Chapter 2 - The Hidden Heir

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The trip to Storm Lands was supposed to be an easy one. Although everyone had been told Prince Aemond would be missing his brother's Masquaree Dance, few had worked out his trip would be longer than a month. After all the journey from Daro to the Storm Lands was a month long, depending on the weather. Mother nature could be cruel, especially when it comes to the kingless place Aemond had volunteered to go. His assignment seemed simple enough, find Princess Neleys and bring her home. The catch was many had tried since she had disappeared from Erised, and all had failed. Despite the months of being away, none had found any sign of the mysterious princess. That was until King Damon received word of rumors originating from the unpredictable Storm Lands. The place people went to disappear, become someone else or hide.

"Easy girl" calmly spoke Aemond, attempting to soothe his loyal steed, the harsh winds and thunder clattering above had understandably scared her. Gently the silver-haired prince reached out a hand to run along her black coat, quietly singing to her in an effort to bring her peace, despite the sudden storm to box them in a cave opening. They were on the outskirts of the Storm Lands now, tomorrow they would cross the river on a small ferry, and begin their search for the missing princess. "When we return home, I'll personally give you all the treats in the world, and a little spa day" he whispered as if to encourage his scared mare to stick with him, through promises of an award worthy of her.

It wasn't long before the sudden storm began to die down, and with it, the black mare's nerves calmed too. The silver-haired prince soon became lost in thought, staring into the flickering flames of the small fire, set to keep himself and his steed warm for the night. His brother's words still echoed through his mind, as did that of his parents when they told him Neleys had fled Erised, months prior. Although she sent letters, she'd never told anyone where she was and all but refused to answer the question when someone asked. The moment his thoughts turned to Neleys, questions of his own flooded through his tiring mind. Would they even recognize each other, it had been almost a decade since they had last seen the other in person, at the Good Queen Alyssa's funeral.

"Maybe we should stay in the Storm Lands, Jewel" whispered Aemond, thinking of what would be waiting for him upon his return to Daro. His duties as a prince, and even higher expectations he would take a wife. The second would be far harder to avoid if Thomas found his own bride at the dance. "Finally, we'd both be free to be who we want to be, rather than what others demand of us" he added, looking over to where his loyal black mare, had since made herself comfortable, away from the cave entrance and constant rain downpour. Jewel herself didn't seem all that phased by his words, as long as he kept to his promised reward for the journey she had thrust taken him on.

Elsewhere in Braey, back in the war-torn kingdom of Ronan. Prince Ryder was preparing for his own journey, one he had decided upon when Jessica had come to him bawling. Their father had yelled at her, Talya had been mean to her or so she claimed and she'd been told her Prince Charming, Aemond wouldn't be at the masquerade dance. Instead, he had taken off somewhere and wouldn't be back, until well after it was over. The tired prince had decided almost immediately, that he would go and find the younger Prince of Daro, his sweet sister desired above all others.

"Where do you think you're going?" came the cold harsh voice of King Calvin, he'd long since given up on being proud of his only son. The boy he had once hoped would be king when the time came. He'd given up on Ryder being a respectable man let alone living up to the title of prince he was sadly born with. Calvin's dark eyes lingered on Ryder for a little long, before scanning the stables, seeing the supplies and camping gear, along with a map and a small list of some sort. With a sigh, he accepted what he had so far denied. "Prince Aemond is on an assignment from his parents, you going after him will only prolong his absence. If you are to leave, then I suggest going to Daro or perhaps Erised if you wish to learn how to be a prince rather than a tyrant in the making" commented the father of three, pinching his nose as another sharp twisting pain cursed his temple again.

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