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I sat in a wooden chair at the back of the room, waiting silently for the trio to show up, my knee bouncing up and down rapidly. I looked at my surroundings many people seemed to appear by the minute. I want to get this over with. A couple of minutes later the shack seemed to have gained quite a crowd. I was surprised to see Luna and Cho as well, I wasn't very much friends with Cho although we were in the same house, our personalities didn't seem to quite fit together, but we were still fond of one another. Minutes later the trio appeared, they sat patiently memorizing all the faces in the room.

"Hi, so you all know why we're here, we need a teacher" Hermione stood up. I began to listen, but my eyes still focused on the book.
" A proper teacher" "One who's had experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts"
"Why," a boy asked. I froze. "Why?" repeated Ron. "Because you know who's back, you stupid tosspot" I silently giggled at his remark. I guess all Weasleys are the same.

"So he says" the boy talked back. This time I closed my book.
"So Dumbledore says" Hermione chimed in.
"So Dumbledore says because he says, the point is where's the proof, if only Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed..." the boy trailed off. I closed my eyes, Cedric. The room got quieter as the name of their fellow student was named out loud.

"I'm not going to talk about Cedric, so if that's why you're here, clear out now" the Potter boy stood up. "Come on Hermione, they're here because they think I'm some sort of freak" Harry whispered.

"Is it true you can produce a Patronous Charm?" asked Luna, gaining everyone's attention. Patronous Charm, never done that before. "Yes, I've seen it," said Hermione. "Blimey, Harry, I didn't know you could do that," said Dean. "And he killed a basilisk, with the sword in Dumbledore's office" chimed Neville. "Third year, he fought off about a hundred Dementors at once," said Ron. You amaze me, Potter.

"Last year, he did fight off you know in the flesh"

"Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that... but the truth is, most of that was just luck, I didn't know what I was doing half the time, and I nearly almost had help" Harry admitted. Very modest.

"He's just being modest" Hermione stood up.
"No, Hermione, I'm not" Harry continued.
"Facing the stuff in real life it's not like school, in school, you just make a mistake, you can just try again tomorrow, but out there when you're a second away from being murdered or watching a friend die right before your eyes you don't know what that's like" I knew what it was like, the feeling of feeling pathetic, useless, it was a feeling I never wanted to feel again. Remembering that night has always come back to taunt me, maybe now I won't feel so useless as I did that night. But I was young.

I knew what I was getting myself into if Voldermot were to come back, I wanted to have at least a chance of beating him in some sort of way, although I may not be the greatest, I will for sure know I fought him with the people who I care about and for a great reason.

"You're right Harry we don't, that's why we need your help because we're going to have any chance of beating Voldemort" comforted Hermione.

He's back, isn't he? My eyes met Hermione's, she mouthed a small thank you, I simply nodded, we must fight together. Students began to form a line and stood eagerly to sign the paper. "I think you were awesome Harry" Cho's sudden voice made me look at them. She smiled at him, a flirtatious smile, he gave her a cheesy smile. That same cheesy smile of his that he always did when he smiled at me,  this time he was smiling at her, does he like her?

"Um thank you, Cho, for coming" The boy rubbed his knee, and the girl waved to him, soon my turn came, and I was the last one in line. I signed my name in the sheet, before heading to the door giving a small glaze to the others.

"Evelyn wait" Harry stood up from his chair and walked up closer. Dont. I looked at the ground. "I just wanted to say, thank you for coming and joining us, I didn't think you were gonna come" the boy explained, a small smile forming in the corner of my lips, I looked up meeting his gaze. I took out my notepad.

"Anything for my friends," I wrote. 'Um hello, I'm Ron by the way" The ginger boy stood next to Harry, he wrapped his arm over his shoulder, Hermione stood behind them, hiding her smile. "I'm Evelyn, nice to meet you by the way" I extended my hand, which he gladly took.

"Sorry if we didn't get the chance to meet, it seems like some people tend to forget that we don't know everybody" The boy rolled his eyes at his friends.

I chuckled, "Good insult by the way" "Tosspot," he grinned. "I love your hair" I complimented.

"Well thank you, actually now that you say that you should meet my family, you'll love them, God my mom will love you-" the Weasley boy kept ranting on. "Well since the meeting is over, I think it's time to head back, don't you think Hermione" Harry chimed in trying to break up their conversation. "Yes please," she said.

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