Author Philosophies in Text-tiilin (typing) Self-application

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[Pre-drafting. Not yet authored suitably. All sections under continual incremental edit. Duplicating exertions (*efforts arcane) at Travenue Venue (*internet and *website both arcane), in varying levels of uptime and update.]

This countering text contains discoveries and explorations into many means by which to correct and adjust English language usage. This text, "Combating Mollification of Voicemen Languages (Cognitive, Vocal, and Textual)" also expands on and presents much of my personal philosophy on social other-to-other, each self-person's at all times each mentally-solo, self-evoluting-ownperson in self-management and in self-leadership. These are to my philosophy imbued in each person, ranging from the ages of: fetus, to infant, to child, and to mature adult.

A person's enjoyment of personal fun-liking to fun-loving factors is prime ethically in ethical issues of - self benefiting self - if on equal basis with - self benefiting other person or persons, which is the case for my philosophies, which are hundreds of thousands of blended tidbits rather than a unary one-word model. Philosophies are human to all persons, from the few formally written on ideations, to the unwritten on yet considered some ideations, and to a third category of the unwritten and also unconsidered ideations, such as with very short-term milliseconds tradeoff proclivities in varied situations of ongoing change, continually occurring as we live.

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The optional factor, in nature's possibilities of that which might happen soon next, is to my human nature theories of logical successive or sequence proceedings or processes, of two prime factors of optional and entropically availing, as for ethical treatment between persons. This optional factor is also possibly seminal in the results of my authorship of this countering text, for the results of my avid development, design, and evolvement of the included concoctions for injection into mainstay culture and academia both, depends on other persons treatment of other persons. 

Within all human societies and peoples, after the publishing of this countering text is complete, and while distribution of this "Combating Mollification of Voicemen Languages (Cognitive, Vocal, and Textual)" fares at gradually by some years after publishing possibly becoming of greater than puny cult classic per rare person, via distribution to access zones, then the commerce appeal in which I have exertion-invested, might immediately to later, by virtue of my attending to my people-centric philosophies, and those of all other persons, in our personal executions and applications of ourselves, possess ample appealing qualities to the avid shopper, reader, user, and language specialist that we each are, and also appeal to partial tentative and custom-per-person adoption of his and her own-self led language usage augmentations.

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