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Dumbledore looked like his breath was taken away, he stumbled backward a bit and sat down on the small steps.
"What is it, sir?" Harry asked, Evelyn stayed still she didn't dare to turn and look at them. She still felt that warm sensation and movement of the mark on her arm but she ignored it.

"This is beyond far the most dangerous than I imagined," he said all in one breath. "You're saying he has succeeded sir, in making a Horcrux?" Asked Harry.

"Oh yes succeeded definitely and not just one" he replied.
Something that in Harry's mind had let him properly let sink in maybe because it was the fact that he didn't know what they were. "But what exactly are they?" He asked.

Evelyn turned around and stood next to him, Dumbledore lifted his gaze back up to them, his eyes traveling to hers. She swallowed as he waited for the old man to answer, "It could be anything, the most commonplace of objects" he explained and slowly stood up and walked back to his desk.

Harry looked down towards Evelyn, she nodded and they both followed behind him. Dumbledore took out a burn of what it looked like to Evelyn a diary with a burned hole in the middle as well as a ring.

She furrowed her eyes confusedly, she surely knew she was a Horcrux but she never got the chance to know what the other ones were. She surely didn't expect him to have it in their possession, how did they get them?

"Tom's Riddle diary," said Harry.
"It's a Horcrux, indeed" replied Dumbledore.
"Four years ago when you saved Ginny's life in the Chambers of Secrets, you brought me this." He held it in his hands.

"I knew this a very different kind of magic, very very dark and so powerful but until tonight I had no idea just how much" Evelyn walked closer, she stared at the small ring displayed on the desk.

Who does it belong to? She wondered. Harry took notice of the girl's intense staring, "The ring?" He asked.
"It belonged to Voldemort's mother" he explained.

"But if you could find them all if you did destroy all Horcruxes-" Harry trailed off.
"One destroys Voldemort" Dumbledore finished it off.
"But how can you find them? They could be hidden anywhere" he said.

Evelyn's gaze didn't move from the ring, she found her hand slowly reaching for the ring wanting to touch it. Her mind was flashed with memories of Tom Riddle from his childhood all in a split second once her finger hand made contact with the ring.

She closed her eyes slightly shook her head, and opened them back up, the memories engraved in her mind already. The ring moved around in circles before finally coming to a stop, she looked back at Harry and Dumbledore they didn't seem to pay attention.

"True but magic, especially dark magic leaves traces," said Dumbledore, this caught her attention. The older man walked around the desk, "It's where you've been going isn't it, sir? When you leave school" Asked Harry.

"Yes, and perhaps I might've found another one. But this time I cannot destroy it alone. Once again, I must ask too much of you, Harry." Said Dumbledore, he looked back at the girl who stood behind Harry, she kept herself hidden.

Harry turned his attention to her, she noticed his eyes glistening, he wanted to go. He needed to go with Dumbledore it was his only chance of finding a way to take down Voldemort.

"Go," she said. He didn't tell her, she knew that whatever she would tell him, he would take any chance of going somewhere.
"Well, that settles it then. Why don't you wait for me Potter at the tower, I'd like to have a few words with Misses Blackwood alone." Smiled Dumbledore.

Harry nodded, "Are you going to be okay?" He asked.
She nodded and landed a kiss on his cheek, "Come back" she whispered.
"I love you" he whispered.
"I love you too" she smiled and Harry walked out leaving them two alone.

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