Part Two

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As we walked to my apartment we goofed off along the way. Once we got up to my door I turned to him and smiled. "Thank you." I said biting my lip. He smirked putting his thumb on my chin as he slowly leaned into me pushing me against the wall. "You have to stop doing that, it's uh one of my biggest turns ons." He said looking down. The alcohol giving me a boost of courage I put my arms around his neck. "Sorry it's a habit." I said low as I look up to his eyes. He looks up into mine and smirked. "Well it's driving me crazy." He said leaning a little closer.

I smirked leaning a little closer. He leaned forward and kissed me softly. I smiled kissing back putting one of my hands on his cheek. After a moment he pulled back. "I better get to bed, I have to work tomorrow." I said leaning my forehead on his. "I'll see you around then." He said pulling back smiling at me before he walked away. I blushed and went inside my apartment.

I got ready for bed and laid down. I couldn't stop thinking about Corey. I eventually fell asleep, getting up the next day for work. I dreaded going, but knew I had to go.

For the next week that was my routine. Work then home, but I couldn't forget hanging out with Corey. Finally after five days working I had the next day off. I walked to the door opening it seeing Corey. "Hey." I said smiling. "Hey." He said walking in picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his hips and kissed him softly. He chuckled and kissed back setting me on the counter continuing to kiss me. He pulled back then started to kiss down my neck. "C-Corey." I moaned out. He smirked against my skin and put his hands under my shirt. "Come with me." I said sliding from him and pulling him to my bedroom. He smirked and tackled me to the bed kissing down my neck again. I moaned low tilting my head back. "You like that don't you?" He mumbled against my skin as he sat up and pulled my shirt off.

Within moments we both had our clothes off, I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him softly. He kissed back softly as he slowly pushed into me. I moaned a bit loud. "Fuck." I mumbled pulling away from his lips. He chuckled as he began to thrust into me. "Fuck your so big." I moaned as he smirked putting one of his hands on the headboard and one beside me. It honestly felt like hours by the time we were done.  Once we both hit our climax he laid beside me pulling me close. "I could get used to this." He mumbled as he closed his eyes. "Me too." I said laying my head on his chest. We both managed to fall asleep, but a few hours later I woke up hearing some noises.

I opened my eyes to see Corey not beside me anymore. "Corey?" I mumbled. "Nope." I heard before I was yanked from the bed and my mouth covered. I tried to scream but the man covered my mouth quickly. He had something on his hand that quickly made me pass out. Within moments I was unconscious and they were carrying me out of my apartment.

Hours, or maybe even days later I woke up, clearly in a basement. I looked around, I was only wearing a t shirt, and my bra and underwear. The room had little light, only enough where I could still see. I slowly sat up, groaning. "What the fuck." I mumbled. I definitely didn't know where I was, or who could have taken me or if Corey was okay. I slowly managed to get up and walk to the door to try and get out. As I stepped closer to the door my heart was pounding. I slowly reach for the handle and attempt to open it but of course it was locked.  I sighed and slowly made my way back to the bed sitting down.

Moments later the door opens to nine men wearing a mask. "Look who's finally awake." The one wearing a clown mask said. "What do you want from me?" I asked confused and scared. "Well obviously we want you." He said stepping closer. "You will listen to us, or be punished. You're our little pet now. Each of us are known by a number. You will not learn our names unless you prove yourself loyal to us." He said then pointed to each one telling their number. "What did you do to Corey?" I asked, which made them laugh, except for number eight. "He's what's known as collateral damage." The clown mask, number six said.

I frowned and looked down. "Since your finally awake, you are with zero tonight." Six said. "We're going to have lots of fun." He said before grabbing my arms and pulling me up the stairs with him. He drug me down a hallway to the last room in the hall and opened the door. Once we entered he pretty much tossed me onto the bed. "Not everyday I win and get first." He said walking over. "I'm not the only one?" I asked. "They're all gone now. Six sure didn't like them breaking the rules." He said as he climbed over me. "P-Please don't do this." I said. "Don't worry, we won't do anything yet. Not unless you beg for it." He said mumbling into my ear. "Six would kill me if we did anything that he didn't approve of." He said then laid beside me. "I just want to cuddle. That's all." He said pulling me close to him then turning the light off.

It was like he almost instantly went to sleep. 'There going to sleep with the masks on too?' I thought to myself. I couldn't fall back to sleep. All I could think about was wanting to find my way to escape, and to find out what happened to Corey. It was eating at me. I thought I finally found someone and this happened.

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