Chapter 10 - Rumors of Ronan

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Jessica wondered about the stone halls of Ronan castle. There was a sadness about her, almost mournful since she'd returned from her trip across Braey. Many had noticed her sudden quietness and wish to be left alone, how her lady companion Georgia had all but been rendered useless and gained far more free time than before. Even Jessica's parents had noticed the sudden changes. King Calvin had asked what bothered the youngest princess, only being greeted with silence until he dropped the subject and left the mousy-haired girl alone. Queen Jenera on the other hand, had quickly decided now was the time to find a suitable husband for her daughter. Regardless if she wanted to marry the chosen suitor or not.

"Jessica still moping?" asked Ryder, once again joining Talya in council meetings. Ever since being named as her second, he gained a new lease on life and grabbed onto the hope that previously illuded him. The prince had made an effort to learn and improve himself to become a better person, even going as far as to reach out to the Princes of Daro and Erised in the hopes of building a friendship and alliance with them. In the hopes of building a better future for all of Ronan. The dark-haired prince wanted to help bring Talya's vision true if only to move away from the war-torn state Ronan had been in for generations. It was time to do what was best for the people, to improve themselves and turn away from what caused so much suffering and hate.

"Indeed," stated Talya, spotting Jessica just as she was leaving the large council chambers. Once again, the younger princess had a frown painted on her lips, and her lady companion was nowhere to be seen. Yet something else also shone in Jessica's hazel eyes: malice. Which only sparked the question of what the spoilt princess had done this time or planned to do. "No doubt, her latest attempts to swade Aemond to marry her failed again," coldly added the heir of Ronan, although pity seeped through for the prince in question.

"Either that or the rumors spreading have some truth to them," commented Ryder, recalling the rumors one of their mother's many enemies had started, rumors their father had yet to put an end to despite knowing of them. The king's inaction had only fueled the rumors and speculations more. Thrust many now questioned if they were true. Jenera, on the other hand, had done everything she could think of to debunk the rumors, from insisting they were lies to executing anyone who uttered them.

"I don't know why Jessica's paternity has been called into question now. Those rumors have been floating around for years, ever since Mother's very public affair with Aries Evelton of Osland," nonchalantly replied Tayla. The entirety of Ronan knew of the fair, and likely so did Osland, considering it was their maternal grandfather who put an end to the affair. Many couldn't deny the timing when their mother announced to the public she was expecting, just three moons after Aries had been sent back to Osland.

"Ah, but our mother wasn't universally hated as she is now, and father at least cared enough to put on an act back then," worded Ryder, finding himself questioning if the rumors were true. Jessica was two years younger than him and three years younger than Talya. She was their mother's favorite; their mother made no attempt to hide it. Their father had never once called Jessica his daughter or told her he loved her, not even expressed pride or claimed her as his own despite her holding a royal title. Even the household staff she had grown up with was different. "I'd admit I found myself questioning if there is truth behind it."

"You would question if I'm a bastard!" yelled Jessica, her voice so loud it ricocheted off the stone walls several times over, trapping the royal siblings in a harsh echo chamber. Upon Ryder turning his attention to the younger princess, he quickly took notice that her sorrow and mournful behavior had disappeared, being replaced with hard, unyielding fury. "If any of us is the bastard here, Ryder, it's you. You share no features with our mother. Perhaps you were a product of father's affair," she added, her voice growing louder as if she intended on as many hearing as possible as if she intended to spark another scandal if only to take the attention away from herself and her mother dearest.

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