He's back

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The weekend passed, Hana and Heeseung had more conversations and grew close and Sunghoon and Hana practiced more for the presentation, with Hana focusing on how to make Sunghoon grow comfortable in stage.

~ Hana's POV ~

I went to the college with my brother, and as I was about to enter into the building, I saw Joonhyung with the girl he was cheating on Haerin with.

"Cause a scene?! You should probably tell her... It'll be useful if she knows sooner.." I remembered these words from Heeseung and decided to sneakily take a pic of them holding hands. The view was clear, no one cared what I did, so I clicked it slyly and went in.

I joined my group, greeting everyone and I saw Sunghoon missing.

"Where's Sunghoon?" I asked and they all chuckled, making me confused.

"Look at it yourself" Jake said, passing me his phone which had a video of Sunghoon just sitting there, zoned out and looked like he absolutely had no will to get up. I laughed at it.

"So y'all just left him there?!" I asked, and the 3 boys nodded, laughing.

"The first lecture is soft skills anyway, he's gonna do the same in the class, so we just let him zone out in the dorm" that's kinda true though, even the professor zones out for like... Half of the lecture time..?

Then I diverted my eyes to the door and saw Joonhyung entering the class. Ughh seeing him makes me gag honestly. He went straight to Atsumi, who was there, clueless about him and accepting his "surprise gift!" I captured it too, for later use.

"Hey, why did you..." Jisoo asked me.

"Oh, the sky was looking good" I said, thankful to the window behind them.

I was putting my phone in my bag when I heard a loud smacking noise, sounded like someone smacked someone's head very hard.

"Yah! I was there zoning out and you guys didn't even bother to call me and go to the campus together? Ahh what did I deserve to get such shitty frie-" I saw Sunghoon shouting at the three boys after smacking Jisoo's head really hard. We girls just laughed at them.

"You'd probably be doing the same in the class, so we left you there" Riki said, quieting Sunghoon down with facts.

I then saw him look at me and I smiled at him, which he returned shyly. The lectures went by and Sunghoon and I were heading to the cafeteria, to discuss and have lunch. On the way, I saw Joonhyung again, with his side chick. Gosh how can he cheat someone as perfect as Atsumi?! Like- The audacity of this failed lab rat?! They were kissing?!

I quickly whipped out my phone, taking a pic again. Then I saw Atsumi walk to them, hoping for them to get caught, but they just stood back straight as if nothing happened. They talked to Atsumi all good and fine, as if nothing happened micro seconds ago. Just- Speechless.

"Hey!! Why are you turning out like me?" Sunghoon asked, waving his hand over my face.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.

"You're zoning out like me!" He said and I chuckled, followed by him.

The day went on, and we went to my home again for the presentation, as there were only 2 days left and we had only ½ content ready.

I was there again, in front of the boys' dorm, waiting for Sunghoon and saw Joonhyung again, with Haerin. Oh boy he spends more time with her than his own girlfriend?! Like- just breakup with her! Is it too hard?!

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