Chapter 25 : Hernandez Corporation

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I am an Idiot.

"What happened ?" I ask my Driver.

"Miss tyres are punctured" He says.

My eyes widen. I immediately comes out from my car.

"What the fuck ? How ? Didn't you check it before bringing it ?" I exclaims looking at the punctured tyre.

"No Miss, I checked it properly. But, I think because of the pins there, tyres are punctured." He reasons with me.

I frustratedly close my eyes.

"Don't worry, Miss, I will call another car for you-"

"No No, it will take time. I have to reach at office in only 18 minutes now. I will take Taxi. After changing the tyres, directly go to the mansion, ok ?"

I instructs him.

"Ok Miss"

I take the file and immediately start searching for Taxi.

But to my luck, no one stops.

Uggh ! Whenever you want taxi, they will never shows up. Life sucks.

I guess, I should start walking to office now.

Sighing, I made my way to the office.

Standing before the imposing edifice of Hernandez Corporation, the sheer grandeur of the building captivates the onlooker. Towering glass facades reflect the city's skyline, showcasing the architectural prowess that defines this corporate citadel. The name "Hernandez Corporation" adorns the pinnacle in magnificent and elegant letters, projecting an aura of power and influence.

The exterior design exudes opulence with sleek lines, and the facade seamlessly combines glass and steel, epitomizing a marriage of cutting-edge technology and classical aesthetics. Expensive artwork and meticulously landscaped greenery surround the entrance, creating a sense of refinement.

As I stand here, memories flood back from years past, remembering a time when this building was a symbol of my brother's ascent in the business world. Yet, much has changed.

I came here after four years. My eyes waters, remembering the time when this was one of my favourite place to visit. My little self always wanted to watch her Eldest brother work and felt proud.

💭 Flashback 💭

"Liammmm" I tug at his black blazer.

"Yes Lia" Liam looks down at me with a smile on his handsome face.

My brother is really very handsome. William Hernandez. Actually all my brothers are. They have some charming look. As much as it is hard for me to admit, it is truth that girls die to be with my brothers. But, I am never going to say this to them on their face. I just can't satisfy their ego.

"Liam, Can I come here everyday, please ?" I asks him with the most innocent look on my face.

He narrows his eyes at me.

"And what about school, Lia ma'am ?" I pout at that.

"Can I leave school and help you in business ?" I gasps as a sudden thought hits me, "Liam, It will be so good, I can help you in business and then we can make money together for everyone. I will also help you to look after everyone. Mom and Dad will also be very happy with me and will feel proud. Yes, Liam, I can do it. We will do business together and provide money. this is so good, what says ?" I looks at him with star in my eyes.

He turns me towards him, holding my shoulders. 

"Yes Lia, you can help me in business when you will grow up but not now.  Now just focus on your studies, arts and games. Enjoy your childhood, baby. And Mom-Dad are already very proud of you, Lia. They really adore you the most. You don't need to do business to make them happy, hmm ?"

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