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"Well, that is indeed correct with Blackwood. He's ashamed, he thinks it's all his fault, I mean who could blame him." Dumbledore spoke grabbing the girl's attention.

"But why?" Asked Harry.
"Why? Well you see, I asked you too to get to know Professor Slughorn and you too have done so."
"Now I want you too to persuade him to divulge his true memory any way you can,"

"I'm not sure Evelyn and I know him like that, sir" admitted Harry. " This memory is everything. You have no choice, you must not fail" The headmaster stared at the boy specifically.

She didn't dare to meet his eyes.
"I think this might be something you should do Harry. Is that okay?"
"No it's fine sir," nodded Harry.
"Good now you two should head back to class, I don't want you to miss too much." Ordered the old man.

Evelyn and Harry walked the hallways towards their first class, potions with Slughorn. "Do you believe we'll be able to make him to tell us?" Wondered Evelyn their hands intertwined as they walked, she laid her head on his firm shoulder.

"Do you think we'll be able to?" Harry countered, looking to his right and staring at the girl he loved. A small smile formed on his lips, Evelyn smiled sheepishly. Yes.

"Then yeah we'll be able to," they both soon entered the class and in a matter of seconds the whole class ended, and began gathering their things. Ron and Hermione walked towards them, "Where were you two off to?" Asked Mione.

"Dumbledore" signed Evelyn. Hermione turned to Harry, her eyes furrowed she moved her gaze down to their intertwined hands and back to the quiet girl's gaze.

Evelyn's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, she avoided her best friend's gaze who stared at her intensely. A loud gasp escaped Hermione, she smacked her hands on top of her mouth.

Evelyn's eyes widened, and she let go of Harry walked towards the girl, and began to drag her out of the class. Harry gave both girls a weird look, Evelyn just smiled and moved her gaze towards Slughorn. Talk to him. I'll deal with her.

Evelyn dragged her best friend out of the class and to her common room. "Okay, okay. I won't say anything" sighed Mione, Evelyn finally let go. She turned to face her best friend, "Say what?" Evelyn signed.

"Oh please you may not speak but your eyes speak for you. And I know.." she squinted and walked closer to the smaller girl. Evelyn slowly inched away as she fought the urge to avoid her gaze, "Kn-now w-what-t?" she stuttered making Hermione stop dead in her tracks.

She gasped one more time and stepped back, "Y-you just t-talked. Merlin's beard you just talked. You spoke to me with your actual voice. What's happening today? And I am dreaming?!" Hermione plopped down onto her friend's bed.

You are not dreaming. Whatever you're thinking it's true, it did happen... but you must not tell anyone. Thought Evelyn as she looked intensely at the girl, she sat next to the girl, and Hermione sat up looking at the girl in disbelief.

"Okay, what is happening? First, you keep a secret between you and Harry about you two doing god knows what without telling me afterward, you're supposed to be my best friend. And now you suddenly you're speaking, I -just.." Mione was lost for words.

"N-not happy?" Evelyn asked worryingly, she hoped that she hadn't offended her by not telling such important things. "I-m-m so s-so" Evelyn tried to apologize but the words couldn't.
"No. No. No. Don't be, I'm just so fucking weird out. So the rumors were indeed true, god how come I hadn't figure it out any time sooner, for fucks same. This is amazing" smiled Mione. Language. Evelyn furrowed her eyebrows.
"Sorry, sorry. Is it just when all this happened? Why didn't you tell me?" The Gryffindor girl sat back down.

Evelyn held the girl's hand, both of their gazes glued to one another, none of them made a sound. It was all in their head, Evelyn was explaining everything that had happened, not with such detail of the certain but just how it came to be. Good to say, that Mione wiggled her feet nonstop and internally screamed making the not-so-mute girl tighten her closed eyes at the sudden loudness.

"I'm so sorry, it's just so hard to believe all of that happened. God I feel bad for you it must've hurt, didn't it? Wait no. Don't answer that" Evelyn began blushing and laid back on her bed followed by Hermione.

"I'm glad you two have each other." She said.
Evelyn rolled her eyes, "Really, I am. You guys are opposite from each other but that's what makes you too good for one another. Harry is a great boy, he cares about you, he doesn't show it much to you, but to Ron and me... god."

"You should've seen him writing those damn letters over the summer, all he ever wrote was counting the days to see you." Both girls smiled.

Thank you, Hermione, I promise you from now on I will tell you everything. Evelyn smiled.
Hermione shivered as she heard her friend's voice in her mind, she was not getting used to it any time soon.

"That you hid all this from me, answer this for me at last.." Hermione asked. She nodded her head without another thought. "Screw it. Tell me everything.." she smirked.

"He sort of went nuts," said Harry as they walked towards the Gryffindor common room entrance, his arms wrapped around her shoulder. Evelyn lay in between his arms, Harry adjusted his girl's bag over his shoulder, and his tie was loosened up.

"I think it sort of brought him memories. It was as if he was reliving the same incident all over again. I mean who can blame him?" They had arrived at the common room, and they quietly made their way up to their dorms.

Ron came into view as he sat crisscrossed on the floor, he was in a daze, he began sighing repeatedly and stared out at the window. Evelyn was the first one to notice him, Harry began putting both of their things away in his wardrobe.

"Yeah?" He turned around.
Something's wrong with Ron
"What do you mean?" He turned around and froze, he saw Evelyn crouched down behind him, and she turned to point at him.

He slowly crept up behind both of them and stood in front of his other best friend. "Ron?" He asked. Ron ignored him. "Are you alright man? Did you eat something wrong?" He asked once again.

"I'm better than ever," Ron said in an angelic tone. Evelyn stood up and made her way to Ron's bed. She notices a pink and white letter and a photo of a girl from his house.

Romilda Vane

The moving picture shows her throwing mouth kisses, she picked up and read the letter, it was for Harry.
Something that Evelyn was by surprised, she didn't know she had a crush on her boyfriend. Although she didn't want to admit she was a bit sad he didn't tell her about it, he guessed it was just another admirer or maybe he forgot.

She saw the open wrapper of eaten chocolates and her eyes widened, she walked back to the others. Harry had finally noticed the chocolates on the bed.
"I can't stop thinking about her, Harry," said Ron.
"Had ourselves a little late-night snack did we?"

Ron finally stood clutching the chocolate box, " It was in your bed I just thought I'd try one or twenty" he chuckled.
"I can't stop thinking about her Harry?" Admitted Ron.

Lavender Brown? I thought he couldn't stand her. Wondered Evelyn. "Honestly I reckon she started to annoy you. What the sudden change?" Asked Harry.

Evelyn began to pick up the trash from the bed and throw it in the trash can, Harry jumped over his bed in hopes of fixing it before Ron came closer and slightly shoved him.

Evelyn turned around confused as to why he was suddenly defensive. "She could never annoy me, I think I'm falling in love with her"

I'm sorry what?

Act 2 is coming to a close end!! I'm so excited for what's ahead for you guys for Act 3! Please like comment and vote!

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