"Sorry to keep you waiting" She said with Izuku looking over the girl as steam was seen around certain areas where her injuries were.

"I'm glad you're doing ok, let's finish this bastard" Izuku said with Mizuki nodding her head.

With Nighteye, he was seen conserving his strength as mich as he can while he observed the fight before him, '...Is it possible...' he thought as he coughed up a bit of blood.

The ceiling above them broke, the sudden gust of wind sweeping up Overhaul. Mizuki and Izuku looked over to see Ryukyu and the giant from early, Uravity and Froppy with her.

A marble rolled on the ground before a cane hit the ground, stopping the marble.

'Shie Hassaikai - Immediately after the start of the raid'

The giant that tried to stop the heroes from entering the Hassaikai was chained up now.

"Suspect restrained." a policeman announced as two others secured his restraints, the words, 'Rikiya Katsukame- Quirk: Energy Sunction'

"His bark turned out to be much worse than his bite." Froppy sighed next to Uravity and Ryukyu.

"The life force of those he touches and uses it to enhance his size. Isolate him before he regains consciousness." Ryukyu ordered the men.

"Yes, ma'am."

"There's a lot of commotion inside. We'd better hurry." Nejire pointed to the entrance of the house.

"We're off to a late start, but let's head after Nighteye." Ryukyu told Uravity and Froppy.

"Okay." Froppy replied.

"Yes." Uravity responded before her feet buckled underneath her, Uravity uttering, "Huh?"

"Wha-" Froppy choked before they fell onto the ground.

'He's not even touching them!' Ryukyu gasped as she saw Katsukame inhaling the police and the heroes' life forces but her's and Nejire's.

"The boosting drug I got from Irinaka finally kicked in." Katsukame growled as he started standing up before breaking his restraints off, groaning, "I feel..."

'Oh no!' Ryukyu gaped.

"...full of energy!" Katsukame roared before Ryukyu transformed back into a dragon to stop his punch.

'His quirk's been boosted!' Ryukyu realized.

Katsukame aimed for Ryukyu, who dodged, holding his arm back.

'They've been robbed of their life force and can't even stand up.' Ryukyu glanced back at Froppy and Uravity before calling out, "Nejire!"

Nejire floated above Katsukame, her feet lit with yellow spirals.

"Full charge!" Nejire spoke, her hands starting to light with the same spirals.
'Nejire Hado. Quirk: Surge'

Nejire shot a surge at Katsukame, who took his attention from Ryukyu to her. Katsukame laughed while he exhaled off some life force.

"The drug wore off. Let me feel you up, cutie pie." Katsukame winked at Nejire.

"Ew! No!" Nejire shouted, shooting more surges of her energy at him.
Uravity and Froppy still sat on the ground, unable to move.

IZUKU KING OF CURSESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora