Part thirteen

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"What the fuck was that?" Payton asked. "Clown, he's controlling them. He gave them something to change into assholes." I said. "Why would he do that?" She asked. "Me. Apparently Clown wants me for all of them. Corey didn't want to allow it then clown drugged him or something." I said sighing. "So what's that mean for you and Corey now?" She asked. "What do you mean?" I asked looking over at her. "I know you have feelings for him, you always have." She said looking over to me.

"It will never work. Not now. Unless the crazy band members would let go of it and allow it and not try to kidnap me again, or you for that matter." I said as I continued to drive. We drove for hours, going father and father away from them.

Payton's phone began to ring. "Oh no." She said looking at it. "Are they calling?" I asked. "Yes Joeys calling what do I do?" She asked nervously. I pulled the car into a parking lot as we looked at eachother. She didn't answer, but as soon as her phone stopped ringing mine began. "Should I answer?" I asked. "I-I I don't know." She said. I sighed, they weren't gonna find us now. I answered the phone staying silent for a moment. I heard him sigh as I stayed quiet. "Are you okay?" Corey asked. "What?" I asked confused. "I just wanted to know that you were safe." He said calmly. "Does it matter?" I asked. He sighed and paused before speaking again. "I know you're more safe with me not near you. I just wish it didn't have to be this way." He said. "But that's how it is." I said then hesitantly hung up before letting him speak.

I closed my eyes then looked at Payton. "I know how you feel about him. Even after everything. I'm sorry." She said. "We have to go, they'll find us." I said as my voice cracked.

We continued to drive for hours, switching off letting the other sleep until we made it to Florida. Luckily with my job I have I managed to get a place in Florida, since the current place I lived in was given to us.

By the time we had arrived, we were beat. We went inside and slept for hours. My job had moved me to the Florida office, Payton finding something for herself here. Weeks had went on since then with no calls or signs of them, they had a month tour in the UK so it kept them busy for a while. Maybe it was the end of it, at least we hoped. News broke about Paul's passing, and Joeys firing. Eventually we thought they were long gone, and forgot about us.Then the news broke about their replacements. Then a year later we found out about Joeys death. Payton took Joeys death hard. For a few weeks she was super depressed, then eventually was okay.

"Amanda, would it be bad if I thought their new drummer was cute?" She asked. "Seriously?" I laughed. "I know, fucked up to think that but he's really cute. I wish things could be different, you could have Corey introduce me!" She said. "Yeah, Corey." I said low. "Sorry, I said it I'm a bad person." She said. "No, no you're good." I said taking a deep breath. "I can never forget his goofy smile and beautiful eyes." I said then looked down. "I think I'm gonna go on a walk." I said walking out the kitchen and going to the front door.

Walking definitely helped, it gave me time to process my thoughts. Living at the beach was nice, a few restaurants nearby and a small shopping plaza. It was a nice neighborhood. As I continued to walk I felt followed. I peaked behind me, seeing a man in a SnapBack and sunglasses smoking a cigarette who looked an awful a lot like Corey. "There's no way." I whispered to myself as I turned around and continued to walk picking up the pace. As I walked past the side of the building on the sidewalk I was quickly spun around and pushed into the wall. I gasped and closed my eyes. "Please don't hurt me." I said flinching. He placed his hands on my hips and sighed. "There's no way that it's you." Corey said. I opened my eyes looking at him shocked. "I don't k-know what you're talking about." I said, like it would help. He chuckled a little. "Unless you somehow got your mind wiped you'd never forget me." He said as he placed his hand on my cheek. "Just pretend you didn't see me then." I said as I moved away from him and tried to walk the other way when he grabbed my arm to pull me back and into him. "I'm sorry, I'm not letting you get away." He said. My hand rested on his chest when I collided back into him. "Corey please." I pleaded. "Corey?!" Clown yelled from the corner followed by Jim. "Corey." I whimpered.

Kidnapped by Slipknot, but are they all bad?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora