chapter 101 blue's demands

Start from the beginning

"PINK!", Steven cried, running to her, her form glitched as she tried to move, "DONT TOUCH THAT TRAITOR!" Yellow yelled, firing lighting at steven, "MY STEVEN! WATCH OUT!", pearl cried, grabbing Steven and throwing him out the way, seconds before they were both hit. "Blue's pearl also turned into a damn traitor?", yellow asked, lapis, garnet and pearl stood in front of steven, lapis turned her wings into fists, garnet made her gauntles become giant and pearl summoned two rapiers, "don't touch him!", lapis yelled, yellow laughed at them, "You four idiots think you can fight a diamond! Fine then! Come at me!".

Yellow easily beat back all of lapis' water attacks, smashed garnets weapons, and nearly broke her gems, the three (or technically four) gems laid exhausted, unable to do any damage to the diamond. "None of you deserve to live!", yellow proclaimed, shooting lighting at them, before it could hit them a giant wall of ice covered them and sheiled them, "what the-", yellow made her attack dissappear and then the wall fell, revealing steven, one hand in the air and the other holding his scythe, "leave them alone!", he yelled, grabbing his weapon with both hands and nervously taking steps forward. "Steven! You are a diamond! Why are you defending these off colour traitors!?", yellow demanded, "they're following my demands as a diamond!", he snapped back, yellow looked down at him, shocked and offended, "then I'll need to stop YOU!", she summoned her sword and dashed to steven, ready to attack him, before she was about to slice him, blue diamond appeared from behind her and grabbed her by the neck, pulling her away and making her weapon dissappear.

Blue slammed yellow into the ground, making a crator, and cracking the entire ground, shaking the room and making steven fall to his knees, pearl helped him up and tried to move him away from the brawling giants. Blue dived on yellow and started punching her face. Yellow was able to shoot some small lightning blasts out her eyes and hit blue in the face, making blue jump away and allow yellow to get up. Yellow rushed at blue and blue ran back at her, their bodies covered in auras of pure energy, each punch and kick they delivered to eachother at full power shaking the bulding, making mini earthquakes, the room started to collapse, the pebbles started to climb out of the holes and desperately try to repair, some ran away and jumped out the window.

Blue went to punch yellow and yellow grabbed her arm, pulling it to her and punching her in the face, she grabbed blue by her face with both hands and looked into her eyes, "when we thought pink was shattered when she ABANDONED US,I alone was there for you and you would use your power against ME!?", she yelled, kicking blue in the stomach, only a tiny bit above her gem, keeping ahold of her face, digging her gloved nails into her cheeks, she kicked her more and more, putting lighting on her feet and kicking her at an incredible speed, finally she threw blue away and hit her with a small blast of energy, nearly hitting Steven.

"MUM!", Steven cried, running to his mother who lay in another crator. She slowly got up, her face was bleeding dark blue, almost purple blood. "It's ok, steven. I can handle this!", blue reassured her son, but he refused to believe her, "A-are you sure!? Pink diamond is really hurt! I told Garnet to take her away, and she told me she still isn't moving!", Steven was about to cry, he hated pink but seeing the amount of damage yellow did to her so quickly was terrifying, he couldn't stop seeing scenarios where his mother would be killed that quickly. "Pink is the weakest diamond, me and yellow are said to be equal, take your father and leave", blue told him, putting her hand on his shoulder, "it's too dangerous for you", blue stood up, as steven was about to respond he went silent and pointed, yellow was behind blue with her sword, and before blue could react she stabbed her, right though the chest.

The sword was giant and put a huge diamond shaped hole through her chest, it hit the bottom tip of her gem cracking it, blue looked down, she was coughing up blood and it was dripping all over her body, she looked down to steven, he was frozen with fear, pearl had to cover her eyes and lapis was shaking. Yellow smirked and pulled the sword out of blue, blue fell to her knees and then collapsed, laying in a puddle of her own blood, gasping and coughing. "See Steven? This is what happens to traitors", yellow said, her face turning into one of remorse or maybe even horror at the graphic site. Steven nearly screamed. He ran into the puddle of blood and climbed onto his mother, looking at the giant hole yellow had stabbed into her, he felt like he was going to throw up. "...m-mum....", Steven started to cry, blue energy spread everywhere, making yellow cry and run to the over side of the room, "MUM!!! PLEASE DONT DIE ON ME!", Steven sobbed, crying and grabbing onto her cracked gem. It was nearly cracked completely in half.

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