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Inside Weasley's Wizard Wheezes stood the Ravenclaw alongside her friends. Her friends explored every little fun of magic, above all, small fireworks bombarded the shop, kids laughing heard in the background. She had to admit Fred and George had done a good job. On the other hand, the girl stood by herself, she stared at a small glass with a shiny green substance. Screaming Yo-Yo. It read. How much is it?

Does it do what it says? How loud would it be?
"Quite the yo-yo you know, you can mess with people mother hated it when I first showed it to her" Fred's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
"It's only 5 galleons, but anything you want darling, is for free" George chimed in. The girl spun around facing the two tall suited twins. She gave them a wide smile, she quickly grabbed the toy box and placed it in her pouch.
"thank you!" She signed.

"No need," both said, Fred ruffled the girl's hair.
"Hello ladies," the twins said in sync.
The girl looked up seeing as Hermione and Ginny stood next to a big pink flower bowl. Evelyn walked closer, picking up the small substance.
"Love potions, eh?"
"They really do work, then again, the way we hear it, sis, you're doing just fine on your own" Both twins began to stare at the younger sister. A smirk on their lips. Both Hermione and Evelyn shot the redhead girl a small smirk.
"It's none of your business," said Ginny, walking away blushing.
"And what about you? Care to explain as to why Lucas Darque kept asking for you all last year?" said Fred giving the girl a smirk. "It seems this little quiet one has an admirer, are you gonna ask him," said George. Harry stood next to the boys giving the girl a small frown, did she like him back? He wondered.

"Leave her alone you nosys' she can date whoever she likes, she already likes someone else" snapped back Hermione.
"And who might the lucky guy be?"
"I do?" Evelyn signed to Hermione.
"Yes, you do, go along" Hermione whispered. She turned to the twins, "It's her business, c'mon Evelyn" Hermione pulled the girl. She gave one last glance behind her, her eyes catching Harry's, he seemed disappointed. She raised her hand to wave him goodbye, but before she could do that he was out of her sight.


Evelyn sat at the Ravenclaw table, her eyes glued to the Quibble magazine that Luna was handing out. A tap behind her shoulders snapped her out of her thoughts. She turned to face a smiling Lucas.
"Lucas?!" She signed. The girl stood up hurriedly to hug her taller friend.
"Yup!" he said hugging the girl back. The girl broke the hug, looking for her notepad and pencil.
"How have you been? I haven't seen you since our last hang out, why didn't you write to me? she asked.

"Um yeah about that I'm so sorry, it's just right after we last
hung out my mother has been sick, and somebody needed to take after her, but don't worry, now that this is my last year we should hang out sometime, I have some questions about this," he said tapping the corner of the girl's glasses. The girl slapped his hand, making Lucas act all hurt.
"Don't mind if I join yah?" The girl nodded. He took a seat next to the girl and both began feasting. Now and then Lucas would make a joke and comment on how his love life has been going. Making the mute girl chuckle silently at the boy's clumsiness.

After a couple minutes Evelyn saw Harry walk into the Great Hall. She stopped listening to Lucas and paid more attention to Harry. His face was reddish, was he bleeding? Wondered the girl. What happened to him?
Seconds later her attention was captured by another tall figure entering the Great Hall.

She noticed how Draco had changed tremendously. He wore an all-black tuxedo, a cane in his hand, and the warmness in his face, was gone. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, he looked angry.

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