Chapter 35 : Decision

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A/n : 3K+ words .. please do comments and votes 🙂✨.

Olivia's P.O.V.

"Chop these vegetables, Olivia and help Hazel and Sophia." Mom tells me, to which I nod my head.

She left.

"Olivia, tell us what should we make today ?" Hazel asks me, scanning through the fridge.

"Anything will be fine." I mumbles.

"No dear. We can't make anything. We have to make something delicious." Hazel replies.

"Can't we just order something ? Like Pizza ?" Mason chims in from behind.

"No. Not Pizza. If you want to order, then order something nice like how about momos and burger and fries and what about-"

Before Michael could complete, Sophia interrupts him, "No Mike, we are not going to eat any junk food tonight. We are going to cook and you guys are going to eat that only."

Michael sighs.

"Like husband, Like wife" He mumbles under his breath.

"I can hear you" Sophia raises her eyebrow at him. He just sighs again.

"She is a lawyer. She has ear everywhere, brother." Mason whispers in Michael's ears.

He definitely doesn't know how to whisper.

Sophia didn't comment on it, just shakes her head while setting up utensils on the gas.

It's been 12 days I am discharged from hospital. Nothing changes. I am still sitting on wheelchair watching people walking, running and even jumping on their feet. I can't even get a proper sleep without that nightmare. Accident.

I was in my room when my mom told me to help Hazel and Sophia in the kitchen. If it had been any other day then perhaps I would have refused her, because I literally don't know the 'C' of 'Cooking'. But all the things going on, I know my Mom and Dad are really very stressed, so I don't want them to feel sad or disappointed. So, I agreed.

So, here I am sitting at my wheelchair, slowly and methodically chopping vegetables. The rhythmic sound of the knife hitting the cutting board is almost soothing, a small reprieve from the storm in my mind.

Hazel and Sophia are bustling around the kitchen, chatting and gossiping, trying their best to include me in their  conversation.

I could literally see them glancing at me time to time.

But, I don't care. I don't want to talk to anyone except one person. I immediately looks at my phone and sighs when I saw the double tick on my message, which I sent 14 hours ago. No replies.

I close my eyes and sighs.

He must be busy.

The last time I spoke to Lucas was 2 days ago when he called me and he literally apologized 99+ times for not being able to talk to me from few days as he is busy handling studies and his Dad's company. He told me his Dad's office is going in loss that's why he have to help him. Because of loss, he didn't even have money in his hands. He asks me for some money and told me he will return it soon. So, I sent him some money that will give him some help for atleast sometime.

I should be supportive to him.

"Olivia did you remember that time when Michael tried to impress that girl by doing a backflip and ended up landing in the pond ?" I look at Hazel as she is grinning, remembering the memory.

I nod.

"In my defence, she loved gymnastics. And the boys who loved gymnastics are her type." Michael sighs, probably remembering that embarrass moment.

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