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Snape walked closer to us, I clutched my breath, and I felt Harry did too. He stood a couple of feet away, he's eyes piecing to mine as if he knew we were there. He didn't break his gaze, nor did I. "Oh Snape, Filch!" "Care to join me for a drink, I've been looking for a companion for quite a while!" the voice of Professor Slughorn pierced through the hallways. Snape looked away.

"Isn't illegal for a teacher to drink while being inside the premises of the castle" warned Snape. Filch giggled. "Fair well, don't tell Dumbledore, I don't want another scolding of his"

"Filch, why don't you make sure this gentleman makes it back to his office, I have other problems to deal with myself," he said as they both walked away. I sighed, as soon after they were out of sight, not realizing my hand was still over Harry's mouth. My mouth wide opened.
Oh my god, I am so sorry.
"Evel-" I grabbed his hand, we needed to get out of the castle, near the forest. There's no time, we need to get out of here.

"Where are we going?" he whispered. I ignored him as we slowly made our way out of the castle. We came to a stop next to a lake, the moon illuminated the water making it seem clearer than ever. The lights of the castle were seen from far away, yet so big and beautiful. We both gasped for air.
"How? T-they didn't se-e us!" He went on. "How can you do that?" He gasped for air, holding himself onto his knees. I chuckled. He did too. I raised my hand zipping my mouth and throwing away a key. You don't know me, Potter. Of course, I couldn't say that, not just yet.

I shrugged my shoulders, "take a seat" I signed to him. "You want me to sit down?" Harry asked. Yes. I nodded.
"Alright then" I slowly backed up away from his, I walked towards a big rock by the edge of the lake, and I pulled out the two things hidden beneath the tall grass. I walked over to the boy and told him to close his eyes. He followed through, I sat next to him. I pulled out his hand, giving him the first object, Liquid Luck.

I double-tapped him, he opened his eyes.
"What is it?" Our knees touched enough for me to let him read my thoughts. "It's Felix Felicis, I want you to have it," I thought. Small water droplets began to drip down from the moody clouds, it was going to rain soon.

"But why, you deserve it. I can't have this. I know Dumbledore told you about me, but I know it's best if you do it" He pushed it my way. No Potter.
"I wasn't being all honest with Slughorn to be quite frank, I cheated, when I arrived at the potions, we grabbed all the books. And so I  came across this," I pulled the book and gave it to him.
"I used this, and I think you might be interested in it" I stated. He slowly began to look through the pages, stopping on a page where there was a triangle symbol. His fingers traced the words.
"The Half-Blood Prince?" he turned to look at me.
"Do you know who he is?"
"No clue, but why me?"
" I guess I was just lucky to find the book. But I know how you are Harry, and I felt like you should've been the one to help Dumbledore in getting the truth out of Slughorn, I don't even know why he asked me, I wouldn't do much help, I can't even communicate with the man without writing in my stupid notepad. I guess he thought we make a good team."

I pulled out my palm facing the sky, letting the rain
drop more water droplets on both of us, this time more quickly. But I didn't mind, the moon was so astonishing.

"I think you should keep it, if Dumbledore asked you to do this it's because he trustes you. I say we will make a perfect team. I believe in you, plus you and Slughorn will have more things to talk about than me, I know I wouldn't be able to do it without you." My eyes stared into the abyss, afraid that if I looked at him I wouldn't be able to hide it.

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