An accidental spill

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Hana started to notice him often in the university. Very often that she thought that he was a stalker. It did not bother Heeseung as it was a university. Months passed and Hana became more like terrified of him, but still was curious about him. She found herself constantly fighting against her own feelings on him, debating whether it was more of a romantic kinda feeling or a terrified one.

~ His POV ~

I'M LITERALLY IN CLOUD NINE RN BECAUSE I WAS ACTUALLY CALLED BY A WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY COMPANY!! I sent them my portfolio along with my résumé hoping to get an idea about starting a company whilst working there.

They called me for an interview 2 days ago and that's where I'm heading to. I took a 15 minute bus ride to the company. I checked the time. my watch showed 4:30 pm and my interview is at 5:30. I still had time so i went to a café to have coffee.

I ordered a caramel macchiato and was about to get a place to sit, when I suddenly bumped into someone who's coffee spilled all over the floor and my shoes were drenched.

"Fuck." I thought to myself, seeing the disaster.

"Hey! Can't you watch where you're goin-" I was cut off with a voice that apologised to me repeatedly. I looked up at her.

It was her. The girl from the store. I've been noticing her too much.

I didn't know how to react. I was shocked because it was obviously unexpected to see her here. I rushed outside the shop and stood under the shed for the outdoor tables.

I've been noticing her for like 3 months and I've never seen her alone. She was always with a friend or two and was always happy and bubbly.

My exact opposite, yet I find peace in seeing her all smiley, like a sunshine. It was weird at first but now I'm used to it. Used to seeing her often in the campus. Used to this feeling.

I heard a sweet voice, disturbing my thoughts. I turned to find the owner of the voice. It was her.

"Oh my god." I thought to myself, looking at the girl in front of me, looking up at me with her doe eyes and a pleading glance.

~ Her POV ~

It was my day off from the college and I didn't have any assignments pending. I wanted to lie on the bed all day and watch some kdrama but my loving brother forced me to get ready to tour around Seoul.

"We can do it someother day pleaseee~" I whined, but he was too stubborn.

"C'mon now! You've come all the way to Korea, just to do what you'd do back in Japan? Besides, I found an awesome café nearby let's go and check it out!" He said, behaving like a literal golden retriever, dragging his owner to play with him.

"Fine let's go" I said and got up lazily, dragging myself to the wardrobe.

I put on a simple white t shirt and black trackpants, got my sling bag and my phone, tying my hair into a ponytail.

"Let's go?" I asked him and he looked up at me leaving his phone.

"Oh you're ready? Let's gooo~" He said, holding my arm as I smiled at him.

We took a bus to reach there. My brother's basically teaching me normal things like taking a bus and grocery shopping, since I'm not really let to do these in Japan.

It brings me peace that I can experience things that a normal person does in his lifetime and that it's not taken away with "safety" as a reason.

I sighed, thinking how my life would've been rebellious like Yutai's if I didn't have met that motherfucker "teacher" in my kindergarten. If he hadn't tried to violate me, I would've not had this trauma and trust issues around new people.

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