T h i r t e e n

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Jimin couldn't give up on the thoughts about the mysterious man, even after he arrived at the school

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Jimin couldn't give up on the thoughts about the mysterious man, even after he arrived at the school.

His head ached badly after attending four classes and now he wanted to go somewhere peaceful.

A place where he could sat quietly without being bothered by noises Of the students around him.

"I shouldn't come here today" Jimin thought, as the bell chimed and he roughly threw his stuff in his bag.

Sitting besides him, Taehyung observed his face concealed with anonymous fear. His anxious behavior, usually Jimin would greet him excitedly, offered his help without being asked.

Like a curious child, he would ask many questions and during the free time, he presumably would hopped over Yuri's seat and they chatted for a long.

Taehyung didn't know what conversation they both usually had, they just laughed together and Yuri seemed quite comfort with him.

But today, Jimin entered in the class as if he encountered the ghost on his way. Drenched in sweat and looking confused, he kept silent, not even raised his hand desperately to answer the question, teachers asked.

Perhaps he felt panicked again, or Junseok and his friends bullied him again, Taehyung thought curiously.

Taehyung's concern evident in his expression. He quickly rose up from the seat, chasing Jimin out of the class, he fought against his arrogance.

Somehow Jimin had overshadowed his ego, he always seemed like a little pathetic kid who always needed someone to protect him, and for some reasons Taehyung wanted to be that person.

Perhaps, that's why after witnessing Jimin's panic attack and seeing his scars, his thoughts about Jimin changed completely.

Just about a week ago, Jimin seemed annoying and talkative, but now Taehyung grew a sympathy for him, he wanted to protect him and now he anxiously followed Jimin through the crowded hallway.

Taehyung noticed a boy hitting Jimin's shoulder making him flinched agonizingly but then the boy apologized, Jimin didn't even turn back to look at him, neither he responded.

If Taehyung wasn't wrong, Jimin presumably would pout and widened his eyes in reaction, and then picked a little fight with the boy, but he just avoided quietly. The boy dashed towards his next class with his friends but Jimin walked down through the stairs.

As Jimin arrived at the yard, he settled himself on an empty bench placed under the blossom tree.

Taehyung stood at few meters away from him, looking at him and trying to assumed the reason of his strange behavior.

Jimin's gaze constantly stick to the floor, as his heart felt so heavy, he didn't want to be crazy, he didn't want to hurt his parents but somehow he failed at both of his task.

Perhaps the mysterious man was merely his imagination, and if not then he needed to tell someone, but if he discussed with his parents, they would get concern about him.

Jimin couldn't understand anything, he felt as if someone hitting his head with hammer as the pain increased, tears he struggled to suppressed whole day now finally traced the way of his cheek.

Taehyung felt ached in his heart, like an arrow stabbed and engraved a deep wound, he never felt this feeling, but Jimin made him feel his pain.

Taehyung finally decided, he headed to the bench and settled beside him.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked curiously.

Jimin startled at the unexpected interruptions.

"Mm.... nothing" He shortly answered.

"Something is wrong....you looking down since the morning" Taehyung insisted.

Jimin thought for a moment, he needed someone to discuss his situation but he hesitated. Fear of being tagged as a crazy prevent him from saying anything.

"You know\...I always wanted to have a freind" Alas, Jimin broke the silence, saying something seemed much better than being quite for whole day.

"A freind whom I can share my all worries and fear without being insecure and I tried to make one, in my previous school" His voice trembled, as he recalled the old memories "But when I shared my problems with him, he made fun on me and the next day everyone was calling me crazy and I had to leave that school" Said Jimin and then he went silent again.

Taehyung again felt an anonymous pain for him, he could assumed how it felt to be an outsider by the people whom once cherished you the most "So that's why you transfered?" He asked.

Jimin merely nodded his head.

A cold sigh escaped from Taehyung's lips, "Do you know why your friends never understood you?" He said, his voice as gentle as the breeze, rustling the petals of the blossom tree.

"Why?" Jimin asked curiously.

"Cause they never suffered from any pain" Said Taehyung, and then he shifted his gaze towards Jimin, their eyes locked together, "They never lost anything...so they don't know how pain feels like....how it slowly kills you from inside....pain of loosing someone.... seeing your family breaking slowly" His every word expressed his agonizing struggle to hold his tears back.

Jimin realized that not just him but Taehyung might required a freind as well, someone to rely on, to tell his story. An urge grew stronger, to know more about Taehyung, to found out the secret he had been keeping from all the world.

AN: Alright double update, I hope you guys are enjoying my book.

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saranghae 💜

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