Chapter 11 : Heated Argument

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Note : See the preview of the next chapter at the very end of this chapter. Enjoyyy.

"I am sorry, baby, I was busy with my Mom. She was sick yesterday" Lucas said, looking guilty.

I smiled softly holding his hands in mine and rubbed his knuckles with my thumb.

"It's ok" I assured him.

"B-But look at your hands, they are burnt-"

"It's Ok, Lucas, nothing I can't handle, you know" I told him, staring in his eyes.

He sighed and pulled me towards him. He kissed my forehead and hugged me tightly.

I leaned in his touch finding comfort in his warmth.

"I love you" I mumbled.

"I love you too" He whispered, burying his face in my hair.

I smiled. I just tightened my hug.

"Awww love is in the air~" Lucas's arms loosened from around me as I turned around.

I sighed, annoyedly.

Control Olivia.

"What do you want Martin ?" Lucas groaned.

He immediately raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Nothing just wanna chat with you and pretty Hernandez here" He said giving me his sickly sweet smile. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Listen Martin, We are not in a mood" Lucas warned him, coming infront of me.

Rocky looked at me from top to bottom, leering with dirty eyes, and said, "Someone who has such a hot chic with them would never have a mood to talk to anyone else."

I clenched my fist.

Control Olivia. Control yourself.

"MARTIN, STAY IN YOUR LIMITS" Lucas yelled, pushing him away from us.

Rocky just chuckled.

"Well well well calm down, man" He said keeping his hand on Lucas's shoulder.

"I have to admit, Johnson, your choice is fantastic. Your girl is absolutely top-notch. She's really attractive," Rocky said, looking at me while wetting his lips.

I gritted my teeth.

He's deliberately provoking you, Olivia. Control yourself.

I took a deep breath trying to control my anger. I clenched my fist. 

"If I had a girl like that, I wouldn't even dare to look at another girl" He said slowly and seriously, staring in Lucas's eyes.

I frowned.

"SHUT UP, ROCKY" I yelled at him, going beside Lucas.

"I am warning you to stop with your bullshit, Rocky" I warned him, trying to control. Immediately, his face changed from seriousness to smirking one. 

"Oh No, Sorry sorry pretty Hernandez" He said smirking, raising his hand again.

"By the way, speaking of Hernandez, all the Hernandez's look good. Brothers have a reputation everywhere, and their sister is also very sexy, while daughter-in-laws of Hernandez family are no less than anyone." He said smirking.

I gave him my coldest glare.

Get a fucking grip on yourself, Olivia. Control you-

"What is the name- oh yeah Hazel Smith, Sophia Diaz, Jane Allen- the sex-"

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