Chapter 40

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We came out through the back of the castle.

"Where are we going?" I breathed out.

We continued our run, rounding into the royal stables. When he started to lead out a horse, I asked again, "Where are we going, Sebastian?"

"Away from here."

I shook my head hard. "No! My fath--"

The stables beside me caught up in flames before it exploded. Screams broke out, stable hands running out. I screamed and took cover when the area above my head exploded, dust and rubbles raining down.

"Hold on to me, Eleanor!" Sebastian called. His face was covered in soot and he manhandled a frantic horse.

When I took his hand, he pulled me up and dragged me alongside the obstinate horse. When we were out in the open, he situated me on the horse, mounting behind me. I looked all around me. Soul-eaters had made their way up the ranch.

In horror I watched as one dug its claws into a druid. What happened next caused my stomach to drop.

The druid opened her mouth in a silent scream as she paled until her veins were visible. It took a short moment before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she slumped, dead.

Sebastian urged the horse forward. I snapped my head behind, locking gazes with him. "No! We can't leave!"

"Don't be stubborn now," he gritted out.

"My father!" I fought again his hold. "I have to stay back and fight!"

He yelled, "What you need to do is not put yourself in harm's way!"

"No! You can't do this."

We rode into the woods and we only stopped so he could palm the back of my neck and pull me closer. "Listen to me," he hissed low. "What Robert wants is you. The longer you remain at the castle, the more they'll kill to find you. But once it is reported you're gone, they'll call off the attack and come find you."

The leaves rustled and I screamed when a soul-eater sprang forth. The horse pranced around as Sebastian got down, wrenching out his blade. One slash had the... thing's head rolling to the ground.

Three more came through the opening and in no time three heads were on the ground. He sheathed his sword and swung back onto the horse. Soon we were tearing through the forests.

I looked ahead, trying to catch my breath. The woods were thick, leaves and hanging branches slapping against us. Chirps of birds suddenly sounded loud and ominous, squirrels scrambling out of our way as we rode forward.

Once we broke into the village, I gasped on seeing it was... In shambles.

Houses had been torched, children, mother's laid dead and decapitated on the bloody roads. People ran, screaming, horror stark on their faces.

Disbelieve clogged my throat and soon my eyes heated. From behind me I heard Sebastian mutter grimly, "Worse than I thought."

Quickly wiping a tear that had slinked down, I spoke, "What is?"

"The attacks. If my suspicion is true, then Richard and his men have rounded up the entire kingdom. Heaven knows they've had enough time to do that."

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