Chapter 10

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It was literally now or never.

The clanging of pots and pans downstairs suddenly felt too loud for my ears, the card sitting in the drawer becoming all my overloaded mind could think about. My hands fisted, stilling my tremors. I was just going to ask mum if my dad was alive and whether or not he was a nature druid, no big deal. Right? Right.

Standing, I slid on my flops and walked downstairs. Mum wasn't always up this early, but sometimes she liked to make us a grand breakfast, like old times. Perhaps it was her own way of keeping alive a semblance of our former life.

The stairs creaked beneath my feet and soon I was at the kitchen's entrance. Her tall form flitted around the small space, cutting up carrots one minute, and flipping the heating pan the next. My tremors came back.

"Mum, I--"

"Lenore. Good, you're here. Help me chop up those vegetables."

Rolling my sleeves, I grabbed the bowl. A great deal of the morning passed with us cooking in silence. It was odd. Not the silence, but us doing something together without going at each other's throats. I was almost tempted to not ask about dad to prolong the peace. Maybe tomorrow...

I shook my head hard. No, I had to. Today.

In a few moments, we were seated at the dining table, a delicious aroma spicing the air. But the sweet smell only served to make my stomach churn. Before I lost my wits, I said aloud, "Mum, I need to ask you something."

She paused in eating, her flinty stare focusing on me. I looked away.

In a quieter tone, I continued, "It's about dad. I know... I know this might sound crazy. But, is he... Alive? Is he..." My voice lowered of its own accord, "Is he immortal?"

The startling sound of cutlery crashing on plate had me jumping. Heart in throat, I rose my gaze to hers.

She looked white as a ghost.

A feral light slowly took up her eyes. "Who have you been talking to?"

My stomach sank. "I--"

Her head snapped around the room, a tremor taking up her entire body. "Where is he?! Where is the bastard!"


She'd knocked down a plate of waffles. The syrup slid down the floorboards, disappearing within the cracks.

She gripped a wineglass. "Answer me, Lenore!"

"Mum!" My eyes stung. "You need to calm dow--"

A frightening realization lit her eyes and, suddenly, she pointed the glass at me, slowly rising. I rose along with her, my trembling hands in the air. "Mum..." A questioning whisper.

"You've been speaking to him."

"No, no, I haven't. I... I want to, but I--"

Wrong thing to say.

With a shriek, she aimed the cup at me. Shocked, I narrowly sidestepped it, the glass shattering against the wall. My heart sped up.

"Get out, get out, get out!" With each yell, she aimed something at me, a ceramic plate, a spoon, a wineglass.

I'd just ducked a glassware when a sob broke past my lips. "Mu--"

"Don't," her voice was deathly calm. "You dare call me that. You lost the right when you ran off with that scoundrel from the mafia." She drew up to her full height, righteous fury stark in her gaze. "Your father was abnormal, in more ways than the DNA in his blood accounted for. I was always scared you'll turn out just like him. But now... Now you're so much worse."

My stomach tightened horribly and my eyes stung.

Picking up a shard of glass, she held it forward and addressed me coolly, "Now get out of my house."

An entirety of a second dragged by with me just standing there. A warm memory chose at that moment to float into my mind. I was little, holding up a necklace to mum. With a large smile that hurt my cheeks, I squealed, 'look what I made, mum!' Her eyes danced, a smile playing at her lips. 'oh, it's so lovely, Lenore.' And I'd run then, jumping into her arms while she twirled me endlessly, our giggles ringing out in the beautiful house.

How did we get to this? A tear slid down. The vampires. It would be so easy to blame them for everything. If they hadn't come to conquer humanity, perhaps then we'd still be living in our wonderful home filled with love and affection. But I couldn't blame them if I tried.

Because, deep down, I harbored a crippling suspicion that if not running away with Robert, then I would have done something much, much worse.

"Didn't you hear what I just said?!" she shrieked. "I said get out."

My fingers trembled around the doorknob. Once I made it out, she stormed down to the entrance and slammed the door shut. A sharp click followed soon after.

My stomach tightened. After a split moment of staring at the unmoving door, I started to cry. A heavy load descended on my chest, crushing me down in its weight until I folded, crumbling on the doorstep in a wretched heap. Sobs I fought to control tore past my lips in sharp successions until I was just short of wailing. My breathing was harsh, my heart banging against my ribcage at a horrifying pace. What was wrong with me?

What the f*ck was wrong with me?

The skies overhead darkened and in a moment it began to pour heavily. The question ran on an endless loop around my head, driving me to the brink of madness. Furious, I grabbed the potted plant beside me and threw it with a scream. It broke into pieces.

The plant within it didn't. On sighting the hibiscus, everything the vampire said about my other bloodline came rushing back. My face heated to a dangerous degree and before I knew it I was fighting my way through the blistering rain. Lightening forked through the sky as I dropped down and started to rip at the plant like a wild animal.

The rain blinded my eyes as I cried out my rage and hurt and confusion. I continued my wild assault on the flowers until my arms weakened, mud and blood caking my nails.

Spent, I hung my head over the ruined plant and let the rain mix with my tears...

Author's Note

Hey, guys, please don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you so much!

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