left behind

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Chapter eleven left behind
When Mackenzie and Sebastian were found out as boyfriend/girlfriend aka cousins everyone felt sick and the mayes and butchers left town then cole told chloe they couldn’t have the same relationship as bash and mack chloe nodded. The very next day, chloe got ready for school when she and cole arrived there was a boy staring at the school entrance when chloe walked by the guy said hi chloe gave him a look and walked into school, by the first bell everyone in school forgot that mackenzie and sebastian nightmare and who the new guy was william “liam” jackson;tall muscular with shaved brown hair almost buzzed when liam joined the english class where he sat next to chloe and reached out his hand: i’m liam nice to meet you chloe was shocked; chloe and before we go further you’re not in a incest relationship with any female memebers in your family liam looked shocked; no just a bad breakup with and ex-girlfriend why? Chloe:oh i was with a guy who was having sex with his cousin who went out with my stepbrother liam nodded:got it but, i’m only into you. At lunch chloe and liam were eating lunch when cole came into the room with nick and kat liam nodded to the first boy;your brother chloe:yeah cole and those are his friend kat and nick meanwhile cole watch his sister with the new guy then turned to his friends; what’s going on with that guy? Kat looked at chloe and liam and then back at cole;his name is liam jackson he’s new and falling for chloe cole:good then paused he’s not into the whole incest thing? Kat:no just an ex-girlfriend that’s all cole: okay good don’t need another incest ring kat nodded:okay during biology liam got to know chloe and found that her mother and father were divorced and rafael was her stepfather. When school was over liam walked chloe to cole’s car and offered her a ride on his bike to which chloe said sure and gave liam her number and cole came over to his car and knew that something was going on with his sister and liam, when the siblings got home chloe went to her room to find jeans so next time liam can drive her home on his motorcycle at dinner cole told his parents about the new guy liam when chloe told her mother about liam she mentioned he owned a motorcycle tiffany knew that simon might allow liam around chloe but, rafael she wasn’t sure if rafael will allow chloe around liam but, chloe wanted a boyfriend that didn’t have any drama tiffany agreed then tomorrow can when chloe when she dressed in jeans and a nice top tiffany smiled knowing that her daughter was getting her happily and didn’t want cole and rafael to tell her that liam was wrong. The next day chloe and cole went to school where chloe met up with liam and the couple kissed much to cole’s dismain liam took chloe to english class with his hand on chloe’s ass, during lunch liam and chloe were making out, chloe was happy but, liam didn’t know how to date the boss’ daughter without him killing liam. When Chloe and Cole were at school Tiffany received a phone call from her ex- husband that their daughter was dating his soldier, Tiffany was the ex-wife of a mob boss and Chloe was in danger if Simon's enemies knew her secret.

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