Part Nine

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Three years later

Today was a good day. I was being introduced to a new band to help produce music for. I was excited for this project. "So Amanda, this band is called Stone Sour. I think you'll love them. They'll be here soon to meet you. I'm going on my family leave today so I will see you in about nine weeks. You got this." Mark my boss told me. "Thank you." I said.

I began to walk back to my office and as I turned to s different hallway I bumped into someone spilling my iced coffee all over them. "Oh my god I'm so sorry I barley slept last night and I'm just super clumsy today!" I said before looking up. "It's okay I-." He said and paused looking into my eyes. "Amanda." Corey said. "C-Corey." I stuttered out. "Are you who's in charge of producing for my new band?" He asked. "St-Stone sour?" I asked. "Yeah." He mumbled. "I-I need to go." I said nervously and ran off to my office.

I didn't know what came over me. I was so nervous when I saw him. My heart was beating so fast. As soon as I entered my office I closed and locked the door. I leaned against it sliding down to the floor. 'Why am I freaking out like this?' I wondered. I looked at my phone, checking my emails. The restraining order for all of them ended last week. 'How could I have forgotten about it?' I thought. 'Did he know I worked here?'

I didn't know why I was freaking out like I was. I had believed Corey when he said it wasn't his plan, but they forced me into some stupid therapy over it. They kept pounding it in my head he lied to me, but if that's what I believed then why did I keep his picture after all this time?

Corey got lucky and managed to keep his record looking clean even though he got charged. A few of the others did as well, but I didn't expect to see any of them again. I started to give up on Corey. 'I mean it was all crazy right? Why should I care? This is strictly business.' I thought.

Knock. Knock.

'Fuck.' I thought as I stood up and opened the door. "Look can we talk?" Corey asked. I sighed and opened the door allowing him in. He smiled walking past me. I closed the door and slowly turned to him. "Are you scared of me?" He asked. "No. Why would I be?" I asked awkwardly and walked over to my desk. "You won't even stay still to speak to me let alone look at me for more than five seconds." He said. "Just a surprise is all." I said. "I'm surprised as well. I'm happy for you, this is a great job." He said walking over and sitting down across from me as I sat down. "Why are you so nervous Amanda?" He asked. "I-I." I started to say then sighed. "I don't know." I said giving up. "I couldn't stop thinking of you the last few years." He said. "Corey not now." I said. He got up and walked around the desk leaning in front of me against the desk looking down at me. "No I need you to listen." He said placing his hand on my cheek. "I will do whatever it takes to make up for what you had to deal with for becoming involved with me." He said.

"Corey, I just want to do this professionally." I said moving his hand slowly off of my cheek then standing up in front of him. "Professionally huh." He said shaking his head. "Yes." I said. He chuckled pulling a picture I had on my board behind me off. "Then why do you have this?" He asked showing me the picture of us I had found when I was kidnapped. "If there wasn't something there then why do you still have this picture?" He asked.

I quickly snatched it from his hand then started walking away from him. He grabbed my hand pulling me close to him then pinned me against the wall. "New boyfriend? I mean it has been a few years." He said. I bit my lip as I looked into his eyes staying quiet. "Corey please." I pleaded. "Tell me you've moved on so I can too." He said.

"Corey please we can talk about this later." I said closing my eyes. "I've missed you." He said leaning his forehead on mine for a moment before pulling back. "I guess we'll start recording tomorrow morning." He said. I nodded looking down, his face still close to mine. "I'm sorry." He said before walking away and out of the room.

"Fuck." I said and sat down.

A few hours had passed by after finishing some papers I had to complete. I walked out into the hallway and down to one of the studios. There were a couple of guys in there talking about whatever when I walked in. "Sorry didn't mean to interrupt your conversation, just seeing if you guys needed any help with anything." I said smiling. "No way." One of them said. "I think we're good for now, but what's your name?" Another asked. "My names Amanda." I said. "Hm. I'm Sid." The one who asked me said. "Sid?" I questioned. I had learned all of the men's names after they were put away, how did I not recognize any of them.

"Sorry, you probably don't recognize me without a number or mask. I'm zero." He said. "O-Oh." I said then began to walk out before he jumped up and grabbed my wrist. "Wait wait. I'm not going to hurt you." He said. "There's enough cameras in here if you all do anything." I start to warn. "Amanda, listen please. I'm not going to hurt you. We're all in a band. I'm sorry for everything." He said. I looked at the other guys. "I'm Paul, that's Chris." Paul said. "Corey's our lead singer, Joey the drummer." Sid said. "And the rest?" I asked nervously. "Guitar, more drum shit. Ya know." He continued. "Listen we aren't going to hurt you. Clown, Mick and Jim are all married now and on medications to get there few screws loose tightened." Chris said.

"That still doesn't help." I said before the door opened. Clown, Corey, Joey and Payton walked in. "Amanda?" Payton questioned. "Payton?" I said confused. "Look I wanted to tell you but not until the restraining orders were gone. I've been with Joey the whole time. I'm sorry." She said. "N-No it's fine I get it. Joey's fine." I said and looked at Corey. "You are in two bands?" I asked. "Yes, Slipknot is main priority then Stone Sour." He said. I nodded. "So the masks?" I asked. "Are part of it, though we use different ones now." He said. Clown chuckled. "It's like you've seen a ghost." He said. "Yeah, I ran into you." I said trying to walk away again, but Corey stopped me. "Please talk to me." He said. "It's too much Corey." I said. "I'm sorry. I should have warned you." He said. "You should have warned me about more than just this." I said angrily.

"That's not fair." He said. "Isn't it though?" I said then walked out the door.

Kidnapped by Slipknot, but are they all bad?Where stories live. Discover now