The Stranger From the Portal and A Failed Mission

Start from the beginning

Y/N: This place feels weird. Like a familiar sort of weird.

Polly: Uh, I think this place is closed! So let's leave and never come back!!

Anne: Are you kidding? Come on.

They shudder as they continue down the hallway, the torches by the walls barely lighting up each figure.

Anne: Guys, it's all fake! They're trying to scare you! Whoa. Look at this hot mess! It's actually pretty lifelike!

She stands next to a frog figure who had a cane and a fez ontop of his head.

Polly: Yeah, it even smells real.

The Curator: Hands off the merchandise!

The figure slapped away Anne's hand as the family screamed in terror at the seemingly alive wax figure as it starts laughing.

The Curator: The ol' "mistaken for a grotesque lifeless being!" Works every time! Welcome to my Museum of Oddities. I go by many names, but you can call me "The Curator."

Polly: Little on the nose, but okay.

The Curator: And if you chuck some of that cash into this here sack, I'll give you a tour of the greatest museum these parts have to offer!

Anne puts some coppers into his sack and The Curator tried to get a look at Anne's face.

The Curator: Hmm. What's the matter, honey? Face too ugly for public? Ha!

Anne: Wouldn't you like to know.

The Curator: Oh. A mystery. I love it!

Y/N hung at the back of the pack, not wanting to attract The Curator's attention.

The Curator: But enough chitchat. Walk with me. I've traveled all over Amphibia, collecting its most rare and frightening creatures.

He took them on a tour of his museum, showing off his strange looking attractions.

The Curator: Feel free to look around. But keep in mind, breathing in the dust will be extra.

He throws down a smoke bomb and hides behind one of his statues before making his obvious getaway. Meanwhile, Polly was staring at a wax monster. The eyes sudden looked at her and she screamed and jumped into Hop Pops arms.

Polly: Its eyes! They're watching me!

Hop PopWell, I had enough.

Sprig: Yep, me too.

Y/N: Anne, this place is freaking us out. We're gonna wait outside.

Anne: Okay, cool. See you guys...later?

Anne looks over to another attraction as the others leave the museum. They all wait outside for her.

Y/N: That place has bad vibes written all over it. Should I start making a plan incase we have to save Anne somehow?

Sprig: I'm sure it's nothing, Y/N. Besides, Anne can handle herself.

Y/N: I guess. It just feels weird though. This place reminds me of somewhere I don't think I've ever been before.

Suddenly, a mystical sound appeared besides Y/N as a glowing white circle showed next to him. Inside was someone who looked exactly like him, yet smaller and without his insect parts. He looked up to Y/N and studied him carefully, then smiled a wide grin.

Gekko: Found you.

The circle closed again and Y/N stared at the spot where it had just been.

Y/N: I'm sure that's not going to be a problem. Not at all.

Bugs, Boys and Boxes (Amphibia x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now