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"Is something wrong Horace?" wondered Albus, he didn't expect that reaction from his old friend.
"Yes just turn on the lights, fix the place for me please, can't be staying here long, death eaters keep trying to take hold of me" Horace stuttered. He took a small bottle off his robe and took a big gulp. Dumbledore began fixing the place with his wand, the broken light, frames, and furniture soon began to repair itself until the house looked before the old man had arrived to hide.

"That was fun" Albus smiled, and he walked out of the room looking for the loo. Leaving the teens with the somewhat stranger.
"Do you know who she is?" Harry was the first one to break the silence. Horace avoided the teenager's gaze, he turned around facing a small piece of furniture with pictures on top. Harry and Evelyn followed as well.

"Not her certainly, but I knew her parents, I knew Alexandria and Regulus more than any other student I ever had, they were the perfect students if I might add. God when I heard the tragic news, I can't explain how long I spent grieving her death. Worst when I heard who did it. There they are"

"Regulus Arcturus Black, quite rebellious since his first year, cunning person when it came to being playing rough, you know I taught the whole family, except Sirius god I hope that son of a guy is doing okay, I'd like to get the set"
Harry picked up a picture of Regulus back in his school years, it was a picture of him in his Quidditch years. He looked so much younger, with longer hair, he looked more alive. Evelyn didn't spare him a glance, she wouldn't.
"And not to forget you Potter, your mother Lily, she was extraordinary, intelligent, you know you got her e-"
"Her eyes, yeah I know" Harry cut him off.

"And of course, not a single day goes by I don't think about her, your mother, Alexandria, blimey she was mesmerizing to be with, always an observer, cunning, adventurous you would've never caught her lacking in her studies, she was always top of her class. You would've never guessed she was a Slytherin. A sad thing that our conversation never lasted she was always busy doing something, even less due to the fact she couldn't talk"

Evelyn picked up her mother's frame. Alexandria was smiling wide, her dark brown eyes just like hers, her medium brunette hair. She had freckles, something she didn't know, her piercing in her right eyebrow gave her a fiercer look, her hair was in a hair clip, just like Evelyn's.
She turned to Harry, grabbing his hand and getting his full attention. Can you ask him, if I can have one of her pictures, I don't have one, please.
"Um yeah sure" he spoke a little too loud. Horace looked at him confused " I beg your pardon?"
"Um she was wondering if she could keep one of her pictures" "Oh, of course, I have more, have at it" he commented. The girl gave the man a warm smile, she grabbed the frame and held it against her chest. Tell him I say thank you and that I'll take good care of it.
"She says she'll take good care of it" Harry interpreted.
"Oh dear, I see you also captured one of your mother's characteristics, you sure are her daughter" he chuckled.

"Don't think I don't know, why you're here Albus, and the answer is still no, absolutely and unequivocally, no"  Horace changed the subject as he saw Albus entering the living room. In his hand, he was holding a magazine.
"Alright then I would've much been happier if you had agreed to come back to Hogwarts, but oh well, I'll be taking this, come on," said Albus as he made it their cue to leave. Evelyn gave one last look at the lost man, " It was nice meeting you" she signed.
"Ye- yes you too" was the last thing the man said before he was all left alone behind.

The rest slowly made their way outside, once walking closer to the edge of the sidewalk, a loud thud was heard behind them. A small smile appears on Dumbledore's face.
"Wait- wait! Alright fine, I'll do it, but I want Professor MerryThought's old office, not the water closet I had before. And I expect a raise, these are mad times we live in. Mad!" Yelled out Horace before walking back in.
"Yes indeed" mumbled Albus.


Harry and Evelyn stood outside the Burrow, they shivered in the chilly night. Once they entered the Burrow, the warmth of the fireplace warmed their bodies. The spicy pumpkin scent that Mrs. Weasley always loved, filled the air. Their trunk sat in the living just like Dumbledore had said. Alongside the bags of clothing, Sirius had recently bought her.

"Harry oh my god Evelyn!" Ginny was the first to spot the newcomers. She ran up to her dear friends jumping into a group hug.
"I missed you guys immensely!" cheered Ginny.
"Evelyn. Harry, what a lovely surprise!" Chimmed in Mrs. Weasley giving her a somewhat hug.
Followed by Hermione and Ron.
"You know when you told me you had to wear glasses you kept on nagging on how they would've made you look, but to be modest. So far you're rocking it" Hermione smirked.
Hermione turned to give a weird look to her friend Ron, he slowly raised his hand putting it close to Mione's mouth, before putting it down once he noticed all the attention.

"Got a bit of toothpaste," he said. Evelyn shot Hermione a suspicious look, Hermione just let out a nervous laugh.
Someone has a crush. Thought Evelyn.
"Why didn't you tell us you were coming? I could've made something to eat! Are you hungry?" Mrs. Weasley looked at both teens up and down.
"Oh no, Evelyn and I already ate something before coming here" both kids kindly denied.
"Alright then, go on upstairs change, make yourselves at home! Ginny sweety could you help me something?"


"Oh come on Hermione you seriously can't possibly lie to me about your crush on a certain redhead" Evelyn silently giggled. Hermione got a hold of the girl's hand giving her a daring look.

Once they all were comfortable they sat in a circle on the floor, using the Daily Prophet as a small fire giving the teens a sense of warmth.

"I'm not, I don't know what possibly is making you think of that madness! Me and Ron are just friends, the ones we should be talking about are the two nerdy teens with glasses and their hidden desirable love for one another" said Hermione in a friskiness manner.

Both girls jumped on top of one another, " We are just friends, I don't like him that way" the Ravenclaw girl defended herself. Although she couldn't admit, that whatever she was saying was a lie. She indeed liked the boy, but she was afraid of breaking his heart.

"Lies, and more lies!" shouted Hermione catching the boy's attention. Evelyn covered Hermiones' mouth stopping her from laughing any louder, she tried to hold one.
Across from them, Harry couldn't stop staring at the brunette girl, a smile on his lips, he didn't know whether the glasses made him more attractive to her or if was it the time they had spent apart but in the end his desirable for the girl had grown even more.

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