Chapter 3 - Storms Inn

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The small towns of the Storm Lands were bustling now. The treacherous weather had passed for the time being. The people who called the stormy kingdom home didn't seem bothered by the tumultuous weather. Instead, they went about their day, avoiding puddles and socializing with those they knew. The stall owners of the markets prepared for the day, as the shopkeepers prepared for the expected customers. The clouds above didn't seem to bother them either; no doubt the fluffy graying clouds were something the people of the kingless lands had grown used to.

Aemond soon stepped from the wooden ferry with the other patrons, leading Jewel, his black mare, onto the carefully built dock extending from the lake's side. The muddy cobbled path led into the little town at the base of the daunting mountain peaks, the tops of which were submerged in the building clouds above. Upon reaching the little stone town, the Prince of Daro headed toward the Inn that another patron on the ferry had recommended, mentally preparing himself for the task that still lay before him and to become someone else as Neleys had no doubt done during her months-long absence.

"Room for one, please?" politely voiced Aemond, the hood of his cloak up to hide his silver hair, although he had doubted if anyone in the Storm Lands cared who he was or where he was from. After all, the kingless lands were known for gifting people with their freedom without questions or judgment. The elderly innkeeper didn't speak a word as she held out a bronze key with a little tag attached by a silky piece of ribbon. Quietly, he paid for the room and board for Jewel, leaving to find his small room once he was sure his loyal steed was properly taken care of.

Upon entering the small room, he placed the small cloth satchel on the creeky old bed, rummaging through it until he found the map he had stashed inside it. The map had been sent to his parents by King Valentine Iseult from Erised, a small portrait of the peaceful castle the king had built for his Good Queen Alyssa. The portrait was creased in places, but at least it was in better condition than the map leading to the secret entrance to the peaceful home. The constant rain had dampened the map, some of the ink smudged, making it near impossible to read some of the words. Aemond knew Valentine had only sent the information in the hopes Neleys was hiding there, as her mother had once done so long beforehand.

The young Prince of Daro soon pulled out a piece of parchment from his satchel, the small, nearly empty bottle of ink, too. As normal, he wrote about the journey he had been on and his hopes now he had finally made it to the capital of the kingless lands. His words echoed the heavy feelings of missing his family back home but also the faith he had that his elder brother would finally find the love he had longed for. The same endless love their parents shared, and others in and around Daro had experienced.

On a separate piece of parchment, he wrote down some of his childhood memories of how his father would take both Thomas and himself to visit Erised, his birthplace. He always visited King Valentine, the monarch with whom he shared a brotherly bond. Damon would always encourage both sons to be kids back then rather than worrying about the princely duties and responsibilities that would one day be placed upon their shoulders. Queen Alyssa was always so kind and affectionate, and she did her best to learn about both of them. Encouraging the friendship both princes built with her own son and even the bond they shared with her daughters.

The silver-haired prince's thoughts soon turned to Neleys once again. Despite the years they'd been separated, he still thought about her, he still wondered about her, and he had hopes of seeing her again. Although he initially believed their reunion would happen at Thomas's masquerade dance, after all, she had been invited. Thomas had ridden to Erised with the intention of personally delivering the handwritten invites.

Once again, he allowed his thoughts to wander a little, imagining what she looked like now. Questioning if she had grown to resemble her late mother, Queen Alyssa more than she did as a child. After all, it wasn't unusual for people to comment on the resemblance between mother and daughter. He'd heard rumors over the years that Neleys was becoming more like her strong-minded mother every day, whether that be in looks or her fierce yet gentle personality. Much like he himself had taken after his own father, being a fierce warrior with a sharp, witty tongue, however, he was more reserved and observant, like his beloved mother.

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