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Jimin woke up with a same dream again, the man in black, the leather belt, heart thudding loudly, shallow breathe and body drenched in sweat

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Jimin woke up with a same dream again, the man in black, the leather belt, heart thudding loudly, shallow breathe and body drenched in sweat.

He hated to accept the fact of being scared, but Jimin couldn't deny the truth.

For few seconds, Jimin sat on his bed and tried to control his panic, patting his chest and practicing the breathing technique he learned from Taehyung.

As he sat lost in his thoughts, Jimin realized that his panic attacks had been increased more rapidly than he expected.
On the top of everything, his scars began to ache suddenly.

"What a fucking beginning of the day" He cursed, rising up from the bed, Jimin headed to the restroom.

After preparing himself for the day, Jimin approached the drawers and took out a small white bottle of his painkillers, he swallowed one pill and then gulped a few amount of water down from his throat, then he walked down through the stairs.

Mr. And Mrs. Park sat on a couch along side to each other, looking concerned and nervous.

Mr. Park stroking his palm with his thumb, while Mrs. Park staring at the floor, Jimin could assumed they needed to talk about something, that he might dislike.

"Morning" Jimin greeted as he stood near the couch and gained their attention.

"Morning" Mrs. Park greeted back, "Seem like you aren't having a good sleep these days...your eyes are red" She said observing her son.

Jimin nodded, "Nothing just study keep me awake" he lied.

Jimin turned to leave but Mr. Park Called his name "Jimin we need to talk," He said gestured him to sit.

Jimin couldn't refused when his father talked with him in such serious tone, he gazed at his mother avoiding any eye contact with him, that defined the difficulty of the situation.
Something she wanted to say but hesitating.

Then Jimin shifted his attention back to his father, looking concern and disappointed, which somehow an usual thing to be occured as Mr. Park always remained calm and composed even in worst situation.

But Jimin failed to assumed anything, "Is it too important?" He asked as he settled on the couch before them and try to make assumptions in his mind.

"Yes, it is" Mr. Park answered.

Mrs. Park still sat quietly.

"Okay...What is it?" Jimin asked curiously, his leg trembling with nervousness, his heartbeat raised.

"We both decided something" Mr. Park beagn to speak, "Observing your behavior we decided to began your therapy again" He said.

A deep intense silence wandered in the room, as Jimin gazed at his parents, looking bewildered.

He tried his best to convinced them, that he don't required any therapy, but it felt like Jimin failed terribly. Perhaps he made his struggle too visible, and for this mistake, he resented himself.

Then a few minutes later, Jimin thought about the frightening experience occured yesterday, he recalled the chilling feelings after encountering a mysterious man standing at few distance away from him.

Of course, he knew that the man was merely the imagination of his troubled mind, indeed, nobody could easily enter in the school while wearing all black and holding a leather belt just to scared him.

yet the figure felt so real, that it became almost impossible to tell the difference between his dreams and reality.

Once Jimin mulled over his situation, he realized that he couldn't fight against the mind game any further, that he needed to give up and start his therapy again.

Although, Jimin struggled to accept it but he knew very well, even all these passing years his attempt to live an ordinary life had been in vain.

Usually, he would fight with his parents, desperately try to convinced them, that nothing wrong occuring with him. But today he refused to say anything.

However, Jimin felt petrified, he didn't want to end up to be crazy, living his entire life in an asylum with his nightmares and delusions.

His mind arrived at the depth of his fear, "Alright" Jimin said exhaling a cold breath, "I'll do it" Eyes still fixed on his sweaty palms.

Mr. And Mrs. Park exchange a quick glance with each other.

"Something happened" Mrs. Park finally broke the silence.

She knew very well, her assumption about Jimin having nightmares were never wrong, but after witnessing the reality, she felt afraid, her heart ached and concerns etched across her face.

AN: So happy with the response honestly....you may don't understand but writing books for you guys is my driving force in such depressive life.

And when I get such exciting response and you guys do comments, it encourages me a lot.

Anyway lost of drama happening in the fandom....but at the end armys are always together to protect our boys.

Saranghae 💜


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