Chapter 14 - Love & Consequences

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"What is the point of all this?" Georgia asked, dragging herself from another wishful daydream—a daydream she wished could be a reality but was cursed with the knowledge it couldn't. She was a highborn lady, expected to marry into another noble family. She was to raise children, likely with a man she'd despise and barely stand to be around, a man who wouldn't know how to be loyal, even if his life depended on it.

"I want to find out why my love is searching for Neleys. Why did she leave Erised in the first place," replied Jessica, her eyes not lifting from the book placed on the table before her. A sigh escaped her thin lips shortly after, despite the Erisedian line being long and filled with historical figures. There was no mention of what Jessica searched for. She wanted to know why Neleys would flee to the Storm Lands and why she would leave her luxurious life as a princess behind with such abruptness. "Maybe we should visit Erised; I'm sure the Iseults would be happy to host and answer those bugging questions," she commented, a longingness to her voice as if she hoped to see Aemond there.

"I doubt they will answer the questions on Neleys' disappearance, considering they only admitted she was gone when it became public knowledge," spoke Georgia, boredom rife in her voice, as a yawn escaped her mere moments later. They'd been cooped up in the dusty old castle library for hours, with nothing to show for it other than the loss of will to continue. The sun shining brightly outside only made Georgie wish she was with her love again, riding to their spot in the woods, far away from anyone who could catch them.

"Thinking about Dencade again," Jessica voiced, her voice filled with disgust and sprinkled with jealousy. She wanted that same exciting and passionate love for herself but had yet to figure out why Georgie had fallen for a man so far beneath her—a man she could never be with. He was a stable boy who worked for the royal family, a second-generation member of his family who worked to pay off the debt owed. Georgie was a high lady from a wealthy family; she was a companion, a lady friend to Jessica. She had high expectations of her and a future worth looking forward to.

"Not so loud," whispered Georgie, quickly looking around her as if to ensure no one had heard Jessica's careless words. "You know what will happen if my parents and your mother find out," she added with an equally hushed tone. There was no laughter or joking in her voice this time, only fear of what could happen. Queen Jenera wouldn't hesitate to make an example out of them, just as her parents wouldn't think twice before disowning her as they had her older sister. Although she'd admit Ella-Rose seemed far happier now she was away from their parents, she had the freedom to choose and was happily married to a man of her own choosing while raising a small family of her own with so much love.

"He's just a servant boy, a distraction," began Jessica, whipping some of her mousy locks over her shoulder and reaching to readjust the shoulder of her sleeve. Her voice cold as she finally turned her attention to her loyal lady companion, only to see she'd taken offense to the words spoken. "Dencade doesn't love you; he is just using you to get out of the generational debt his family owes. The moment he's gotten what he wanted, he'll be gone. And then you'll be left with a tarnished reputation. You'll be nothing more than used goods, with any hope of a good future lost. It's better to serve any ties now. Save the heartbreak further down the line," callously added the princess, a smirk appearing across her lips even more so when she thought about Georgia returning to her when it all ended badly, back to being her willful pet.

"What do you know about love?" yelled Georgia, tears shining in her eyes as she fought to keep them at bay. She was determined not to show weakness in front of Jessica, of all people. "You chase after a prince who has no interest in you. Who flees at the very mention of your name? Who'd rather chase a ghost than be around you?" she continued, a hiccup escaping her, as she slammed the book she'd been reading for hours closed. "You're not a princess, you a spoilt, entitled bastard. A curse upon those who deserve better, a whore for power, just like your mother."

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