Optional Tehkneak for Pleasantly and Enjoyative Voicemen Usage

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[Pre-drafting. Not yet authored suitably. All sections under continual incremental edit. Duplicating exertions (*efforts arcane) at Travenue Venue (*internet and *website both arcane) www.ongoinglanguages.pro, in varying levels of uptime and update.]

If you possess/have personal interest in enjoying language usage better in your very near and very (possibly) far futures, via voice and via textual typing and reading, then this online long interjection of ameliorative cognitive thinking language templates could fit you very well.

Templates and augmentations introduce to our language many new word designs; tabulated language optional standards for thinking include guidance as to modes of words dangerous, especially in question format usage; thoughtful Unicode 'rune' (instead of character) selections for empowering persons with default systems with which to think and consider are presented, even if incomplete and short of readiness, with the philosophy that readers possess the leverage and breadth of unique personal skills to perform great corrections and revisions; television remote control straightforward and casual processes are described, to provide readers means and techniques for decreasing the worst influences upon our brains and mental agility that have greatly dulled many persons in their minding and attending to their conscious living; and more novel and fun developments such as new methods of singing/saying the alphabet, via differing vowel pronunciations are presented as prototype designed.

Forecasting into the 2030s decade, this text treatise briefly turns to a very sober cast concerning the severity of the thinking, conversing, writing, and reading language situation in degrading mollification ugly rather than bonne, especially since the year 1990.

Language augmentations and templates are designed and evoluted to be ameliorative of geological-global societal breakdowns of interpersonal conversing and communication viabilities as well as breakdowns of personal cognitive ways and means due to cognitive language partial collapsing, whether my particular selections of ameliorative word/term adjustments are settled into or not. The augmentations and templates are interjected to prompt and promote new limberness to our thinking languages, whether greatly modified and improved upon from my initial augmentations delivered in this text, or whether mine in particular settle into usage, education, and komerk (business ...busy...) operations. The vice grip on our thinking, voicing/hearing, and textual scripting/typing and reading, via English language usage in disintegration and disarray (as with many other languages), is disabling people presently at a very personal level.

All language idea and method systems and tabulated designs belong to the human domain of ideas, and thus are employable by readers, usable by readers in any writing for personal enjoyment or financial gain in any way, and while readers are required to annotate no reference to me as author or to this text, except in cases of long quotations or paraphrases of greater than about seven words in sequence. Consideration of a lower limit to word count protected is very much of merit. No person can copyright the two words "the dog" or the three words "the dog ate..." such that this idea of more than three words to require citation or reference becomes crisp and meaningful. Only trademark can protect just one word, or two words, etc. Copyright is very mild and limited in protections, but is presently so prevalently mixed in reputation with the much more protective Trademark and Patent, that many persons could sadly shy away from using my ideas merely out of defaulting to caution concerning invalidly strict erroneous notions of copyright intent and powers. I request then that readers do not stifle this textual ameliorative contribution of mine by blacklisting your usage of what I present. Write, use, write, use, and write, use, with your modifications and improvements to these augmentations of mine, if you the reader are inclined and it fits you well, and study copyright books possibly to better prepare yourself for peers who might lambast you for usage of text authored formally by an author. Such third-party passive-aggressive launch-in is dangerous, thus preparation could empower more persons in this period of disintegrating language and thinking word/term forms. Copyright in some cases restricts exact wordings of my paragraph text, thus for some tabular and notation system layouts and templates, I provide in the text my extra blatant legal declaration of no claim of personal or company rights reservation or protection, tied solely to those cases when and referring to specific systems of my design and evoluting.

Forecasting to the reader concerning the style in which I approach these ugly grips on language, and also indicating the style the reader can estimate he or she would later encounter if selecting to continue reading, and more so applicable if retaining access to this text for reference and personal implementations of his or her own, the following philosophy paragraph both affirms and slightly admonishes, depending on whom is whom.

Enpovermoin is for: current and future enjoyment. Presently is when we live and act. Futures range from milliseconds newly-next future to future hours, days and months. Months in the future range from few, several, to very many months, such as decades and centuries. Safety and self-caring/self-and-other-warding are for: current and future enjoyment. Striving and grinding the labor, ultimately, facilitate: enjoyment, and each of us could relate to actually enjoying such, more such if mostly of our own pre-selection, and remaining such overall if compensation is reasonable. Key sobering issues, if outcomes are favorable, do prompt more enjoyable situatedness than if sobering matters go sour and infrastructure or economies plummet. This is a foundation: enjoyment orientation, to include for what otherwise is slandered as the invalidly hard/harsh* sessions, when actually and validly in the main enjoyable, with the other lesser columned portions often a matter of delayed/extended (enjoyable) gratification. This is no tirade against avid stretching the exertions for time spans, which is great enjoyable agile surge smarts, but the words "hard/harsh" are very ugly-fitting. Exaggeration has rare place, truly, unless appended in near next placement, with perspective realigning more soberly matching form, I believe. No one works harsh (hard*) without true reason to complain formally to someone of something truly ugly upon him or her. 

[* -- augmentable : via substitution of the words/terms "harshness" and "harsh" in the place of words/terms "hardness" and "hard" for vocational and homemaking or recreational work manpower self-loading: via substitution of the words/terms "acted long-term" in the place of words/terms "worked hard" for indicating long-term personal vested exertions, not harsh or suffering in moment-to-moment personal applied exertions mostly enjoyable, but of merit as to longer-term more recent viability of "long term acting" previously : via substitution of the word/term "tough" in the place of personal pursuit difficulty level "hard", as with games and training modes.]

If you possess/have personal interest in enjoying language usage better in your very near and very (possibly) far futures, via voice and via textual typing and reading, then this online long text-packet* could fit you, the reader - very well, plenty well, or barely well - all well. 

[* -- augmentable : via substitution of some other word not trademarked yet by a company (to include those nonprofits very profitable to personnel) and of which I have not yet discovered a suitable alternative, to replace the "arcane" word/term "book." "Text-packet" honors the viability and value of social media posts and comments, which I advocate and promote, yet an entirely new word design could perform better : via more readers doing (rather than trying) language analytical work/play, and thus via more mental maneuver by a greater count of people of leverage : via preparedness on the issue that trademarked brand and product line terms/words are actually a great shrinker of our usage of language and prohibitor of some wordings : via preparedness on the issue that design of entirely new words/terms depends greatly on testing for no discomfort during voice enunciation of newly spelled words/terms. That issue of comfort is to the midbrain and other brain organelles, assessed partially-seemingly in the mouth and partially-obviously by brain dissimilar yet correlating assessing, sensing being for the peripheral sensing/articulating system, rather than central think system : via typically the selection of two to three syllables maximum for a majority of words/terms, to over time last in repeated and regular usage : as these are starting factors enough to proceed, for any reader.]

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