Part Eight

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The next morning, I was woken up to three police officers in the room. "Mr. Taylor let's go." One of the male ones said. I opened my eyes and sort of jumped a little. "What the fuck." I mumbled then rubbed my eyes.

"Are you alright miss?" The other male officer asked. "I'd be fine if you didn't wake me up." I said then looked at Corey. "Please don't take him." I said placing my hand on his cheek. "Ma'am please, he was responsible for this. He's coming with us." The officer said. Corey opened his eyes and looked at me. "It's not his fault." I said. "We have him on tape, we saw him keeping his eye on you. We saw him meeting you. We saw it all. Don't let him fool you." The officer said. Corey groaned. "Checking a girl out is now against the law." He said sitting up. One officer walked over taking the cuff off of the bed.

"I'm so sorry, you never deserved that. I'll be back for you I promise." He said placing his hand on my cheek. "I'm holding you to that promise Corey." I said looking into his eyes before kissing him softly. "Come on let's go." The officer said grabbing his arm. I frowned as I pulled away looking up at him. He sighed and stood up. "Corey Taylor you are under arrest for kidnapping, stalking, theft and accessory to kidnapping." As they continued the speech and pulled him out of the room tears rolled down my face.

Moments later Payton comes running in. "I'm so glad your okay!" She said hugging me tightly and handing me my phone. "Joey told me everything. I'm so sorry." She said. "It's fine, I just have to help them." I said. "They're not going to let you. Whoever they interviewed first seriously screwed them." She said as the doctor came in. "You are free to leave Miss Amanda. Just sign this. I'm so sorry for what happened but if you need anything this packet gives you numbers to several resources." She said. "Yeah." I mumbled signing the papers then walking over to my clothes, grabbing them and going in the bathroom to change.

Once I was done I walked out and grabbed my things, following Payton down. "So they had us move. New place but it's so nice!" She said. "Who did?" I asked. "Some victims protection people, incase someone got out they couldn't find you so quickly." She said. "Oh." I mumbled. We walked down to her car and she drove us to our new place. She was right, it was nice. It was huge even. All of our things were here. "How'd you get everything here?" I asked. "They paid for it to be done. You have a nice room with a balcony and everything." She said pulling me upstairs to show me.


Fast forward a few months


I had started a new job at a recording label producing, but it was time for each of the nine guys to be sentenced. All of there story's weren't the same. Clown, Jim(4),and Mick(7) got 3 years in with probation after. Paul(2), Sid(0), Craig(5), got two year in with probation following. Joey, Chris(3) and Corey got one year each, with probation following. Probation for each of them lasting two years, with a mandatory no contact restraining order for three years of there sentencing. Meaning as soon as they were out of prison, they could speak to me again. As much as I fought for Corey and Joey to not have it they believed it was Stockholm syndrome and I didn't know what I was talking about.

Payton kept in contact with Joey the whole time, secretly dating him the entire time but I still didn't know.

Kidnapped by Slipknot, but are they all bad?Where stories live. Discover now