Chapter 1 - The Broken Excitement

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Our story truly begins in Ronan. As was normal for the first weekday of every month, the residents of the kingdom would gather in the throne room of the great stone castle. There King Calvin would sit on his wooden throne and hear the complaints his people had, and listen to what they needed. Queen Jenera would be to one side, sitting quietly with a scrawl etched on her features, often rolling her eyes as she silently made her distaste for such a thing known. To the opposite side would be Princess Talya, a welcome and often shining light, especially compared to her mother. She would offer a warm smile to those who spoke, encouraging them to speak freely, and would normally be the one to suggest solutions to problems. It was little wonder why the king had named her heir, despite being a woman, she was strong and beloved by the people, she was the hope they needed for a better future.

Elsewhere in the castle, Ryder could be found in the damp, cold dungeons, as per usual tormenting those imprisoned there, especially those who were unjustly imprisoned, blamed for the crimes of an alderman, doomed to suffer an undeserved and probably cruel punishment. Most of the prisoners ignored the savage prince, the odd one or two who had more bravery than brains would answer back. Reminding the prince, that he was little more than the son of the royal couple, he had nothing to inherit, he would have no kingdom to rule and if Talya took the throne as intended, he would be little more than a faceless name in Ronan's long history.

Princess Jessica on the other hand, skipped through the stone halls with her best friend, Lady Georgia Mildred. The two laughed and joked, talking about an upcoming Masquerade Ball in Daro or reciting the latest gossip from across the kingdoms. Sooner or later Jessica would turn the conversation to that of her favorite topic, true love. Georgia was always happy to entertain her friend, often speaking about the mysterious man she had fallen for, although never giving his name or any serious detail, only ever stating it was the most exciting type of love, forbidden love. Georgia would always state her parents, particularly her father would never approve of such a match. She was a Lady from a respected family at court, and her lover was a low-born, working to pay off his family's generational debt to the crown.

"I was thinking of having a dress made for the dance" started Jessica, as she and Georgia turned in the direction of the princess's chambers. The guards clad in golden armor and ruby red cloaks, standing a little straighter as the pair of women passed by, as per usual paying them little mind. "I want to be the prettiest one there, make it impossible for my Prince Charming to turn his attention elsewhere" she continued throwing her messy mousy brown locks over her shoulders, as if it was nothing more than an inconvenience to her. A smile soon graced her thin lips, as she imagined how the upcoming prestigious ball would go.

"Isn't the ball for Prince Thomas to find a wife?" questioned Lady Georgie, her dark eyes swimming with curiosity. Everyone knew of the Masquerade Ball, arranged by Prince Thomas himself, he'd invited all the unmarried women of age, across the five kingdoms, regardless of their social standing. All in the hopes of his future queen being among them, with hope he would find his happiness with one, and find the person who would love his people and Daro as much as he does.

"Yes, but ..." responded the princess, her grin turning sly. "My true love, Prince Aemond will be there too. There is no harm in him, giving me the attention I deserve, and returning the affections I have gifted him" stated Jessica, as she moved to the small desk at the far side of her tower quarters, picking up the designs the many dressmakers of Ronan had made for her, all in attempt to get her to choose them, and earn a reputation of their own. Georgia could only roll her eyes at her best friend's words, mindlessly braiding her golden hair as she did so. Her own mother had tasked the family seamstress with making her a gown for the event and paid fairly for the work, which is more than can be said for Jessica and the dressmaker she chooses. No doubt Queen Jenera would demand the finished dress be a gift to the princess, the seamstress would get little more than a thanks for the effort.

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