Chapter 29 : Accident

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A/n : From here, Point of views are going to change accordingly till end of the book... 

Due to lack of responses on 'Felicity' I kept it on hold until I am done with this book ... So, now, I have my full focus on this book and you guys are going to get Weekly updates (i.e on Sunday)... Please I am requesting for more inline comments on this book atleast.

Mason's POV.

We are getting bored. We have Science class right now and trust me, everything she is teaching is going bounce. 

From the looks of Dylan, I could tell he is also getting bored.

We are just waiting for the perfect time.

As our science teacher, Mrs. Thompson, drones on about photosynthesis, Dylan subtly nudges me and raises an eyebrow. I catch his drift instantly. It's time for some fun.

We had smuggled a fake spider into class earlier, waiting for the perfect moment to unleash it. With a mischievous grin, Dylan palms the spider and deftly drops it onto Mrs. Thompson's desk when she's busy scribbling equations on the whiteboard. The spider's legs twitch as it lands, perfectly timed for maximum effect.

Mrs. Thompson's reaction is priceless. She lets out a blood-curdling scream, jumping back in terror, her papers flying everywhere. The entire class erupts into laughter, but Dylan and I manage to keep straight faces, feigning innocence. Deep down, we're bursting with excitement.

"SHUT UP EVERYONE" Mrs. Thompson yells on everyone and a silence spreads in the class. She cautiously steps towards that supposedly dangerous spider. She throws her marker on that spider. And when there is no movement in that spider, she narrows her eyes at it. Her eyes widen when she realize it is fake spider.

She turns towards us. 

"Who did this ?!" Mrs. Thompson roars, scanning the room with narrowed eyes. We exchange a quick glance, knowing full well she suspects us. But we remain silent, our hearts pounding with anticipation. 

Finally, Mrs. Thompson's patience snaps. "MASON ! DYLAN ! GET OUT OF MY CLASS ! NOW !" she shouts, her voice echoing off the walls of the classroom.

Internally, Dylan and I are ecstatic. This is exactly what we wanted. But we are not going to accept it, of course.

"But we did nothing," Dylan looks at her innocently. Bastard.

She crosses her arms on her chest.

"Out. Now."

"Why should we, Ma'am?" I gasp, faking innocence too.

"I know very well this is your plan," she grits her teeth in anger.

"Ma'am, you have no proof," I retort back.

But before she can say anything, a boy stands up from his seat and says, "You are right, Ma'am, I see them near your table earlier."

I narrow my eyes at him. He just smirks.

"Get out, now," she shouts in our faces.

"Chill, we're going," Dylan says. 

I show my middle finger to that boy and follow Dylan out of the class.

But as soon as we step outside, the floodgates of laughter burst open.

We collapse against the lockers, tears streaming down our faces as we relive Mrs. Thompson's reaction.

"Dude, did you see the look on her face?" Dylan wheezes between fits of laughter.

"I know, right ? That scream was priceless," I reply, clutching my stomach.

We high-five each other, unable to contain our amusement. My attention is suddenly drawn to the corner of the hallway.

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