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Things at Hogwarts changed more than they feared for the Hogwarts students. Dolores has been appointed to the post of Hogwarts high inquisitor. She had banned all types of actions she found incautiously. The Ravenclaw girl huddled confusedly around all the commotion surrounding the middle courtyard trying to see what was going on. She was pulled from the hoodie of her robe and dragged away from the crowd of people around her, fear spread across her face, she looked up and saw Blaise dragging her.

"Don't argue with, me" She bit her inner cheek, she rolled her eyes, Blaise looked at her once again and just smirked at the young girl. Soon arrived where her Slytherin friends stood. Pansy being the first one to see her hurriedly went up to the girl and hugged her.

"Did you have to drag her away like that?" she stared at Blaise. "Could've been nicer" snapped the Parkinson girl. "It wouldn't have been fun if I just asked her to come with me, you should've seen her face"

"It was quite hilarious" "She looked like a lost pup around all those people" the boy laughed, the girl slightly punched him, and Blaise acted all hurt. Malfoy soon joined them.

"God, what happened to you it seems like you've grown shorter since the last time I saw you, and I just saw you yesterday, have you been eating?" he questioned. The girl just rolled her eyes. No, maybe you grew smaller.

"Kidding of course" The boy raised both his hands in surrender. I wasn't kidding, thought the girl. The quiet girl looked at the commotion and looked back at Pansy. She began explaining.

"It's Professor Trelawney" Evelyn's eyes widened, Trelawney? Although her teaching was not the best, she enjoyed the small conversations with her professor, she was quite different, and she was weird. Plus she knew sign language, nobody does except Hermione. Of course. The girl tried to steal a peak but failed to do so, she was too short. Was Draco right? Did I shrink a bit over the last couple of days?  she wondered. She sighed.

"Move you stupid Gryffindors, can't you see you're blocking her way" "Now run before you guys regret even standing here" She heard as Blaise ran off some first Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs, she glared at him but gave him a small smile.
No need for that.
The girl turned back and saw Professor Trelawney crying, Umbridge opposite of her seemed confident, her heart broke seeing her teacher crying. You could imagine Evelyn was quite the crybaby of the group. McGonagall came along and tried to comfort the crying teacher. "She did the right thing, it was quite amusing she lasted all those years teaching"  Malfoy commented. "Had her class for five years and um, yet never learn anything" they laughed. She didn't. "Maybe you're too dumb to comprehend when someone is speaking with that little head of yours," Evelyn wrote.

The other just 'ouhhh' him and high-five the girl. The boy just snarled at his friends, and Evelyn mentally high-fived herself. Dumbledore had come outside dismissed both teachers and went back in. Soon the crowd began to disperse back to their classes.


The shy girl sat at the library as usual, this is where you would've always found her. Sitting next to a window, a toast in hand which she had stolen from breakfast, she sat back of the library where rarely any students sat, her books were sparse all over the table which was a looking mess, her dark brown hair tied up in a messy bun. She studied for the OWLs, but it seemed like she wasn't learning anything due to Umbridge rules, she made herself study even harder.

"It's a Saturday morning and for some reason, I knew I would find you here" spoke the Granger girl. "You know me" the girl signed. The brunette had shown the brown-haired girl sign language the year prior, Hermione was a great student, she was a quick learner. Both girls just chuckled at each other, Hermione sat in front of the girl, she wore her outside jacket and beanie, with a scarf around her neck and her mittens.
Evelyn furrowed her eyes.

"What is it?" she signed.
"Oh yes, I was wondering if you would like to join us in our group, well not really of a group but more of an army, Dumbledore's Army, which Harry and me... and Ron have created to protect ourselves from you know who under Umbridge rules" she signed back. It took Evelyn by surprise how the Gryffindor had improved over a couple of months. She could now proudly say she was not a terrible teacher. " I practiced over the break" Hermione giggled. Knowing the girl wondered off in her thoughts.

"But yeah I was just wondering if you would like to join us, the meeting is in 2 hours and we're meeting in Hogs Head" she went on. " I mean you don't have to be there if you don't want to, I completely understand I was just wondering if you liked to, you know where to find us"
"I'll bet Harry's going to be so happy when he sees yo- people there" the girl laughed nervously.

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