Optional Guidance - for Partially-Compulsory Educators

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[Pre-drafting. Not yet authored suitably. All sections under continual incremental edit. Duplicating exertions (*efforts arcane) at Travenue Venue (*internet and *website both arcane) www.ongoinglanguages.pro, in varying levels of uptime and update.]

This optional guidance section includes inline augmentations, notated by the asterisk literal (*symbol arcane).

This optional guidance is for educators of children* and younger* adults*.

[* -- as augmentable : via crisp delineation between grades 1-6 and grades 7-12 : via conveyed (as pertaining) a dual-status of "child" and "adult" (with seed-ideas belonging to public domain) from start of second semester of grade 6 through completion of first semester grade 7 : via repeatable term usage : via usage in conversing and lecturing : via textual program and project short titles : as fully optional per-educator in his or her moment-to-moment saying/typing/scripting degree of regularity : as with this entire listing modified, extended and/or curtailed, by congregate teaching faculty and augmenting staff consensus, typically conducted by that school's in-place processes toward classroom formal and informal policy emplacements : as customized and differing per school (building).]

In the United States, during time periods of my evolving this text toward release and distribution, Grade 1 through Grade 12 pre-diplomaed education features many excelling qualities at fostering enjoyable, enabling, and personalized moment-to-moment experiencing for each student, educator, parent, sibling, and friend or acquaintance. 

This student age-range of scheduling, for all adults and children involved directly or indirectly, features a 12 year-long (1.2 decade-long) ducting factor. This is somewhat of a boon but possibly more of a burden, for all persons directly or indirectly involved. As of the year 2024, this ducting factor features many partially-compulsory aspects. This is not a totally compulsory system, yet it features a very rigid twelve year schedule. This effects and after-effects public, private, and home educators, plus parents and age-range peers of parents, as much such* as students and age-range peers of students. [* -- as augmentable : via substitution of "such" word/term in place of "so" word/term : via usage in conversing and lecturing.] Each such person in locales of U.S. counties, would possibly have/possess some differing and personal interests toward modifying this system from the inside, and possibly starting and continuing by method of optional or requisite* augmentations in classroom settings. [* -- as augmentable : via substitution of "requisite" word/term in place of "mandatory," "required," and/or "needed" words/terms.]

Partially-compulsory aspects are greatly more adjustable by persons in the realm of the people of most leverage. The people of most leverage act at the level of the public county, the level of the public school building, and the level of the private school building, instead of the lesser count of people at ostensibly higher (though not in count of people) state and federal levels of educator personnel staffing. These adults, personnel* of government or commerce entities, and thus also acting as part of each (governing or commerce/business) entity, rather than mainly referred to as attached in commerce or governing mode as "employees" (implying partial-disassociation from each entity) are better considered part of the entity. The idea is that the vice presidents and most junior personnel of companies and other entities, are each as much a part of the "commercial businessperson" concept and each a manager, based on the word segments "man" and "ager."

[ -- as augmentable: via deprecation to some degree, for "employee," "employed," and "employment" to approach arcane status, toward usage relic status.]

Introspection into these issues is more availing to those peoples attending school buildings than to me. For each attending person, that person's understanding is to greater expertise than mine. Each person's own-evolving* experiencedness* in experiencing education, is a resource primarily leverageable by that same person, and in the case of each such person, his or her expertise exceeds all other such persons, at his or her expert and novice lifelong statuses.  We are each novices among novices, in our personal understandings of wider issues, while experts of ourselves, which is prime, most availing, and most pertaining. [* -- as augmentable : via substitution of "own-evolving" or "personal evolvement" words/terms in place of "self-taught" and "character development" words/terms : via substitution of "experiencedness" word/term in place of "experience," "experiences," and "experienced" : via usage of "experiencedness" to refer to recent activity also, current to the active-moment or newly-now, instead of implying former skillsets of only vocational activities, imbued with meaning of experiencedness continually updatetiming moment-to-moment, and imbued with subjectivity in unique per person, personal having/possessing of experiencedness : via substitution of "Historical Vocational Participations" words/terms in possible usage for resume/summary textual authoring in place of "Experience" or "Work Experience".]

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