I was barely able to breathe, I said, "Just save my wife.. I don't need anything other than that...." She nod.

I begged her, "I know she has to be fine, and wake up... and when she does... never mention that in front of her.... She doesn't need to know..."

The Doctor said, "BUT..."

I warned her, "She won't handle it any good right now.... Just save her... I will take responsibility of the rest...." tear dropped from my eyes. I have never felt so helpless.

Hours later,

Fred was behind me, I stood out of her room for hours. I hope I see her smiling again at me. I will trade anything for that.

Fred said, "Won't you see the twins once.... They are in worst condition on her...."

I hated to hear this, I said, "I will not move till she is fine.... and... No one matter to me other than her right now...." She is like this because of me... I should have looked after her better... there must me my fault somewhere....

I heard Fred, "Isaac went to see them earlier..." I am glad he hasn't told the rest of family yet... but he will sooner or later, I know he doesn't want this situation get any messier than this.

Fred said, "of course they didn't allow him in.... but he said they are too tiny to survive.... even he heard Nurses whisper... and they are unlikely to survive...." My fist got tighter... How dare they!!!

Fred said further, "They said... how pitiful these children are.... if they.. they don't make it, they won't even see their parents once....anyways...."

Fred warned, "You will regret this...." I looked down.

29 minutes later,

I was all dressed in mask and hospital gown, to just have a look at them. Fred was right, I cannot regret... because I will not lose them.

I looked at them, they are small, all red. The diaper looks too big on them, the hospital tags, the pipes on their nose, made my heart crash down.

I never felt this kind of pain.

I am too scared to touch them, they are too weak. They did let me see them after lot of pressure and full safety measurement.... I knew the hospital staff won't go against me.

I noticed the baby boy was sleeping peacefully, he look bigger than his sister. She was looking at me with her big eyes. My eyes flooded, I feel like she might be in pain. She is so tiny so new to this world and already fighting to live.

My little angle.... she doesn't deserve this.

She started crying all of a sudden, I panicked, the nurse rushed to us. She tried to comfort the baby. But the baby girl started to cry louder.

I was getting frustrated, I said, "Give her to me..." The nurse looked unsure.

But she passed me the baby. I had her in my hands, and I swear my heart was running miles away, it felt like she was too tiny to be held with both hands.

She kept crying, I begged her, "Shuuu.... My angle... shuuu.... Daddy is here...."

She slowed her crying looked at me, I smiled at her as I said, "Valerie.... Daddy is here... Daddy is not letting you suffer anymore.... I promise...." The child kept looking at me with her curious stare.

I kissed her forehead as I promise, "You both will be fine.... and see mommy soon...." I looked at the baby boy too, I know they won't understand, but I promise.... nothing will happen to 3 of them, I swear on my life...

Runaway BrideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora