i thought you loved me

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Chapter fourteen i thought you loved me
When cole met up with his mom and her family he felt better because he wasn’t trying to be his father and knew chloe never loved him, meanwhile rafael was watching tiffany from the shadows hoping she loved him but, she doesn’t but, she does love her husband simon without cole being home rafael is lonely and wants company but, noone shows up, rafael then calls his son but, Cole never answered only Sonia answered telling rafael that Cole needs time with her family then rafael hung up and called meghan and asked her to help him out because he needed someone after Chloe Cole and Tiffany left him he feels alone. So meghan arrives with her stuff and begins to tell rafael that he doesn't need Tiffany but, her because Tiffany treated everyone with hate;her opinion so meghan began to think of the prefect “revenge” she should date rafael and grow his business but, rafe doesn’t love meghan only tiffany and wanted her back so going with meghan’s idea might be a good idea and hoped that it would work and not blow up in their faces. When Tiffany found out what her former friend and ex-boyfriend were doing because Meghan's daughter Tori texted her and told her that Meghan wanted a rich husband who could give the best life and Tiffany told tori that Meghan would have a rich husband with purse strings. Tori knew that her mom would live like a queen but,it would be the anne of cleves where she would be known as the ugly wife and tiffany would be jane seymour; the beautiful true love of his life but, they didn’t live in the 1600s just the 2020s. Tori and Chloe used to be friends but they had fallen out, Chloe never really told tori that her family was different since Chloe was born  into the mafia and has been betrayed by people that claim to be friends who turned out to be snakes. Tori wasn’t born in a mafia family but, sometimes she was because her mother was a nightmare to live with, that’s why she lives with her father because he never was jealous of chloe’s dad making money and having a large house but, her mother wanted the same life as tiffany mayes but, tiffany didn’t like her house that much and hoped that she could live in a small house for chloe. Chloe meanwhile was making love with liam in her room not having a care in the world hoping her mother’s drama was over because she really hated meghan brando because she brought nothing but drama because she still had rafael’s drama. When Cole arrived back at waterfall Chloe waved at him because she wanted to be friends with him but Cole didn’t wave back Chloe could only hope. When school was over Chloe went over to Liam and kissed her boyfriend on the lips, Cole watched as his mom picked him up in her minivan, Chloe was on the back of Liam's motorcycle and Liam drove Chloe home while Cole was trying to understand his father's actions. Rafael was hoping Cole would return back but Cole was still mad at his dad and wanted his normal life back but Cole didn’t care anymore.

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