with Grumpy, who had been elected to represent the dwarfs and sidekicks in their petitions.

Belle smiled as she turned to look at her son. "I remember you telling me about those one-on-one meetings with sidekicks, I'm glad my advice worked for."

"Me too mom and thanks." Ben said as he smiled back at his mother, and making a mental note to saved that advice if he and have kids.

"There is no need to think me my tea cup." Belle said, using the old nickname that she used to call him when he was newborn to 10.

To everyone surprise, he wasn't embarrassed by the old nickname, he just smiled.

Great. Wonderful. Just perfect. A one-on-one Grumpy.

Ben shook his head. He suspected anyone else would have been a better person to negotiate with than the crabby old dwarf.

His kids, Emir and Akiho all laughed.

"His name is literally 'Grumpy' Bennybear ." Emir and Akiho said with a chuckle. Using one of Audrey's old nickname for him.

Belle raised an eyebrow at her son. "Bennybear?"

"One of my old nicknames for him, Queen Belle, I am sure the other will be revealed."Audrey said, just as embarrassed as Ben is, their cheeks being two different shades of red.

"I have always wondered what started that nicknames Audie?" Phil asked his sister, using the nickname that he gave to her when he was three. Their parents looking at their daughter along with their twin son and daughter.

"Leah highly insisted on the two nicknames as in she gave me the whole 'princesses are supposed to respect and obey their grandparents.' speech and told me that it was a good idea."Audrey said, Phil, Aurora, Phillip, Paxton, Payton and their older sister just shook their heads, all their faces either said: of course or I should have known.

Last time they'd met, the infamous dwarf had been insulted by a sugar cookie.

"He does love his sugar cookies King Ben, but if anything he should have made a meeting to apologize to you." Sunshine said, and scolding her husband and giving him the deadliest look.

These talks were doomed.

"You wouldn't have been doomed if it wasn't grown ass adults acting like ridiculous children."

"You know it's a good thing your nanny goat wasn't there, otherwise was he be getting scolded by... who are his parents again?" Meg learned in to whisper to Hercules.

"His father was a mortal named Peleus, he was the king of the Myrmidons and the sea nymph, Thetis."said Hercules.

Ben wished that people would stop telling him to be himself.

"You should always be telling yourself to be yourself." Genie said, a tiny frown on his lips.

It sounded like such simple advice—

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