Combating Issues of 'Prestricted unto Post-privated/privacied' Policies

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Usage Co-Policyng

(Yousers are equivalently of "you" status to each other.) The Inn Veneur (website whomer) is also the prime venue (website) user and user of other travenue venues (internet websites).

Usage Polici- and Policing

Our Blended Facets of Co-user Internet Website... usage

Co-policing is other than a relic "policy" of textual rigidity and is by nature continual in the occurrent. Policing (polic-e/y) of linkfacets of after-effects of venue/website visits by users, is both of merit per user "peruser", and per travenue (internet) venue (website) "Innvenuer"/who-I-am.

Co-Policing very much not: Privacy

As Inn Venuer, pry-vacy is obviously not well worded, nor is privacy. Personal privacy is solely managed by each person and is for all persons preferred to not be increased unto isolation. Decreased privacy allows a person to be seen, heard, and exit his or her domicile into domestic zones, or be of notice to other persons via internet or via mobile phone in domestic zones, extending beyond beaches, and such as shopping malls and komerk places of busy "business" or businesses.

Degreed Study of Copyright -- Province/State Legal Codes -- by Internet Safety Personnel is Ugly Lacking, yet the General Public is Worse

"*Law" is an arcane word. Internet "security" collegiate programs feasibly discuss not issues of the Security Board, nor know of what social "security" is meant to be, in nature, at all. Copyright is very mild, and blacklisting those who type three words in sequence into blacklisted status of human domain ideas and words -- by applying TRADEMARK brand and model title attitudes to authored prose text --- does prevail, presently. As internet website Inn Venuer (or inceptor of v: - occurently newly adjusting the venue/website - rather than owner of bulk property) does yet possess/have personal vested self-interest and authorship "issues' (rather than poli-sci "rights" of pre-way not well suited) on par to informal EULA issues informal, concerning the mere very minor copyright non-protection, and no trademark or patent "protection."

Who I am

My Travenue Venue (Internet Website) address is:


When visitors leave comments at this Venue, I collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor's IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection. This is on par with a restaurant vendor possessive/having memory of a user of food and beverage, not then allowed to relate to that food-user. The restaurant vendor collects memory of diners and dirty dishes as well.

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