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Leaning against the window, Taehyung took a long drag from his cigarette

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Leaning against the window, Taehyung took a long drag from his cigarette. His muscles loosened a bit, but his thoughts kept swirling back to the painful memories he was trying to escape.

Taehyung still remembered, the sound of ambulance siren, the sickening metallic scent of the blood, and police constantly asking him a question in a small suffocated room.

It was a painful night that he could never forgot, Officer Lee a mid age man sitting across the table and asking so many questions.

"Tell me in details" He said.

Taehyung swallowed a lump formed in his throat, his fingers constantly tapping the surface of the table as it seemed hard to accept that his brother was now gone forever.

"I...I was playing a game...I felt hungry and I went out to grab something to eat and then I...I saw blood, a lot of blood I followed and it was coming out of Jaehyung's room" Taehyung paused for a moment and after gulped the half amount of water down from his throat, he began to speak again.

"I knocked on the door, Hyung didn't reply...I...I broke the lock and went inside and saw Hyung was laying on the floor and there was blood and...and...his wrist...there was a deep cut on his wrist" Taehyung buried his face into his palms and suppressed his cry.

Officer Lee patiently waited and then he continued his interrogation, "Where were your parents at that time?" He asked.

Taehyung looked up at the officer, "They were out for a party" He answered.

"Why he committed suicide?"

"I don't know we were never closed, I mean Hyung always kept himself locked, I just don't know anything, but...but he was changed ever since he returned" Taehyung said, his mind confused, he just spilling the words without thinking about them.

Officer Lee furrowed his brows, "Where did Jaehyung go?" He asked.

"I don't know, it was about eight years ago, Hyung suddenly had disappeared, Mom and Dad were so worried about him, my dad even filed a complaint and police searched for him everywhere" Taehyung answered.

"And where police found him?" Aksed Officer Lee.

"I don't know\...I don't know anything else, I just remembered few details but nobody told me anything" Taehyung replied.

Officer Lee exhaled a cold breath, then he rose up to leave but Taehyung stopped him.

"I once saw weird scars on Hyung's body" Taehyung said, "It was like someone had beaten him with leather belt" He said, after a few seconds of pause Taehyung beagn to speak again, "He was diagnosing from PTSD and when he witnessed violence, he would get panicked... sometimes he screamed"

Taehyung pulled himself out of the painful memories. Who abducted Jaehyung and why his brother was tortured? Why he had those scars? Taehyung still couldn't solve the mystery.

Taehyung suddenly realized that Jimin had similar scars on his body, like Jaehyung he would get panicked after witnessing the violence.

"May be I'm too high" Taehyung thought, he headed back to the bed and threw himself.

Slumber had left him long ago, the next hour Taehyung struggled to sleep by tossing at each side of the bed, but his mind couldn't give up on the thoughts about Jimin and his scars.

Maybe he should chat with Jimin, Taehyung thought, he grabbed his phone and sent a quick message as he saw Jimin appearing online.

"Hey Jimin awake?"

Laying in the bed upon his stomach, Jimin gasped a long breath as his screen flashed a message from Taehyung. He finished his homework and then prepared notes for Taehyung, after denied the email to him, he now decided to spent sometimes in his phone.

"Yes.... can't sleep at all...bad dreams...like always"

"Why you have bad dreams?"

"Don't know maybe cause of the past incident"

"You don't need to be scared...you know I'm always with you"

"Ya I know we're friends...Hey Should we hangout together?"

"Should we?"

"Alright...if you insist...meet me in the Gangnam cafe at 7pm"


Taehyung Jimin chatted for next few minutes, but then Jimin suddenly stopped, Taehyung stared at his phone, waiting for a message that never came. Frustration bubbled up inside him. He tossed the phone onto the bed with a small thud and forced himself to sleep.

AN: Hey readers these days I'm  not feeling good,  but ik still trying to update.

Anyway, you might have noticed that I didn't exactly mentioned the flashbacks when I actual wrote the flashback scene.

Okay so I wanted a smooth transition, but still in case if you got confused, when Taehyung is playing games on computer and when he sitting in the police station, these scenes are flashbacks.

Saranghae 💜


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