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"I've been mending it" snarled Draco. A smug smeared all over his lips, but his eyes were lying for him. It told Evelyn the truth by seeing them and so did Dumbledore. He was scared, his hand trembling with fear, he swallowed his saliva multiple times just by standing there.

"There are twins, they form a passage. I ought to believe you'd know that by now. Ingenious " said Draco.
"Evelyn..." the defenseless man lowered his voice at the girl's direction, it eased her a bit to be quite frank.
"I've dreaded all these years for the moment to come to finally meet you and see you make all the right choices. You don't have to do this, let me help-" he tried empathizing with her.

She wouldn't listen, she couldn't. There was no one way she could get out of this without someone dying because of it. "It is d-done. You can't" she whispered and looked up, she slowly stood up "I'm m-marked" She rolled down her sleeve.

I have to do this.
"I understand," said Dumbledore.
It hurts Albus, a lot... I don't want to feel this any much longer. I'm afraid of what is to be expected of me. She raised her wand towards the old man, Dumbledore intertwined his hands and closed his eyes for a couple of seconds.

He took a deep breath before speaking, " I'm not afraid nor abound you be, but you must not let them control you. You're a strong wizard, Evelyn, far better than you believe you are. All of my desires and dreams have been fulfilled now and I thank you for that." He smiled as he took a step closer.

She broke down again, "No- closer" She heard foreign footsteps get closer and stand nearby. Bellatrix and other death eaters, "Well look who we have here," said Bellatrix, standing behind the two teenagers.

"Very well Evelyn. I didn't you had it in you" she whispered in the quiet girl's ear, the hot stinky breath of death made the girl's stomach turn. Harry's heart shattered at the words that came out of Bellatrix's mouth.

How was Evelyn capable of doing such things like this, betraying him? Betray her friends, was it all an act? Was it to get some type of revenge? But Harry was in denial of those thoughts of the one person he loved the most, she was not capable of doing such things.

Evelyn, she would never. Or was she? Harry shook his thoughts, she was not capable of this, she was forced. She had to be, she would never do that to him.

He took out his wand and pointed towards Bellatrix, Evelyn slowly shifted her gaze towards Dumbledore. She caught a glimpse of him looking below her, she shifted her gaze slowly to the place, trying to not make it obvious. Her eyes met Harry's, her eyes widened a bit and she bit her lips stopping herself from doing anything obvious. She thought he had left, but there he stood with a betrayed expression on his face, watching her about to kill the other adult figure Harry looked up to.

She closed her eyes, They're going to kill me, I'm sorry.
Harry, on the other hand, looked back to the floor so it was true then, what Dumbledore had said. The sudden small disappearances, my Father, she let him hear her. Looking back up to meet her beautiful eyes once again, but she wasn't looking at him anymore.

"Do it," Lestrange whispered, her wand touching the girl's ear. "She doesn't have the stomach just like her mother," said Dumbledore, she's not cruel like you, he wanted to say but held back.

"Now!" Demanded Bellatrix. But she wouldn't budge,  suddenly a deep voice spoke behind them and Snape came into view. She let out a sigh of relief at the sight of him, "No." he said.

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