Chapter 8

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"I-I am tired eomma... I can't do this anymore... W-why did you even give birth to me... Is it my fault that I am a little stronger in comparison to Taehyung? Hyungs don't even know that I have a problem of fainting frequently, because for them I am st-strong right? Now tae tae al-also hates me..." sobbed Jungkook while laying on his stomach, his shirt was off his body as Jin had asked to do so, so that the medicine would dry.

Just with that, Jungkook dozed off while crying, hugging the duvet tightly the only thing which seemed to give him comfort at the moment.

It was dinner time, and Taehyung was sent to call Jungkook from his room.
His anger and loath for Jungkook was the very same as it was in the morning.
Seeing the bloody and bruised back of his only younger brother didn't even affect him a little. Had it been some other time, Taehyung would have started crying just by the mere sight of it.
But right now he wanted to torment Jungkook more. His heart wanted to feel at ease by giving pain to Jungkook.

"Wake up Jungkook," said Taehyung, harshly pressing on one of the belt marks. The sudden pressure made Jungkook wake up in an instant and tears started pouring out of his eyes.

"Ahh hy-hyung... pl-please remove your hand." sobbed Jungkook begging Taehyung to remove his hand.

Taheyung removed his hand and spoke, " Come to the dining table in two minutes." saying this he left the room and went to his room to wash the blood and medicine off his hand.

Jungkook hurriedly wore his shirt and stumbled his way down to the dining room.

"How's your back now?" asked Jin and Namjoon in sync, Jungkook badly shivered hearing the voice of Namjoon. The flashbacks of afternoon flashed across his eyes and without him realising he started crying.

"Why are you crying, huh?" asked Jimin, just entering the house. "Sometimes I feel you intentionally get injured so that you can skip training, stop being a lady brat." spatted Jimin, he had a hard day at college today and unknowingly took it out on Jungkook.

"So-sorry hyung." said Jungkook, not knowing how else to reply. Now this was his fault too? It wouldn't be too long when his hyung would start blaming him for their mistakes too.

"Jimin go and get freshened up and you Jungkook come and sit on the chair." ordered Jin sternly and went back to the kitchen to bring the food.

Jungkook sat on the chair quietly, the events of the day running through his mind, he still couldn't believe it, at last Taehyung had given up on him too. 

'Maybe the problem is me, I am unlovable. Hyungiess just need to keep me with them for formality, or maybe so that they can use me for their mafia team. Or else as usual I am useless, I can't do even one thing properly... Yes, it is my fault for being so dumb and pathetic, that's why hyungs get irritated with me.' thought Jungkook waiting for the food. 

The dinner was comparatively calm, Jungkook kept looking at his twin being pampered here and there by his brothers, while he sat there aloof away from all the love and care. He wasn't asking for much, just 1 percent of the attention his twin got was more than enough for his love-deprived heart. 

After dinner Jin came and applied the cream on Jungkook's back, his actions thankfully a little softer this time. Jungkook really wanted to ask Jin to stay with him for tonight, but again the thought of how he was troubling his hyungs so much already, came to his mind and he decided otherwise. 

"Good night hyung." saying this Jungkook turned to his left and slept and soon after Jin left for his room too. 

The next day Jungkook witnessed a really adorable and rare sight, Namjoon and Hoseok were all cuddled up on the couch and were watching Namjoon's favorite crab documentary. Namjoon was sitting on Hosoek's lap sideways and his head was on Hoseok's shoulder while Hoseok fed him the popcorn. 

He stood there, admiring the sight. The slight tinge of jealousy didn't miss to make its way to his heart, he hoped to have a similar bond with his twin too someday but seemed like he was just his bodyguard and nothing more. 

Jungkook was still looking at them with heart eyes, and imagining a similar scenario with his twin brother when someone flicked his forehead. 

"Stop looking at them like that, you will jinx their bond." said Taehyung angrily, Jungkook looked down ashamed and humiliated at the remark, and mumbled a small "Sorry hyung," 

Taehyung left from there leaving a sobbing Jungkook behind, he didn't mean to be jealous of his brothers. The sight was just too adorable that he just wanted the same too, he didn't mean any harm. But seemed like Taehyung was still bitter about yesterday. 

'I need to do something really quick, I can't have Tae hyungie hate me too..." thought Jungkook and went out for a morning walk. 

After about 30 minutes, Jungkook came back with a sweaty body. 
He straight away went to his room to freshen up and get rid of the stinky feeling.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, a scared Namjoon stood beside the broken vase while Hoseok was right in front of, his gaze changing from the broken vase to the scared Namjoon.

"Gosh, Hyung will kill you Namjoon." gasped Hosoek feeling bad for his brother.
"Don't say like that Hyung... Help me instead." whined Namjoon but seemed like even destiny wasn't on their side as Jin entered the kitchen to make breakfast only to witness the sight of the pieces of his favorite vase.

"KIM NAMJOON YOU BROKE IT RIGHT?" screamed Jin, his face red in anger. Namjoon shuddered in fear and looked at Hosoek for help.

Hoseok didn't even waste a second and took things in his hand, " No hyung he didn't do it... He was with me only and now when we came in the kitchen we saw the broken vase."
"You sure?" asked Jin sternly, and Hosoek nodded lying effortlessly.

Namjoon mumbled a small thankyou to Hosoek and just then they heard Jin calling out for Taehyung and Jungkook.

Hearing Jin being so angry right in the very morning, Taehyung and Jungkook didn't even waste a single second to be infornt of Jin's eyes.

"Yes hyung what happened?" asked Taehyung.
Jin pointed towards the vase and asked, "Who did this?" Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged glances, knowing none of them did it but then an evil idea crept in Taheyung's mind and he said, "Hyung I saw Jungkook break it earlier."
Jungkook looked at Taehyung shocked, he was in his room all this time and Taehyung was clearly lying.

Jungkook closed his eyes tightly, awaiting the slap. He was sure Jin would believe Taehyung, but to his surprise no pain came as Namjoon seemed to convince Jin that it wasn't Jungkook.

"Thankyou hyung for saving me," said Jungkook and bowed. Namjoon didn't say much.

He was just thinking about why Taehyung lied.

"Was Jungkook right earlier when he said that Taehyung was lying?" thought Namjoon and mentally made a note to check the cctv.

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